
JDK8/Java8源码在线阅读 / sun / security / krb5 / Credentials.java
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package sun.security.krb5;

import sun.security.krb5.internal.*;
import sun.security.krb5.internal.ccache.CredentialsCache;
import sun.security.krb5.internal.crypto.EType;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.net.InetAddress;

 * This class encapsulates the concept of a Kerberos service
 * credential. That includes a Kerberos ticket and an associated
 * session key.
public class Credentials {

    Ticket ticket;
    PrincipalName client;
    PrincipalName server;
    EncryptionKey key;
    TicketFlags flags;
    KerberosTime authTime;
    KerberosTime startTime;
    KerberosTime endTime;
    KerberosTime renewTill;
    HostAddresses cAddr;
    EncryptionKey serviceKey;
    AuthorizationData authzData;
    private static boolean DEBUG = Krb5.DEBUG;
    private static CredentialsCache cache;
    static boolean alreadyLoaded = false;
    private static boolean alreadyTried = false;

    // Read native ticket with session key type in the given list
    private static native Credentials acquireDefaultNativeCreds(int[] eTypes);

    public Credentials(Ticket new_ticket,
                       PrincipalName new_client,
                       PrincipalName new_server,
                       EncryptionKey new_key,
                       TicketFlags new_flags,
                       KerberosTime authTime,
                       KerberosTime new_startTime,
                       KerberosTime new_endTime,
                       KerberosTime renewTill,
                       HostAddresses cAddr,
                       AuthorizationData authzData) {
        this(new_ticket, new_client, new_server, new_key, new_flags,
                authTime, new_startTime, new_endTime, renewTill, cAddr);
        this.authzData = authzData;

    public Credentials(Ticket new_ticket,
                       PrincipalName new_client,
                       PrincipalName new_server,
                       EncryptionKey new_key,
                       TicketFlags new_flags,
                       KerberosTime authTime,
                       KerberosTime new_startTime,
                       KerberosTime new_endTime,
                       KerberosTime renewTill,
                       HostAddresses cAddr) {
        ticket = new_ticket;
        client = new_client;
        server = new_server;
        key = new_key;
        flags = new_flags;
        this.authTime = authTime;
        startTime = new_startTime;
        endTime = new_endTime;
        this.renewTill = renewTill;
        this.cAddr = cAddr;

    public Credentials(byte[] encoding,
                       String client,
                       String server,
                       byte[] keyBytes,
                       int keyType,
                       boolean[] flags,
                       Date authTime,
                       Date startTime,
                       Date endTime,
                       Date renewTill,
                       InetAddress[] cAddrs) throws KrbException, IOException {
        this(new Ticket(encoding),
             new PrincipalName(client, PrincipalName.KRB_NT_PRINCIPAL),
             new PrincipalName(server, PrincipalName.KRB_NT_SRV_INST),
             new EncryptionKey(keyType, keyBytes),
             (flags == null? null: new TicketFlags(flags)),
             (authTime == null? null: new KerberosTime(authTime)),
             (startTime == null? null: new KerberosTime(startTime)),
             (endTime == null? null: new KerberosTime(endTime)),
             (renewTill == null? null: new KerberosTime(renewTill)),
             null); // caddrs are in the encoding at this point

     * Acquires a service ticket for the specified service
     * principal. If the service ticket is not already available, it
     * obtains a new one from the KDC.
    public Credentials(Credentials tgt, PrincipalName service)
        throws KrbException {

    public final PrincipalName getClient() {
        return client;

    public final PrincipalName getServer() {
        return server;

    public final EncryptionKey getSessionKey() {
        return key;

    public final Date getAuthTime() {
        if (authTime != null) {
            return authTime.toDate();
        } else {
            return null;

    public final Date getStartTime() {
        if (startTime != null)
                return startTime.toDate();
        return null;

    public final Date getEndTime() {
        if (endTime != null)
                return endTime.toDate();
        return null;

    public final Date getRenewTill() {
        if (renewTill != null)
                return renewTill.toDate();
        return null;

    public final boolean[] getFlags() {
        if (flags == null) // Can be in a KRB-CRED
        return null;
        return flags.toBooleanArray();

    public final InetAddress[] getClientAddresses() {

        if (cAddr == null)
        return null;

        return cAddr.getInetAddresses();

    public final byte[] getEncoded() {
        byte[] retVal = null;
        try {
            retVal = ticket.asn1Encode();
        } catch (Asn1Exception e) {
            if (DEBUG)
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            if (DEBUG)
        return retVal;

    public boolean isForwardable() {
        return flags.get(Krb5.TKT_OPTS_FORWARDABLE);

    public boolean isRenewable() {
        return flags.get(Krb5.TKT_OPTS_RENEWABLE);

    public Ticket getTicket() {
        return ticket;

    public TicketFlags getTicketFlags() {
        return flags;

    public AuthorizationData getAuthzData() {
        return authzData;
     * Checks if the service ticket returned by the KDC has the OK-AS-DELEGATE
     * flag set
     * @return true if OK-AS_DELEGATE flag is set, otherwise, return false.
    public boolean checkDelegate() {
        return flags.get(Krb5.TKT_OPTS_DELEGATE);

     * Reset TKT_OPTS_DELEGATE to false, called at credentials acquirement
     * when one of the cross-realm TGTs does not have the OK-AS-DELEGATE
     * flag set. This info must be preservable and restorable through
     * the Krb5Util.credsToTicket/ticketToCreds() methods so that even if
     * the service ticket is cached it still remembers the cross-realm
     * authentication result.
    public void resetDelegate() {
        flags.set(Krb5.TKT_OPTS_DELEGATE, false);

    public Credentials renew() throws KrbException, IOException {
        KDCOptions options = new KDCOptions();
        options.set(KDCOptions.RENEW, true);
         * Added here to pass KrbKdcRep.check:73
        options.set(KDCOptions.RENEWABLE, true);

        return new KrbTgsReq(options,
                             null, // from
                             null, // till
                             null, // rtime
                             null, // eTypes

     * Returns a TGT for the given client principal from a ticket cache.
     * @param princ the client principal. A value of null means that the
     * default principal name in the credentials cache will be used.
     * @param ticketCache the path to the tickets file. A value
     * of null will be accepted to indicate that the default
     * path should be searched
     * @returns the TGT credentials or null if none were found. If the tgt
     * expired, it is the responsibility of the caller to determine this.
    public static Credentials acquireTGTFromCache(PrincipalName princ,
                                                  String ticketCache)
        throws KrbException, IOException {

        if (ticketCache == null) {
            // The default ticket cache on Windows and Mac is not a file.
            String os = java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(
                        new sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction("os.name"));
            if (os.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).startsWith("WINDOWS") ||
                    os.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("OS X")) {
                Credentials creds = acquireDefaultCreds();
                if (creds == null) {
                    if (DEBUG) {
                        System.out.println(">>> Found no TGT's in LSA");
                    return null;
                if (princ != null) {
                    if (creds.getClient().equals(princ)) {
                        if (DEBUG) {
                            System.out.println(">>> Obtained TGT from LSA: "
                                               + creds);
                        return creds;
                    } else {
                        if (DEBUG) {
                            System.out.println(">>> LSA contains TGT for "
                                               + creds.getClient()
                                               + " not "
                                               + princ);
                        return null;
                } else {
                    if (DEBUG) {
                        System.out.println(">>> Obtained TGT from LSA: "
                                           + creds);
                    return creds;

         * Returns the appropriate cache. If ticketCache is null, it is the
         * default cache otherwise it is the cache filename contained in it.
        CredentialsCache ccache =
            CredentialsCache.getInstance(princ, ticketCache);

        if (ccache == null) {
            return null;

        sun.security.krb5.internal.ccache.Credentials tgtCred  =

        if (tgtCred == null) {
            return null;

        if (EType.isSupported(tgtCred.getEType())) {
            return tgtCred.setKrbCreds();
        } else {
            if (DEBUG) {
                    ">>> unsupported key type found the default TGT: " +
            return null;

     * Acquires default credentials.
     * <br>The possible locations for default credentials cache is searched in
     * the following order:
     * <ol>
     * <li> The directory and cache file name specified by "KRB5CCNAME" system.
     * property.
     * <li> The directory and cache file name specified by "KRB5CCNAME"
     * environment variable.
     * <li> A cache file named krb5cc_{user.name} at {user.home} directory.
     * </ol>
     * @return a <code>KrbCreds</code> object if the credential is found,
     * otherwise return null.

    // this method is intentionally changed to not check if the caller's
    // principal name matches cache file's principal name.
    // It assumes that the GSS call has
    // the privilege to access the default cache file.

    // This method is only called on Windows and Mac OS X, the native
    // acquireDefaultNativeCreds is also available on these platforms.
    public static synchronized Credentials acquireDefaultCreds() {
        Credentials result = null;

        if (cache == null) {
            cache = CredentialsCache.getInstance();
        if (cache != null) {
            sun.security.krb5.internal.ccache.Credentials temp =
            if (temp != null) {
                if (DEBUG) {
                    System.out.println(">>> KrbCreds found the default ticket"
                            + " granting ticket in credential cache.");
                if (EType.isSupported(temp.getEType())) {
                    result = temp.setKrbCreds();
                } else {
                    if (DEBUG) {
                            ">>> unsupported key type found the default TGT: " +
        if (result == null) {
            // Doesn't seem to be a default cache on this system or
            // TGT has unsupported encryption type

            if (!alreadyTried) {
                // See if there's any native code to load
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    if (DEBUG) {
                        System.out.println("Can not load credentials cache");
                    alreadyTried = true;
            if (alreadyLoaded) {
                // There is some native code
                if (DEBUG) {
                    System.out.println(">> Acquire default native Credentials");
                try {
                    result = acquireDefaultNativeCreds(
                } catch (KrbException ke) {
                    // when there is no default_tkt_enctypes.
        return result;

     * Acquires credentials for a specified service using initial credential.
     * When the service has a different realm
     * from the initial credential, we do cross-realm authentication
     * - first, we use the current credential to get
     * a cross-realm credential from the local KDC, then use that
     * cross-realm credential to request service credential
     * from the foreigh KDC.
     * @param service the name of service principal using format
     * components@realm
     * @param ccreds client's initial credential.
     * @exception IOException if an error occurs in reading the credentials
     * cache
     * @exception KrbException if an error occurs specific to Kerberos
     * @return a <code>Credentials</code> object.

    public static Credentials acquireServiceCreds(String service,
                                                  Credentials ccreds)
        throws KrbException, IOException {
        return CredentialsUtil.acquireServiceCreds(service, ccreds);

    public static Credentials acquireS4U2selfCreds(PrincipalName user,
            Credentials ccreds) throws KrbException, IOException {
        return CredentialsUtil.acquireS4U2selfCreds(user, ccreds);

    public static Credentials acquireS4U2proxyCreds(String service,
            Ticket second, PrincipalName client, Credentials ccreds)
        throws KrbException, IOException {
        return CredentialsUtil.acquireS4U2proxyCreds(
                service, second, client, ccreds);

    public CredentialsCache getCache() {
        return cache;

    public EncryptionKey getServiceKey() {
        return serviceKey;

     * Prints out debug info.
    public static void printDebug(Credentials c) {

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