* Copyright (c) 1994, 2003, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
package sun.tools.tree;
import sun.tools.java.*;
import sun.tools.asm.Assembler;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.util.Hashtable;
* WARNING: The contents of this source file are not part of any
* supported API. Code that depends on them does so at its own risk:
* they are subject to change or removal without notice.
class MethodExpression extends NaryExpression {
Identifier id;
ClassDefinition clazz; // The class in which the called method is defined
MemberDefinition field;
Expression implementation;
private boolean isSuper; // Set if qualified by 'super' or '<class>.super'.
* constructor
public MethodExpression(long where, Expression right, Identifier id, Expression args[]) {
super(METHOD, where, Type.tError, right, args);
this.id = id;
public MethodExpression(long where, Expression right, MemberDefinition field, Expression args[]) {
super(METHOD, where, field.getType().getReturnType(), right, args);
this.id = field.getName();
this.field = field;
this.clazz = field.getClassDefinition();
// This is a hack used only within certain access methods generated by
// 'SourceClass.getAccessMember'. It allows an 'invokespecial' instruction
// to be forced even though 'super' does not appear within the call.
// Such access methods are needed for access to protected methods when using
// the qualified '<class>.super.<method>(...)' notation.
public MethodExpression(long where, Expression right,
MemberDefinition field, Expression args[], boolean forceSuper) {
this(where, right, field, args);
this.isSuper = forceSuper;
public Expression getImplementation() {
if (implementation != null)
return implementation;
return this;
* Check expression type
public Vset checkValue(Environment env, Context ctx, Vset vset, Hashtable exp) {
ClassDeclaration c = null;
boolean isArray = false;
boolean staticRef = false;
// Access method to use if required.
MemberDefinition implMethod = null;
ClassDefinition ctxClass = ctx.field.getClassDefinition();
// When calling a constructor, we may need to add an
// additional argument to transmit the outer instance link.
Expression args[] = this.args;
if (id.equals(idInit)){
ClassDefinition conCls = ctxClass;
try {
Expression conOuter = null;
if (right instanceof SuperExpression) {
// outer.super(...)
conCls = conCls.getSuperClass().getClassDefinition(env);
conOuter = ((SuperExpression)right).outerArg;
} else if (right instanceof ThisExpression) {
// outer.this(...)
conOuter = ((ThisExpression)right).outerArg;
args = NewInstanceExpression.
insertOuterLink(env, ctx, where, conCls, conOuter, args);
} catch (ClassNotFound ee) {
// the same error is handled elsewhere
Type argTypes[] = new Type[args.length];
// The effective accessing class, for access checking.
// This is normally the immediately enclosing class.
ClassDefinition sourceClass = ctxClass;
try {
if (right == null) {
staticRef = ctx.field.isStatic();
// Find the first outer scope that mentions the method.
ClassDefinition cdef = ctxClass;
MemberDefinition m = null;
for (; cdef != null; cdef = cdef.getOuterClass()) {
m = cdef.findAnyMethod(env, id);
if (m != null) {
if (m == null) {
// this is the scope for error diagnosis
c = ctx.field.getClassDeclaration();
} else {
// found the innermost scope in which m occurs
c = cdef.getClassDeclaration();
// Maybe an inherited method hides an apparent method.
// Keep looking at enclosing scopes to find out.
if (m.getClassDefinition() != cdef) {
ClassDefinition cdef2 = cdef;
while ((cdef2 = cdef2.getOuterClass()) != null) {
MemberDefinition m2 = cdef2.findAnyMethod(env, id);
if (m2 != null && m2.getClassDefinition() == cdef2) {
env.error(where, "inherited.hides.method",
id, cdef.getClassDeclaration(),
} else {
if (id.equals(idInit)) {
int thisN = ctx.getThisNumber();
if (!ctx.field.isConstructor()) {
env.error(where, "invalid.constr.invoke");
return vset.addVar(thisN);
// As a consequence of the DA/DU rules in the JLS (draft of
// forthcoming 2e), all variables are both definitely assigned
// and definitely unassigned in unreachable code. Normally, this
// correctly suppresses DA/DU-related errors in such code.
// The use of the DA status of the 'this' variable for the extra
// check below on correct constructor usage, however, does not quite
// fit into this DA/DU scheme. The current representation of
// Vsets for unreachable dead-ends, does not allow 'clearVar'
// to work, as the DA/DU bits (all on) are implicitly represented
// by the fact that the Vset is a dead-end. The DA/DU status
// of the 'this' variable is supposed to be temporarily
// cleared at the beginning of a constructor and during the
// checking of constructor arguments (see below in this method).
// Since 'clearVar' has no effect on dead-ends, we may
// find the 'this' variable in an erroneously definitely-assigned state.
// As a workaround, we suppress the following error message when
// the Vset is a dead-end, i.e., when we are in unreachable code.
// Unfortunately, the special-case treatment of reachability for
// if-then and if-then-else allows unreachable code in some circumstances,
// thus it is possible that no error message will be emitted at all.
// While this behavior is strictly incorrect (thus we call this a
// workaround), the problematic code is indeed unreachable and will
// not be executed. In fact, it will be entirely omitted from the
// translated program, and can cause no harm at runtime. A correct
// solution would require modifying the representation of the DA/DU
// analysis to use finite Vsets only, restricting the universe
// of variables about which assertions are made (even in unreachable
// code) to variables that are actually in scope. Alternatively, the
// Vset extension and the dead-end marker (currently a reserved value
// of the extension) could be represented orthogonally. In either case,
// 'clearVar' could then be made to work on (non-canonical) dead ends.
// See file 'Vset.java'.
if (!vset.isReallyDeadEnd() && vset.testVar(thisN)) {
env.error(where, "constr.invoke.not.first");
return vset;
vset = vset.addVar(thisN);
if (right instanceof SuperExpression) {
// supers require this specific kind of checking
vset = right.checkAmbigName(env, ctx, vset, exp, this);
} else {
vset = right.checkValue(env, ctx, vset, exp);
} else {
vset = right.checkAmbigName(env, ctx, vset, exp, this);
if (right.type == Type.tPackage) {
FieldExpression.reportFailedPackagePrefix(env, right);
return vset;
if (right instanceof TypeExpression) {
staticRef = true;
if (right.type.isType(TC_CLASS)) {
c = env.getClassDeclaration(right.type);
} else if (right.type.isType(TC_ARRAY)) {
isArray = true;
c = env.getClassDeclaration(Type.tObject);
} else {
if (!right.type.isType(TC_ERROR)) {
env.error(where, "invalid.method.invoke", right.type);
return vset;
// Normally, the effective accessing class is the innermost
// class surrounding the current method call, but, for calls
// of the form '<class>.super.<method>(...)', it is <class>.
// This allows access to protected members of a superclass
// from within a class nested within one of its subclasses.
// Otherwise, for example, the call below to 'matchMethod'
// may fail due to the rules for visibility of inaccessible
// members. For consistency, we treat qualified 'this' in
// the same manner, as error diagnostics will be affected.
// QUERY: Are there subtle unexplored language issues here?
if (right instanceof FieldExpression) {
Identifier id = ((FieldExpression)right).id;
if (id == idThis) {
sourceClass = ((FieldExpression)right).clazz;
} else if (id == idSuper) {
isSuper = true;
sourceClass = ((FieldExpression)right).clazz;
} else if (right instanceof SuperExpression) {
isSuper = true;
// Fix for 4158650. When we extend a protected inner
// class in a different package, we may not have access
// to the type of our superclass. Allow the call to
// the superclass constructor from within our constructor
// Note that this check does not apply to constructor
// calls in new instance expressions -- those are part
// of NewInstanceExpression#check().
if (id != idInit) {
// Required by JLS 6.6.1. Fixes 4143715.
// (See also 4094658.)
if (!FieldExpression.isTypeAccessible(where, env,
sourceClass)) {
ClassDeclaration cdecl =
if (staticRef) {
env.error(where, "no.type.access",
id, right.type.toString(), cdecl);
} else {
env.error(where, "cant.access.member.type",
id, right.type.toString(), cdecl);
// Compose a list of argument types
boolean hasErrors = false;
// "this" is not defined during argument checking
if (id.equals(idInit)) {
vset = vset.clearVar(ctx.getThisNumber());
for (int i = 0 ; i < args.length ; i++) {
vset = args[i].checkValue(env, ctx, vset, exp);
argTypes[i] = args[i].type;
hasErrors = hasErrors || argTypes[i].isType(TC_ERROR);
// "this" is defined after the constructor invocation
if (id.equals(idInit)) {
vset = vset.addVar(ctx.getThisNumber());
// Check if there are any type errors in the arguments
if (hasErrors) {
return vset;
// Get the method field, given the argument types
clazz = c.getClassDefinition(env);
if (field == null) {
field = clazz.matchMethod(env, sourceClass, id, argTypes);
if (field == null) {
if (id.equals(idInit)) {
if (diagnoseMismatch(env, args, argTypes))
return vset;
String sig = clazz.getName().getName().toString();
sig = Type.tMethod(Type.tError, argTypes).typeString(sig, false, false);
env.error(where, "unmatched.constr", sig, c);
return vset;
String sig = id.toString();
sig = Type.tMethod(Type.tError, argTypes).typeString(sig, false, false);
if (clazz.findAnyMethod(env, id) == null) {
if (ctx.getField(env, id) != null) {
env.error(where, "invalid.method", id, c);
} else {
env.error(where, "undef.meth", sig, c);
} else if (diagnoseMismatch(env, args, argTypes)) {
} else {
env.error(where, "unmatched.meth", sig, c);
return vset;
type = field.getType().getReturnType();
// Make sure that static references are allowed
if (staticRef && !field.isStatic()) {
env.error(where, "no.static.meth.access",
field, field.getClassDeclaration());
return vset;
if (field.isProtected()
&& !(right == null)
&& !(right instanceof SuperExpression
// Extension of JLS 6.6.2 for qualified 'super'.
|| (right instanceof FieldExpression &&
((FieldExpression)right).id == idSuper))
&& !sourceClass.protectedAccess(env, field, right.type)) {
env.error(where, "invalid.protected.method.use",
field.getName(), field.getClassDeclaration(),
return vset;
// In <class>.super.<method>(), we cannot simply evaluate
// <class>.super to an object reference (as we would for
// <class>.super.<field>) and then perform an 'invokespecial'.
// An 'invokespecial' must be performed from within (a subclass of)
// the class in which the target method is located.
if (right instanceof FieldExpression &&
((FieldExpression)right).id == idSuper) {
if (!field.isPrivate()) {
// The private case is handled below.
// Use an access method unless the effective accessing class
// (the class qualifying the 'super') is the same as the
// immediately enclosing class, i.e., the qualification was
// unnecessary.
if (sourceClass != ctxClass) {
implMethod = sourceClass.getAccessMember(env, ctx, field, true);
// Access method for private field if not in the same class.
if (implMethod == null && field.isPrivate()) {
ClassDefinition cdef = field.getClassDefinition();
if (cdef != ctxClass) {
implMethod = cdef.getAccessMember(env, ctx, field, false);
// Make sure that we are not invoking an abstract method
if (field.isAbstract() && (right != null) && (right.op == SUPER)) {
env.error(where, "invoke.abstract", field, field.getClassDeclaration());
return vset;
if (field.reportDeprecated(env)) {
if (field.isConstructor()) {
env.error(where, "warn.constr.is.deprecated", field);
} else {
env.error(where, "warn.meth.is.deprecated",
field, field.getClassDefinition());
// Check for recursive constructor
if (field.isConstructor() && ctx.field.equals(field)) {
env.error(where, "recursive.constr", field);
// When a package-private class defines public or protected
// members, those members may sometimes be accessed from
// outside of the package in public subclasses. In these
// cases, we need to massage the method call to refer to
// to an accessible subclass rather than the package-private
// parent class. Part of fix for 4135692.
// Find out if the class which contains this method
// call has access to the class which declares the
// public or protected method referent.
// We don't perform this translation on constructor calls.
if (sourceClass == ctxClass) {
ClassDefinition declarer = field.getClassDefinition();
if (!field.isConstructor() &&
declarer.isPackagePrivate() &&
.equals(sourceClass.getName().getQualifier())) {
//System.out.println("The access of member " +
// field + " declared in class " +
// declarer +
// " is not allowed by the VM from class " +
// accessor +
// ". Replacing with an access of class " +
// clazz);
// We cannot make this access at the VM level.
// Construct a member which will stand for this
// method in clazz and set `field' to refer to it.
field =
MemberDefinition.makeProxyMember(field, clazz, env);
if (sourceClass != ctxClass) {
} catch (ClassNotFound ee) {
env.error(where, "class.not.found", ee.name, ctx.field);
return vset;
} catch (AmbiguousMember ee) {
env.error(where, "ambig.field", id, ee.field1, ee.field2);
return vset;
// Make sure it is qualified
if ((right == null) && !field.isStatic()) {
right = ctx.findOuterLink(env, where, field);
vset = right.checkValue(env, ctx, vset, exp);
// Cast arguments
argTypes = field.getType().getArgumentTypes();
for (int i = 0 ; i < args.length ; i++) {
args[i] = convert(env, ctx, argTypes[i], args[i]);
if (field.isConstructor()) {
MemberDefinition m = field;
if (implMethod != null) {
m = implMethod;
int nargs = args.length;
Expression[] newargs = args;
if (nargs > this.args.length) {
// Argument was added above.
// Maintain the model for hidden outer args in outer.super(...):
Expression rightI;
if (right instanceof SuperExpression) {
rightI = new SuperExpression(right.where, ctx);
((SuperExpression)right).outerArg = args[0];
} else if (right instanceof ThisExpression) {
rightI = new ThisExpression(right.where, ctx);
} else {
throw new CompilerError("this.init");
if (implMethod != null) {
// Need dummy argument for access method.
// Dummy argument follows outer instance link.
// Leave 'this.args' equal to 'newargs' but
// without the outer instance link.
newargs = new Expression[nargs+1];
this.args = new Expression[nargs];
newargs[0] = args[0]; // outer instance
this.args[0] = newargs[1] = new NullExpression(where); // dummy argument
for (int i = 1 ; i < nargs ; i++) {
this.args[i] = newargs[i+1] = args[i];
} else {
// Strip outer instance link from 'this.args'.
// ASSERT(this.arg.length == nargs-1);
for (int i = 1 ; i < nargs ; i++) {
this.args[i-1] = args[i];
implementation = new MethodExpression(where, rightI, m, newargs);
implementation.type = type; // Is this needed?
} else {
// No argument was added.
if (implMethod != null) {
// Need dummy argument for access method.
// Dummy argument is first, as there is no outer instance link.
newargs = new Expression[nargs+1];
newargs[0] = new NullExpression(where);
for (int i = 0 ; i < nargs ; i++) {
newargs[i+1] = args[i];
implementation = new MethodExpression(where, right, m, newargs);
} else {
// Have ordinary method.
// Argument should have been added only for a constructor.
if (args.length > this.args.length) {
throw new CompilerError("method arg");
if (implMethod != null) {
//System.out.println("Calling " + field + " via " + implMethod);
Expression oldargs[] = this.args;
if (field.isStatic()) {
Expression call = new MethodExpression(where, null, implMethod, oldargs);
implementation = new CommaExpression(where, right, call);
} else {
// Access method needs an explicit 'this' pointer.
int nargs = oldargs.length;
Expression newargs[] = new Expression[nargs+1];
newargs[0] = right;
for (int i = 0; i < nargs; i++) {
newargs[i+1] = oldargs[i];
implementation = new MethodExpression(where, null, implMethod, newargs);
// Follow super() by variable initializations
if (ctx.field.isConstructor() &&
field.isConstructor() && (right != null) && (right.op == SUPER)) {
Expression e = makeVarInits(env, ctx);
if (e != null) {
if (implementation == null)
implementation = (Expression)this.clone();
implementation = new CommaExpression(where, implementation, e);
// Throw the declared exceptions.
ClassDeclaration exceptions[] = field.getExceptions(env);
if (isArray && (field.getName() == idClone) &&
(field.getType().getArgumentTypes().length == 0)) {
/* Arrays pretend that they have "public Object clone()" that doesn't
* throw anything, according to the language spec.
exceptions = new ClassDeclaration[0];
/* See if there's a bogus catch for it, to issue a warning. */
for (Context p = ctx; p != null; p = p.prev) {
if (p.node != null && p.node.op == TRY) {
((TryStatement) p.node).arrayCloneWhere = where;
for (int i = 0 ; i < exceptions.length ; i++) {
if (exp.get(exceptions[i]) == null) {
exp.put(exceptions[i], this);
// Mark all blank finals as definitely assigned following 'this(...)'.
// Correctness follows inductively from the requirement that all blank finals
// be definitely assigned at the completion of every constructor.
if (ctx.field.isConstructor() &&
field.isConstructor() && (right != null) && (right.op == THIS)) {
ClassDefinition cls = field.getClassDefinition();
for (MemberDefinition f = cls.getFirstMember() ; f != null ; f = f.getNextMember()) {
if (f.isVariable() && f.isBlankFinal() && !f.isStatic()) {
// Static variables should also be considered defined as well, but this
// is handled in 'SourceClass.checkMembers', and we should not interfere.
vset = vset.addVar(ctx.getFieldNumber(f));
return vset;
* Check void expression
public Vset check(Environment env, Context ctx, Vset vset, Hashtable exp) {
return checkValue(env, ctx, vset, exp);
* We're about to report a "unmatched method" error.
* Try to issue a better diagnostic by comparing the actual argument types
* with the method (or methods) available.
* In particular, if there is an argument which fails to match <em>any</em>
* method, we report a type mismatch error against that particular argument.
* The diagnostic will report a target type taken from one of the methods.
* <p>
* Return false if we couldn't think of anything smart to say.
boolean diagnoseMismatch(Environment env, Expression args[],
Type argTypes[]) throws ClassNotFound {
Type margType[] = new Type[1];
boolean saidSomething = false;
int start = 0;
while (start < argTypes.length) {
int code = clazz.diagnoseMismatch(env, id, argTypes, start, margType);
String opName = (id.equals(idInit)) ? "constructor" : opNames[op];
if (code == -2) {
env.error(where, "wrong.number.args", opName);
saidSomething = true;
if (code < 0) break;
int i = code >> 2;
boolean castOK = (code & 2) != 0;
boolean ambig = (code & 1) != 0;
Type targetType = margType[0];
// At least one argument is offensive to all overloadings.
// targetType is one of the argument types it does not match.
String ttype = ""+targetType;
// The message might be slightly misleading, if there are other
// argument types that also would match. Hint at this:
//if (ambig) ttype = "{"+ttype+";...}";
if (castOK)
env.error(args[i].where, "explicit.cast.needed", opName, argTypes[i], ttype);
env.error(args[i].where, "incompatible.type", opName, argTypes[i], ttype);
saidSomething = true;
start = i+1; // look for other bad arguments, too
return saidSomething;
* Inline
static final int MAXINLINECOST = Statement.MAXINLINECOST;
Expression inlineMethod(Environment env, Context ctx, Statement s, boolean valNeeded) {
if (env.dump()) {
System.out.println("INLINE METHOD " + field + " in " + ctx.field);
LocalMember v[] = LocalMember.copyArguments(ctx, field);
Statement body[] = new Statement[v.length + 2];
int n = 0;
if (field.isStatic()) {
body[0] = new ExpressionStatement(where, right);
} else {
if ((right != null) && (right.op == SUPER)) {
right = new ThisExpression(right.where, ctx);
body[0] = new VarDeclarationStatement(where, v[n++], right);
for (int i = 0 ; i < args.length ; i++) {
body[i + 1] = new VarDeclarationStatement(where, v[n++], args[i]);
//System.out.print("BEFORE:"); s.print(System.out); System.out.println();
// Note: If !valNeeded, then all returns in the body of the method
// change to void returns.
body[body.length - 1] = (s != null) ? s.copyInline(ctx, valNeeded) : null;
//System.out.print("COPY:"); body[body.length - 1].print(System.out); System.out.println();
LocalMember.doneWithArguments(ctx, v);
// Make sure the type matches what the return statements are returning.
Type type = valNeeded ? this.type : Type.tVoid;
Expression e = new InlineMethodExpression(where, type, field, new CompoundStatement(where, body));
return valNeeded ? e.inlineValue(env, ctx) : e.inline(env, ctx);
public Expression inline(Environment env, Context ctx) {
if (implementation != null)
return implementation.inline(env, ctx);
try {
if (right != null) {
right = field.isStatic() ? right.inline(env, ctx) : right.inlineValue(env, ctx);
for (int i = 0 ; i < args.length ; i++) {
args[i] = args[i].inlineValue(env, ctx);
// ctxClass is the current class trying to inline this method
ClassDefinition ctxClass = ctx.field.getClassDefinition();
Expression e = this;
if (env.opt() && field.isInlineable(env, clazz.isFinal()) &&
// Don't inline if a qualified non-static method: the call
// itself might throw NullPointerException as a side effect
((right == null) || (right.op==THIS) || field.isStatic()) &&
// We only allow the inlining if the current class can access
// the field, the field's class, and right's declared type.
field.getClassDeclaration()) &&
ctxClass.permitInlinedAccess(env, field) &&
(right==null || ctxClass.permitInlinedAccess(env,
env.getClassDeclaration(right.type))) &&
((id == null) || !id.equals(idInit)) &&
(!ctx.field.isInitializer()) && ctx.field.isMethod() &&
(ctx.getInlineMemberContext(field) == null)) {
Statement s = (Statement)field.getValue(env);
if ((s == null) ||
(s.costInline(MAXINLINECOST, env, ctx) < MAXINLINECOST)) {
e = inlineMethod(env, ctx, s, false);
return e;
} catch (ClassNotFound e) {
throw new CompilerError(e);
public Expression inlineValue(Environment env, Context ctx) {
if (implementation != null)
return implementation.inlineValue(env, ctx);
try {
if (right != null) {
right = field.isStatic() ? right.inline(env, ctx) : right.inlineValue(env, ctx);
if (field.getName().equals(idInit)) {
ClassDefinition refc = field.getClassDefinition();
UplevelReference r = refc.getReferencesFrozen();
if (r != null) {
r.willCodeArguments(env, ctx);
for (int i = 0 ; i < args.length ; i++) {
args[i] = args[i].inlineValue(env, ctx);
// ctxClass is the current class trying to inline this method
ClassDefinition ctxClass = ctx.field.getClassDefinition();
if (env.opt() && field.isInlineable(env, clazz.isFinal()) &&
// Don't inline if a qualified non-static method: the call
// itself might throw NullPointerException as a side effect
((right == null) || (right.op==THIS) || field.isStatic()) &&
// We only allow the inlining if the current class can access
// the field, the field's class, and right's declared type.
field.getClassDeclaration()) &&
ctxClass.permitInlinedAccess(env, field) &&
(right==null || ctxClass.permitInlinedAccess(env,
env.getClassDeclaration(right.type))) &&
(!ctx.field.isInitializer()) && ctx.field.isMethod() &&
(ctx.getInlineMemberContext(field) == null)) {
Statement s = (Statement)field.getValue(env);
if ((s == null) ||
(s.costInline(MAXINLINECOST, env, ctx) < MAXINLINECOST)) {
return inlineMethod(env, ctx, s, true);
return this;
} catch (ClassNotFound e) {
throw new CompilerError(e);
public Expression copyInline(Context ctx) {
if (implementation != null)
return implementation.copyInline(ctx);
return super.copyInline(ctx);
public int costInline(int thresh, Environment env, Context ctx) {
if (implementation != null)
return implementation.costInline(thresh, env, ctx);
// for now, don't allow calls to super() to be inlined. We may fix
// this later
if ((right != null) && (right.op == SUPER)) {
return thresh;
return super.costInline(thresh, env, ctx);
* Grab all instance initializer code from the class definition,
* and return as one bolus. Note that we are assuming the
* the relevant fields have already been checked.
* (See the pre-pass in SourceClass.checkMembers which ensures this.)
private Expression makeVarInits(Environment env, Context ctx) {
// insert instance initializers
ClassDefinition clazz = ctx.field.getClassDefinition();
Expression e = null;
for (MemberDefinition f = clazz.getFirstMember() ; f != null ; f = f.getNextMember()) {
if ((f.isVariable() || f.isInitializer()) && !f.isStatic()) {
try {
} catch (ClassNotFound ee) {
env.error(f.getWhere(), "class.not.found", ee.name,
Expression val = null;
if (f.isUplevelValue()) {
if (f != clazz.findOuterMember()) {
// it's too early to accumulate these
IdentifierExpression arg =
new IdentifierExpression(where, f.getName());
if (!arg.bind(env, ctx)) {
throw new CompilerError("bind "+arg.id);
val = arg;
} else if (f.isInitializer()) {
Statement s = (Statement)f.getValue();
val = new InlineMethodExpression(where, Type.tVoid, f, s);
} else {
val = (Expression)f.getValue();
// append all initializers to "e":
// This section used to check for variables which were
// initialized to their default values and elide such
// initialization. This is specifically disallowed by
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