* Copyright (c) 2005, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
package sun.java2d.loops;
import java.awt.geom.Path2D;
import java.awt.geom.PathIterator;
import java.awt.geom.QuadCurve2D;
import sun.awt.SunHints;
import java.util.*;
/* This is the java implementation of the native code from
* src/share/native/sun/java2d/loops/ProcessPath.[c,h]
* This code is written to be as much similar to the native
* as it possible. So, it sometimes does not follow java naming conventions.
* It's important to keep this code synchronized with native one. See more
* comments, description and high level scheme of the rendering process in the
* ProcessPath.c
public class ProcessPath {
/* Public interfaces and methods for drawing and filling general paths */
public static abstract class DrawHandler {
public int xMin;
public int yMin;
public int xMax;
public int yMax;
public float xMinf;
public float yMinf;
public float xMaxf;
public float yMaxf;
public int strokeControl;
public DrawHandler(int xMin, int yMin, int xMax, int yMax,
int strokeControl)
setBounds(xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax, strokeControl);
public void setBounds(int xMin, int yMin, int xMax, int yMax)
this.xMin = xMin;
this.yMin = yMin;
this.xMax = xMax;
this.yMax = yMax;
/* Setting up fractional clipping box
* We are using following float -> int mapping:
* xi = floor(xf + 0.5)
* So, fractional values that hit the [xmin, xmax) integer interval
* will be situated inside the [xmin-0.5, xmax - 0.5) fractional
* interval. We are using EPSF constant to provide that upper
* boundary is not included.
xMinf = xMin - 0.5f;
yMinf = yMin - 0.5f;
xMaxf = xMax - 0.5f - EPSF;
yMaxf = yMax - 0.5f - EPSF;
public void setBounds(int xMin, int yMin, int xMax, int yMax,
int strokeControl)
this.strokeControl = strokeControl;
setBounds(xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax);
public void adjustBounds(int bxMin, int byMin, int bxMax, int byMax)
if (xMin > bxMin) bxMin = xMin;
if (xMax < bxMax) bxMax = xMax;
if (yMin > byMin) byMin = yMin;
if (yMax < byMax) byMax = yMax;
setBounds(bxMin, byMin, bxMax, byMax);
public DrawHandler(int xMin, int yMin, int xMax, int yMax) {
this(xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax, SunHints.INTVAL_STROKE_DEFAULT);
public abstract void drawLine(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1);
public abstract void drawPixel(int x0, int y0);
public abstract void drawScanline(int x0, int x1, int y0);
public interface EndSubPathHandler {
public void processEndSubPath();
public static final int PH_MODE_DRAW_CLIP = 0;
public static final int PH_MODE_FILL_CLIP = 1;
public static abstract class ProcessHandler implements EndSubPathHandler {
DrawHandler dhnd;
int clipMode;
public ProcessHandler(DrawHandler dhnd,
int clipMode) {
this.dhnd = dhnd;
this.clipMode = clipMode;
public abstract void processFixedLine(int x1, int y1,
int x2, int y2, int [] pixelInfo,
boolean checkBounds,
boolean endSubPath);
public static EndSubPathHandler noopEndSubPathHandler =
new EndSubPathHandler() {
public void processEndSubPath() { }
public static boolean fillPath(DrawHandler dhnd, Path2D.Float p2df,
int transX, int transY)
FillProcessHandler fhnd = new FillProcessHandler(dhnd);
if (!doProcessPath(fhnd, p2df, transX, transY)) {
return false;
FillPolygon(fhnd, p2df.getWindingRule());
return true;
public static boolean drawPath(DrawHandler dhnd,
EndSubPathHandler endSubPath,
Path2D.Float p2df,
int transX, int transY)
return doProcessPath(new DrawProcessHandler(dhnd, endSubPath),
p2df, transX, transY);
public static boolean drawPath(DrawHandler dhnd,
Path2D.Float p2df,
int transX, int transY)
return doProcessPath(new DrawProcessHandler(dhnd,
p2df, transX, transY);
/* Private implementation of the rendering process */
/* Boundaries used for skipping huge path segments */
private static final float UPPER_BND = Float.MAX_VALUE/4.0f;
private static final float LOWER_BND = -UPPER_BND;
/* Precision (in bits) used in forward differencing */
private static final int FWD_PREC = 7;
/* Precision (in bits) used for the rounding in the midpoint test */
private static final int MDP_PREC = 10;
private static final int MDP_MULT = 1 << MDP_PREC;
private static final int MDP_HALF_MULT = MDP_MULT >> 1;
/* Boundaries used for clipping large path segments (those are inside
* [UPPER/LOWER]_BND boundaries)
private static final int UPPER_OUT_BND = 1 << (30 - MDP_PREC);
private static final int LOWER_OUT_BND = -UPPER_OUT_BND;
/* Calculation boundaries. They are used for switching to the more slow but
* allowing larger input values method of calculation of the initial values
* of the scan converted line segments inside the FillPolygon
private static final float CALC_UBND = 1 << (30 - MDP_PREC);
private static final float CALC_LBND = -CALC_UBND;
/* Following constants are used for providing open boundaries of the
* intervals
public static final int EPSFX = 1;
public static final float EPSF = ((float)EPSFX)/MDP_MULT;
/* Bit mask used to separate whole part from the fraction part of the
* number
private static final int MDP_W_MASK = -MDP_MULT;
/* Bit mask used to separate fractional part from the whole part of the
* number
private static final int MDP_F_MASK = MDP_MULT - 1;
* Constants for the forward differencing
* of the cubic and quad curves
/* Maximum size of the cubic curve (calculated as the size of the bounding
* box of the control points) which could be rendered without splitting
private static final int MAX_CUB_SIZE = 256;
/* Maximum size of the quad curve (calculated as the size of the bounding
* box of the control points) which could be rendered without splitting
private static final int MAX_QUAD_SIZE = 1024;
/* Default power of 2 steps used in the forward differencing. Here DF prefix
* stands for DeFault. Constants below are used as initial values for the
* adaptive forward differencing algorithm.
private static final int DF_CUB_STEPS = 3;
private static final int DF_QUAD_STEPS = 2;
/* Shift of the current point of the curve for preparing to the midpoint
* rounding
private static final int DF_CUB_SHIFT = FWD_PREC + DF_CUB_STEPS*3 -
private static final int DF_QUAD_SHIFT = FWD_PREC + DF_QUAD_STEPS*2 -
/* Default amount of steps of the forward differencing */
private static final int DF_CUB_COUNT = (1<<DF_CUB_STEPS);
private static final int DF_QUAD_COUNT = (1<<DF_QUAD_STEPS);
/* Default boundary constants used to check the necessity of the restepping
private static final int DF_CUB_DEC_BND = 1<<DF_CUB_STEPS*3 + FWD_PREC + 2;
private static final int DF_CUB_INC_BND = 1<<DF_CUB_STEPS*3 + FWD_PREC - 1;
private static final int DF_QUAD_DEC_BND = 1<<DF_QUAD_STEPS*2 +
private static final int DF_QUAD_INC_BND = 1<<DF_QUAD_STEPS*2 +
/* Multipliers for the coefficients of the polynomial form of the cubic and
* quad curves representation
private static final int CUB_A_SHIFT = FWD_PREC;
private static final int CUB_B_SHIFT = (DF_CUB_STEPS + FWD_PREC + 1);
private static final int CUB_C_SHIFT = (DF_CUB_STEPS*2 + FWD_PREC);
private static final int CUB_A_MDP_MULT = (1<<CUB_A_SHIFT);
private static final int CUB_B_MDP_MULT = (1<<CUB_B_SHIFT);
private static final int CUB_C_MDP_MULT = (1<<CUB_C_SHIFT);
private static final int QUAD_A_SHIFT = FWD_PREC;
private static final int QUAD_B_SHIFT = (DF_QUAD_STEPS + FWD_PREC);
private static final int QUAD_A_MDP_MULT = (1<<QUAD_A_SHIFT);
private static final int QUAD_B_MDP_MULT = (1<<QUAD_B_SHIFT);
/* Clipping macros for drawing and filling algorithms */
private static float CLIP(float a1, float b1, float a2, float b2,
double t) {
return (float)(b1 + (double)(t - a1)*(b2 - b1) / (a2 - a1));
private static int CLIP(int a1, int b1, int a2, int b2, double t) {
return (int)(b1 + (double)(t - a1)*(b2 - b1) / (a2 - a1));
private static final int CRES_MIN_CLIPPED = 0;
private static final int CRES_MAX_CLIPPED = 1;
private static final int CRES_NOT_CLIPPED = 3;
private static final int CRES_INVISIBLE = 4;
private static boolean IS_CLIPPED(int res) {
return res == CRES_MIN_CLIPPED || res == CRES_MAX_CLIPPED;
/* This is java implementation of the macro from ProcessGeneralPath.c.
* To keep the logic of the java code similar to the native one
* array and set of indexes are used to point out the data.
private static int TESTANDCLIP(float LINE_MIN, float LINE_MAX, float[] c,
int a1, int b1, int a2, int b2) {
double t;
if (c[a1] < (LINE_MIN) || c[a1] > (LINE_MAX)) {
if (c[a1] < (LINE_MIN)) {
if (c[a2] < (LINE_MIN)) {
t = (LINE_MIN);
} else {
if (c[a2] > (LINE_MAX)) {
t = (LINE_MAX);
c[b1] = CLIP(c[a1], c[b1], c[a2], c[b2], t);
c[a1] = (float)t;
return res;
/* Integer version of the method above */
private static int TESTANDCLIP(int LINE_MIN, int LINE_MAX, int[] c,
int a1, int b1, int a2, int b2) {
double t;
if (c[a1] < (LINE_MIN) || c[a1] > (LINE_MAX)) {
if (c[a1] < (LINE_MIN)) {
if (c[a2] < (LINE_MIN)) {
t = (LINE_MIN);
} else {
if (c[a2] > (LINE_MAX)) {
t = (LINE_MAX);
c[b1] = CLIP(c[a1], c[b1], c[a2], c[b2], t);
c[a1] = (int)t;
return res;
/* Following method is used for clipping and clumping filled shapes.
* An example of this process is shown on the picture below:
* ----+ ----+
* |/ | |/ |
* + | + |
* /| | I |
* / | | I |
* | | | ===> I |
* \ | | I |
* \| | I |
* + | + |
* |\ | |\ |
* | ----+ | ----+
* boundary boundary
* We can only perform clipping in case of right side of the output area
* because all segments passed out the right boundary don't influence on the
* result of scan conversion algorithm (it correctly handles half open
* contours).
* This is java implementation of the macro from ProcessGeneralPath.c.
* To keep the logic of the java code similar to the native one
* array and set of indexes are used to point out the data.
private static int CLIPCLAMP(float LINE_MIN, float LINE_MAX, float[] c,
int a1, int b1, int a2, int b2,
int a3, int b3) {
c[a3] = c[a1];
c[b3] = c[b1];
int res = TESTANDCLIP(LINE_MIN, LINE_MAX, c, a1, b1, a2, b2);
if (res == CRES_MIN_CLIPPED) {
c[a3] = c[a1];
} else if (res == CRES_MAX_CLIPPED) {
c[a3] = c[a1];
} else if (res == CRES_INVISIBLE) {
if (c[a1] > LINE_MAX) {
} else {
c[a1] = LINE_MIN;
c[a2] = LINE_MIN;
return res;
/* Integer version of the method above */
private static int CLIPCLAMP(int LINE_MIN, int LINE_MAX, int[] c,
int a1, int b1, int a2, int b2,
int a3, int b3) {
c[a3] = c[a1];
c[b3] = c[b1];
int res = TESTANDCLIP(LINE_MIN, LINE_MAX, c, a1, b1, a2, b2);
if (res == CRES_MIN_CLIPPED) {
c[a3] = c[a1];
} else if (res == CRES_MAX_CLIPPED) {
c[a3] = c[a1];
} else if (res == CRES_INVISIBLE) {
if (c[a1] > LINE_MAX) {
} else {
c[a1] = LINE_MIN;
c[a2] = LINE_MIN;
return res;
private static class DrawProcessHandler extends ProcessHandler {
EndSubPathHandler processESP;
public DrawProcessHandler(DrawHandler dhnd,
EndSubPathHandler processESP) {
super(dhnd, PH_MODE_DRAW_CLIP);
this.dhnd = dhnd;
this.processESP = processESP;
public void processEndSubPath() {
void PROCESS_LINE(int fX0, int fY0, int fX1, int fY1,
boolean checkBounds, int[] pixelInfo) {
int X0 = fX0 >> MDP_PREC;
int Y0 = fY0 >> MDP_PREC;
int X1 = fX1 >> MDP_PREC;
int Y1 = fY1 >> MDP_PREC;
/* Handling lines having just one pixel */
if (((X0^X1) | (Y0^Y1)) == 0) {
if (checkBounds &&
(dhnd.yMin > Y0 ||
dhnd.yMax <= Y0 ||
dhnd.xMin > X0 ||
dhnd.xMax <= X0)) return;
if (pixelInfo[0] == 0) {
pixelInfo[0] = 1;
pixelInfo[1] = X0;
pixelInfo[2] = Y0;
pixelInfo[3] = X0;
pixelInfo[4] = Y0;
dhnd.drawPixel(X0, Y0);
} else if ((X0 != pixelInfo[3] || Y0 != pixelInfo[4]) &&
(X0 != pixelInfo[1] || Y0 != pixelInfo[2])) {
dhnd.drawPixel(X0, Y0);
pixelInfo[3] = X0;
pixelInfo[4] = Y0;
if (!checkBounds ||
(dhnd.yMin <= Y0 &&
dhnd.yMax > Y0 &&
dhnd.xMin <= X0 &&
dhnd.xMax > X0))
/* Switch off first pixel of the line before drawing */
if (pixelInfo[0] == 1 &&
((pixelInfo[1] == X0 && pixelInfo[2] == Y0) ||
(pixelInfo[3] == X0 && pixelInfo[4] == Y0)))
dhnd.drawPixel(X0, Y0);
dhnd.drawLine(X0, Y0, X1, Y1);
if (pixelInfo[0] == 0) {
pixelInfo[0] = 1;
pixelInfo[1] = X0;
pixelInfo[2] = Y0;
pixelInfo[3] = X0;
pixelInfo[4] = Y0;
/* Switch on last pixel of the line if it was already
* drawn during rendering of the previous segments
if ((pixelInfo[1] == X1 && pixelInfo[2] == Y1) ||
(pixelInfo[3] == X1 && pixelInfo[4] == Y1))
if (checkBounds &&
(dhnd.yMin > Y1 ||
dhnd.yMax <= Y1 ||
dhnd.xMin > X1 ||
dhnd.xMax <= X1)) {
dhnd.drawPixel(X1, Y1);
pixelInfo[3] = X1;
pixelInfo[4] = Y1;
void PROCESS_POINT(int fX, int fY, boolean checkBounds,
int[] pixelInfo) {
int _X = fX>> MDP_PREC;
int _Y = fY>> MDP_PREC;
if (checkBounds &&
(dhnd.yMin > _Y ||
dhnd.yMax <= _Y ||
dhnd.xMin > _X ||
dhnd.xMax <= _X)) return;
* (_X,_Y) should be inside boundaries
* assert(dhnd.yMin <= _Y &&
* dhnd.yMax > _Y &&
* dhnd.xMin <= _X &&
* dhnd.xMax > _X);
if (pixelInfo[0] == 0) {
pixelInfo[0] = 1;
pixelInfo[1] = _X;
pixelInfo[2] = _Y;
pixelInfo[3] = _X;
pixelInfo[4] = _Y;
dhnd.drawPixel(_X, _Y);
} else if ((_X != pixelInfo[3] || _Y != pixelInfo[4]) &&
(_X != pixelInfo[1] || _Y != pixelInfo[2])) {
dhnd.drawPixel(_X, _Y);
pixelInfo[3] = _X;
pixelInfo[4] = _Y;
/* Drawing line with subpixel endpoints
* (x1, y1), (x2, y2) - fixed point coordinates of the endpoints
* with MDP_PREC bits for the fractional part
* pixelInfo - structure which keeps drawing info for avoiding
* multiple drawing at the same position on the
* screen (required for the XOR mode of drawing)
* pixelInfo[0] - state of the drawing
* 0 - no pixel drawn between
* moveTo/close of the path
* 1 - there are drawn pixels
* pixelInfo[1,2] - first pixel of the path
* between moveTo/close of the
* path
* pixelInfo[3,4] - last drawn pixel between
* moveTo/close of the path
* checkBounds - flag showing necessity of checking the clip
public void processFixedLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
int[] pixelInfo, boolean checkBounds,
boolean endSubPath) {
/* Checking if line is inside a (X,Y),(X+MDP_MULT,Y+MDP_MULT) box */
int c = ((x1 ^ x2) | (y1 ^ y2));
int rx1, ry1, rx2, ry2;
if ((c & MDP_W_MASK) == 0) {
/* Checking for the segments with integer coordinates having
* the same start and end points
if (c == 0) {
checkBounds, pixelInfo);
if (x1 == x2 || y1 == y2) {
rx1 = x1 + MDP_HALF_MULT;
rx2 = x2 + MDP_HALF_MULT;
ry1 = y1 + MDP_HALF_MULT;
ry2 = y2 + MDP_HALF_MULT;
} else {
/* Neither dx nor dy can be zero because of the check above */
int dx = x2 - x1;
int dy = y2 - y1;
/* Floor of x1, y1, x2, y2 */
int fx1 = x1 & MDP_W_MASK;
int fy1 = y1 & MDP_W_MASK;
int fx2 = x2 & MDP_W_MASK;
int fy2 = y2 & MDP_W_MASK;
/* Processing first endpoint */
if (fx1 == x1 || fy1 == y1) {
/* Adding MDP_HALF_MULT to the [xy]1 if f[xy]1 == [xy]1
* will not affect the result
rx1 = x1 + MDP_HALF_MULT;
ry1 = y1 + MDP_HALF_MULT;
} else {
/* Boundary at the direction from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) */
int bx1 = (x1 < x2) ? fx1 + MDP_MULT : fx1;
int by1 = (y1 < y2) ? fy1 + MDP_MULT : fy1;
/* intersection with column bx1 */
int cross = y1 + ((bx1 - x1)*dy)/dx;
if (cross >= fy1 && cross <= fy1 + MDP_MULT) {
rx1 = bx1;
ry1 = cross + MDP_HALF_MULT;
} else {
/* intersection with row by1 */
cross = x1 + ((by1 - y1)*dx)/dy;
rx1 = cross + MDP_HALF_MULT;
ry1 = by1;
/* Processing second endpoint */
if (fx2 == x2 || fy2 == y2) {
/* Adding MDP_HALF_MULT to the [xy]2 if f[xy]2 == [xy]2
* will not affect the result
rx2 = x2 + MDP_HALF_MULT;
ry2 = y2 + MDP_HALF_MULT;
} else {
/* Boundary at the direction from (x2,y2) to (x1,y1) */
int bx2 = (x1 > x2) ? fx2 + MDP_MULT : fx2;
int by2 = (y1 > y2) ? fy2 + MDP_MULT : fy2;
/* intersection with column bx2 */
int cross = y2 + ((bx2 - x2)*dy)/dx;
if (cross >= fy2 && cross <= fy2 + MDP_MULT) {
rx2 = bx2;
ry2 = cross + MDP_HALF_MULT;
} else {
/* intersection with row by2 */
cross = x2 + ((by2 - y2)*dx)/dy;
rx2 = cross + MDP_HALF_MULT;
ry2 = by2;
PROCESS_LINE(rx1, ry1, rx2, ry2, checkBounds, pixelInfo);
/* Performing drawing of the monotonic in X and Y quadratic curves with
* sizes less than MAX_QUAD_SIZE by using forward differencing method of
* calculation. See comments to the DrawMonotonicQuad in the
* ProcessGeneralPath.c
private static void DrawMonotonicQuad(ProcessHandler hnd,
float[] coords,
boolean checkBounds,
int[] pixelInfo) {
int x0 = (int)(coords[0]*MDP_MULT);
int y0 = (int)(coords[1]*MDP_MULT);
int xe = (int)(coords[4]*MDP_MULT);
int ye = (int)(coords[5]*MDP_MULT);
/* Extracting fractional part of coordinates of first control point */
int px = (x0 & (~MDP_W_MASK)) << DF_QUAD_SHIFT;
int py = (y0 & (~MDP_W_MASK)) << DF_QUAD_SHIFT;
/* Setting default amount of steps */
int count = DF_QUAD_COUNT;
/* Setting default shift for preparing to the midpoint rounding */
int shift = DF_QUAD_SHIFT;
int ax = (int)((coords[0] - 2*coords[2] +
int ay = (int)((coords[1] - 2*coords[3] +
int bx = (int)((-2*coords[0] + 2*coords[2])*QUAD_B_MDP_MULT);
int by = (int)((-2*coords[1] + 2*coords[3])*QUAD_B_MDP_MULT);
int ddpx = 2*ax;
int ddpy = 2*ay;
int dpx = ax + bx;
int dpy = ay + by;
int x1, y1;
int x2 = x0;
int y2 = y0;
int maxDD = Math.max(Math.abs(ddpx),Math.abs(ddpy));
int dx = xe - x0;
int dy = ye - y0;
int x0w = x0 & MDP_W_MASK;
int y0w = y0 & MDP_W_MASK;
/* Perform decreasing step in 2 times if slope of the first forward
* difference changes too quickly (more than a pixel per step in X or Y
* direction). We can perform adjusting of the step size before the
* rendering loop because the curvature of the quad curve remains the
* same along all the curve
while (maxDD > DF_QUAD_DEC_BND) {
dpx = (dpx<<1) - ax;
dpy = (dpy<<1) - ay;
count <<= 1;
maxDD >>= 2;
px <<=2;
py <<=2;
shift += 2;
while(count-- > 1) {
px += dpx;
py += dpy;
dpx += ddpx;
dpy += ddpy;
x1 = x2;
y1 = y2;
x2 = x0w + (px >> shift);
y2 = y0w + (py >> shift);
/* Checking that we are not running out of the endpoint and bounding
* violating coordinate. The check is pretty simple because the
* curve passed to the DrawCubic already split into the
* monotonic in X and Y pieces
/* Bounding x2 by xe */
if (((xe-x2)^dx) < 0) {
x2 = xe;
/* Bounding y2 by ye */
if (((ye-y2)^dy) < 0) {
y2 = ye;
hnd.processFixedLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, pixelInfo, checkBounds, false);
/* We are performing one step less than necessary and use actual
* (xe,ye) endpoint of the curve instead of calculated. This prevent us
* from running above the curve endpoint due to the accumulated errors
* during the iterations.
hnd.processFixedLine(x2, y2, xe, ye, pixelInfo, checkBounds, false);
* Checking size of the quad curves and split them if necessary.
* Calling DrawMonotonicQuad for the curves of the appropriate size.
* Note: coords array could be changed
private static void ProcessMonotonicQuad(ProcessHandler hnd,
float[] coords,
int[] pixelInfo) {
float[] coords1 = new float[6];
float tx, ty;
float xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax;
xMin = xMax = coords[0];
yMin = yMax = coords[1];
for (int i = 2; i < 6; i += 2) {
xMin = (xMin > coords[i])? coords[i] : xMin;
xMax = (xMax < coords[i])? coords[i] : xMax;
yMin = (yMin > coords[i + 1])? coords[i + 1] : yMin;
yMax = (yMax < coords[i + 1])? coords[i + 1] : yMax;
if (hnd.clipMode == PH_MODE_DRAW_CLIP) {
/* In case of drawing we could just skip curves which are
* completely out of bounds
if (hnd.dhnd.xMaxf < xMin || hnd.dhnd.xMinf > xMax ||
hnd.dhnd.yMaxf < yMin || hnd.dhnd.yMinf > yMax) {
} else {
/* In case of filling we could skip curves which are above,
* below and behind the right boundary of the visible area
if (hnd.dhnd.yMaxf < yMin || hnd.dhnd.yMinf > yMax ||
hnd.dhnd.xMaxf < xMin)
/* We could clamp x coordinates to the corresponding boundary
* if the curve is completely behind the left one
if (hnd.dhnd.xMinf > xMax) {
coords[0] = coords[2] = coords[4] = hnd.dhnd.xMinf;
if (xMax - xMin > MAX_QUAD_SIZE || yMax - yMin > MAX_QUAD_SIZE) {
coords1[4] = coords[4];
coords1[5] = coords[5];
coords1[2] = (coords[2] + coords[4])/2.0f;
coords1[3] = (coords[3] + coords[5])/2.0f;
coords[2] = (coords[0] + coords[2])/2.0f;
coords[3] = (coords[1] + coords[3])/2.0f;
coords[4] = coords1[0] = (coords[2] + coords1[2])/2.0f;
coords[5] = coords1[1] = (coords[3] + coords1[3])/2.0f;
ProcessMonotonicQuad(hnd, coords, pixelInfo);
ProcessMonotonicQuad(hnd, coords1, pixelInfo);
} else {
DrawMonotonicQuad(hnd, coords,
/* Set checkBounds parameter if curve intersects
* boundary of the visible area. We know that the
* curve is visible, so the check is pretty
* simple
hnd.dhnd.xMinf >= xMin ||
hnd.dhnd.xMaxf <= xMax ||
hnd.dhnd.yMinf >= yMin ||
hnd.dhnd.yMaxf <= yMax,
* Split quadratic curve into monotonic in X and Y parts. Calling
* ProcessMonotonicQuad for each monotonic piece of the curve.
* Note: coords array could be changed
private static void ProcessQuad(ProcessHandler hnd, float[] coords,
int[] pixelInfo) {
/* Temporary array for holding parameters corresponding to the extreme
* in X and Y points
double params[] = new double[2];
int cnt = 0;
double param;
/* Simple check for monotonicity in X before searching for the extreme
* points of the X(t) function. We first check if the curve is
* monotonic in X by seeing if all of the X coordinates are strongly
* ordered.
if ((coords[0] > coords[2] || coords[2] > coords[4]) &&
(coords[0] < coords[2] || coords[2] < coords[4]))
/* Searching for extreme points of the X(t) function by solving
* dX(t)
* ---- = 0 equation
* dt
double ax = coords[0] - 2*coords[2] + coords[4];
if (ax != 0) {
/* Calculating root of the following equation
* ax*t + bx = 0
double bx = coords[0] - coords[2];
param = bx/ax;
if (param < 1.0 && param > 0.0) {
params[cnt++] = param;
/* Simple check for monotonicity in Y before searching for the extreme
* points of the Y(t) function. We first check if the curve is
* monotonic in Y by seeing if all of the Y coordinates are strongly
* ordered.
if ((coords[1] > coords[3] || coords[3] > coords[5]) &&
(coords[1] < coords[3] || coords[3] < coords[5]))
/* Searching for extreme points of the Y(t) function by solving
* dY(t)
* ----- = 0 equation
* dt
double ay = coords[1] - 2*coords[3] + coords[5];
if (ay != 0) {
/* Calculating root of the following equation
* ay*t + by = 0
double by = coords[1] - coords[3];
param = by/ay;
if (param < 1.0 && param > 0.0) {
if (cnt > 0) {
/* Inserting parameter only if it differs from
* already stored
if (params[0] > param) {
params[cnt++] = params[0];
params[0] = param;
} else if (params[0] < param) {
params[cnt++] = param;
} else {
params[cnt++] = param;
/* Processing obtained monotonic parts */
switch(cnt) {
case 0:
case 1:
ProcessFirstMonotonicPartOfQuad(hnd, coords, pixelInfo,
case 2:
ProcessFirstMonotonicPartOfQuad(hnd, coords, pixelInfo,
param = params[1] - params[0];
if (param > 0) {
ProcessFirstMonotonicPartOfQuad(hnd, coords, pixelInfo,
/* Scale parameter to match with
* rest of the curve
(float)(param/(1.0 - params[0])));
* Bite the piece of the quadratic curve from start point till the point
* corresponding to the specified parameter then call ProcessQuad for the
* bitten part.
* Note: coords array will be changed
private static void ProcessFirstMonotonicPartOfQuad(ProcessHandler hnd,
float[] coords,
int[] pixelInfo,
float t) {
float[] coords1 = new float[6];
coords1[0] = coords[0];
coords1[1] = coords[1];
coords1[2] = coords[0] + t*(coords[2] - coords[0]);
coords1[3] = coords[1] + t*(coords[3] - coords[1]);
coords[2] = coords[2] + t*(coords[4] - coords[2]);
coords[3] = coords[3] + t*(coords[5] - coords[3]);
coords[0] = coords1[4] = coords1[2] + t*(coords[2] - coords1[2]);
coords[1] = coords1[5] = coords1[3] + t*(coords[3] - coords1[3]);
ProcessMonotonicQuad(hnd, coords1, pixelInfo);
/* Performing drawing of the monotonic in X and Y cubic curves with sizes
* less than MAX_CUB_SIZE by using forward differencing method of
* calculation. See comments to the DrawMonotonicCubic in the
* ProcessGeneralPath.c
private static void DrawMonotonicCubic(ProcessHandler hnd,
float[] coords,
boolean checkBounds,
int[] pixelInfo) {
int x0 = (int)(coords[0]*MDP_MULT);
int y0 = (int)(coords[1]*MDP_MULT);
int xe = (int)(coords[6]*MDP_MULT);
int ye = (int)(coords[7]*MDP_MULT);
/* Extracting fractional part of coordinates of first control point */
int px = (x0 & (~MDP_W_MASK)) << DF_CUB_SHIFT;
int py = (y0 & (~MDP_W_MASK)) << DF_CUB_SHIFT;
/* Setting default boundary values for checking first and second forward
* difference for the necessity of the restepping. See comments to the
* boundary values in ProcessQuad for more info.
int incStepBnd = DF_CUB_INC_BND;
int decStepBnd = DF_CUB_DEC_BND;
/* Setting default amount of steps */
int count = DF_CUB_COUNT;
/* Setting default shift for preparing to the midpoint rounding */
int shift = DF_CUB_SHIFT;
int ax = (int)((-coords[0] + 3*coords[2] - 3*coords[4] +
int ay = (int)((-coords[1] + 3*coords[3] - 3*coords[5] +
int bx = (int)((3*coords[0] - 6*coords[2] +
int by = (int)((3*coords[1] - 6*coords[3] +
int cx = (int)((-3*coords[0] + 3*coords[2])*(CUB_C_MDP_MULT));
int cy = (int)((-3*coords[1] + 3*coords[3])*(CUB_C_MDP_MULT));
int dddpx = 6*ax;
int dddpy = 6*ay;
int ddpx = dddpx + bx;
int ddpy = dddpy + by;
int dpx = ax + (bx>>1) + cx;
int dpy = ay + (by>>1) + cy;
int x1, y1;
int x2 = x0;
int y2 = y0;
/* Calculating whole part of the first point of the curve */
int x0w = x0 & MDP_W_MASK;
int y0w = y0 & MDP_W_MASK;
int dx = xe - x0;
int dy = ye - y0;
while (count > 0) {
/* Perform decreasing step in 2 times if necessary */
while (Math.abs(ddpx) > decStepBnd ||
Math.abs(ddpy) > decStepBnd) {
ddpx = (ddpx<<1) - dddpx;
ddpy = (ddpy<<1) - dddpy;
dpx = (dpx<<2) - (ddpx>>1);
dpy = (dpy<<2) - (ddpy>>1);
count <<=1;
decStepBnd <<=3;
incStepBnd <<=3;
px <<=3;
py <<=3;
shift += 3;
/* Perform increasing step in 2 times if necessary.
* Note: we could do it only in even steps
while ((count & 1) == 0 && shift > DF_CUB_SHIFT &&
Math.abs(dpx) <= incStepBnd &&
Math.abs(dpy) <= incStepBnd) {
dpx = (dpx>>2) + (ddpx>>3);
dpy = (dpy>>2) + (ddpy>>3);
ddpx = (ddpx + dddpx)>>1;
ddpy = (ddpy + dddpy)>>1;
count >>=1;
decStepBnd >>=3;
incStepBnd >>=3;
px >>=3;
py >>=3;
shift -= 3;
/* Performing one step less than necessary and use actual (xe,ye)
* curve's endpoint instead of calculated. This prevent us from
* running above the curve endpoint due to the accumulated errors
* during the iterations.
if (count > 0) {
px += dpx;
py += dpy;
dpx += ddpx;
dpy += ddpy;
ddpx += dddpx;
ddpy += dddpy;
x1 = x2;
y1 = y2;
x2 = x0w + (px >> shift);
y2 = y0w + (py >> shift);
/* Checking that we are not running out of the endpoint and
* bounding violating coordinate. The check is pretty simple
* because the curve passed to the DrawCubic already split
* into the monotonic in X and Y pieces
/* Bounding x2 by xe */
if (((xe-x2)^dx) < 0) {
x2 = xe;
/* Bounding y2 by ye */
if (((ye-y2)^dy) < 0) {
y2 = ye;
hnd.processFixedLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, pixelInfo, checkBounds,
} else {
hnd.processFixedLine(x2, y2, xe, ye, pixelInfo, checkBounds,
* Checking size of the cubic curves and split them if necessary.
* Calling DrawMonotonicCubic for the curves of the appropriate size.
* Note: coords array could be changed
private static void ProcessMonotonicCubic(ProcessHandler hnd,
float[] coords,
int[] pixelInfo) {
float[] coords1 = new float[8];
float tx, ty;
float xMin, xMax;
float yMin, yMax;
xMin = xMax = coords[0];
yMin = yMax = coords[1];
for (int i = 2; i < 8; i += 2) {
xMin = (xMin > coords[i])? coords[i] : xMin;
xMax = (xMax < coords[i])? coords[i] : xMax;
yMin = (yMin > coords[i + 1])? coords[i + 1] : yMin;
yMax = (yMax < coords[i + 1])? coords[i + 1] : yMax;
if (hnd.clipMode == PH_MODE_DRAW_CLIP) {
/* In case of drawing we could just skip curves which are
* completely out of bounds
if (hnd.dhnd.xMaxf < xMin || hnd.dhnd.xMinf > xMax ||
hnd.dhnd.yMaxf < yMin || hnd.dhnd.yMinf > yMax) {
} else {
/* In case of filling we could skip curves which are above,
* below and behind the right boundary of the visible area
if (hnd.dhnd.yMaxf < yMin || hnd.dhnd.yMinf > yMax ||
hnd.dhnd.xMaxf < xMin)
/* We could clamp x coordinates to the corresponding boundary
* if the curve is completely behind the left one
if (hnd.dhnd.xMinf > xMax) {
coords[0] = coords[2] = coords[4] = coords[6] =
if (xMax - xMin > MAX_CUB_SIZE || yMax - yMin > MAX_CUB_SIZE) {
coords1[6] = coords[6];
coords1[7] = coords[7];
coords1[4] = (coords[4] + coords[6])/2.0f;
coords1[5] = (coords[5] + coords[7])/2.0f;
tx = (coords[2] + coords[4])/2.0f;
ty = (coords[3] + coords[5])/2.0f;
coords1[2] = (tx + coords1[4])/2.0f;
coords1[3] = (ty + coords1[5])/2.0f;
coords[2] = (coords[0] + coords[2])/2.0f;
coords[3] = (coords[1] + coords[3])/2.0f;
coords[4] = (coords[2] + tx)/2.0f;
coords[5] = (coords[3] + ty)/2.0f;
coords[6]=coords1[0]=(coords[4] + coords1[2])/2.0f;
coords[7]=coords1[1]=(coords[5] + coords1[3])/2.0f;
ProcessMonotonicCubic(hnd, coords, pixelInfo);
ProcessMonotonicCubic(hnd, coords1, pixelInfo);
} else {
DrawMonotonicCubic(hnd, coords,
/* Set checkBounds parameter if curve intersects
* boundary of the visible area. We know that
* the curve is visible, so the check is pretty
* simple
hnd.dhnd.xMinf > xMin ||
hnd.dhnd.xMaxf < xMax ||
hnd.dhnd.yMinf > yMin ||
hnd.dhnd.yMaxf < yMax,
* Split cubic curve into monotonic in X and Y parts. Calling
* ProcessMonotonicCubic for each monotonic piece of the curve.
* Note: coords array could be changed
private static void ProcessCubic(ProcessHandler hnd,
float[] coords,
int[] pixelInfo) {
/* Temporary array for holding parameters corresponding to the extreme
* in X and Y points
double params[] = new double[4];
double eqn[] = new double[3];
double res[] = new double[2];
int cnt = 0;
/* Simple check for monotonicity in X before searching for the extreme
* points of the X(t) function. We first check if the curve is
* monotonic in X by seeing if all of the X coordinates are strongly
* ordered.
if ((coords[0] > coords[2] || coords[2] > coords[4] ||
coords[4] > coords[6]) &&
(coords[0] < coords[2] || coords[2] < coords[4] ||
coords[4] < coords[6]))
/* Searching for extreme points of the X(t) function by solving
* dX(t)
* ---- = 0 equation
* dt
eqn[2] = -coords[0] + 3*coords[2] - 3*coords[4] + coords[6];
eqn[1] = 2*(coords[0] - 2*coords[2] + coords[4]);
eqn[0] = -coords[0] + coords[2];
int nr = QuadCurve2D.solveQuadratic(eqn, res);
/* Following code also correctly works in degenerate case of
* the quadratic equation (nr = -1) because we do not need
* splitting in this case.
for (int i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
if (res[i] > 0 && res[i] < 1) {
params[cnt++] = res[i];
/* Simple check for monotonicity in Y before searching for the extreme
* points of the Y(t) function. We first check if the curve is
* monotonic in Y by seeing if all of the Y coordinates are strongly
* ordered.
if ((coords[1] > coords[3] || coords[3] > coords[5] ||
coords[5] > coords[7]) &&
(coords[1] < coords[3] || coords[3] < coords[5] ||
coords[5] < coords[7]))
/* Searching for extreme points of the Y(t) function by solving
* dY(t)
* ----- = 0 equation
* dt
eqn[2] = -coords[1] + 3*coords[3] - 3*coords[5] + coords[7];
eqn[1] = 2*(coords[1] - 2*coords[3] + coords[5]);
eqn[0] = -coords[1] + coords[3];
int nr = QuadCurve2D.solveQuadratic(eqn, res);
/* Following code also correctly works in degenerate case of
* the quadratic equation (nr = -1) because we do not need
* splitting in this case.
for (int i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
if (res[i] > 0 && res[i] < 1) {
params[cnt++] = res[i];
if (cnt > 0) {
/* Sorting parameter values corresponding to the extreme points
* of the curve
Arrays.sort(params, 0, cnt);
/* Processing obtained monotonic parts */
ProcessFirstMonotonicPartOfCubic(hnd, coords, pixelInfo,
for (int i = 1; i < cnt; i++) {
double param = params[i] - params[i-1];
if (param > 0) {
ProcessFirstMonotonicPartOfCubic(hnd, coords, pixelInfo,
/* Scale parameter to match with rest of the curve */
(float)(param/(1.0 - params[i - 1])));
* Bite the piece of the cubic curve from start point till the point
* corresponding to the specified parameter then call ProcessCubic for the
* bitten part.
* Note: coords array will be changed
private static void ProcessFirstMonotonicPartOfCubic(ProcessHandler hnd,
float[] coords,
int[] pixelInfo,
float t)
float[] coords1 = new float[8];
float tx, ty;
coords1[0] = coords[0];
coords1[1] = coords[1];
tx = coords[2] + t*(coords[4] - coords[2]);
ty = coords[3] + t*(coords[5] - coords[3]);
coords1[2] = coords[0] + t*(coords[2] - coords[0]);
coords1[3] = coords[1] + t*(coords[3] - coords[1]);
coords1[4] = coords1[2] + t*(tx - coords1[2]);
coords1[5] = coords1[3] + t*(ty - coords1[3]);
coords[4] = coords[4] + t*(coords[6] - coords[4]);
coords[5] = coords[5] + t*(coords[7] - coords[5]);
coords[2] = tx + t*(coords[4] - tx);
coords[3] = ty + t*(coords[5] - ty);
coords[0]=coords1[6]=coords1[4] + t*(coords[2] - coords1[4]);
coords[1]=coords1[7]=coords1[5] + t*(coords[3] - coords1[5]);
ProcessMonotonicCubic(hnd, coords1, pixelInfo);
/* Note:
* For more easy reading of the code below each java version of the macros
* from the ProcessPath.c preceded by the commented origin call
* containing verbose names of the parameters
private static void ProcessLine(ProcessHandler hnd, float x1, float y1,
float x2, float y2, int[] pixelInfo) {
float xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax;
int X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3, res;
boolean clipped = false;
float x3,y3;
float c[] = new float[]{x1, y1, x2, y2, 0, 0};
boolean lastClipped;
xMin = hnd.dhnd.xMinf;
yMin = hnd.dhnd.yMinf;
xMax = hnd.dhnd.xMaxf;
yMax = hnd.dhnd.yMaxf;
// TESTANDCLIP(yMin, yMax, y1, x1, y2, x2, res);
res = TESTANDCLIP(yMin, yMax, c, 1, 0, 3, 2);
if (res == CRES_INVISIBLE) return;
clipped = IS_CLIPPED(res);
// TESTANDCLIP(yMin, yMax, y2, x2, y1, x1, res);
res = TESTANDCLIP(yMin, yMax, c, 3, 2, 1, 0);
if (res == CRES_INVISIBLE) return;
lastClipped = IS_CLIPPED(res);
clipped = clipped || lastClipped;
if (hnd.clipMode == PH_MODE_DRAW_CLIP) {
// TESTANDCLIP(xMin, xMax, x1, y1, x2, y2, res);
res = TESTANDCLIP(xMin, xMax, c, 0, 1, 2, 3);
if (res == CRES_INVISIBLE) return;
clipped = clipped || IS_CLIPPED(res);
// TESTANDCLIP(xMin, xMax, x2, y2, x1, y1, res);
res = TESTANDCLIP(xMin, xMax, c, 2, 3, 0, 1);
if (res == CRES_INVISIBLE) return;
lastClipped = lastClipped || IS_CLIPPED(res);
clipped = clipped || lastClipped;
X1 = (int)(c[0]*MDP_MULT);
Y1 = (int)(c[1]*MDP_MULT);
X2 = (int)(c[2]*MDP_MULT);
Y2 = (int)(c[3]*MDP_MULT);
hnd.processFixedLine(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, pixelInfo,
clipped, /* enable boundary checking in
case of clipping to avoid
entering out of bounds which
could happens during rounding
lastClipped /* Notify pProcessFixedLine
this is the end of the
subpath (because of exiting
out of boundaries)
} else {
/* Clamping starting from first vertex of the the processed
* segment
* CLIPCLAMP(xMin, xMax, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, res);
res = CLIPCLAMP(xMin, xMax, c, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
X1 = (int)(c[0]*MDP_MULT);
Y1 = (int)(c[1]*MDP_MULT);
/* Clamping only by left boundary */
if (res == CRES_MIN_CLIPPED) {
X3 = (int)(c[4]*MDP_MULT);
Y3 = (int)(c[5]*MDP_MULT);
hnd.processFixedLine(X3, Y3, X1, Y1, pixelInfo,
false, lastClipped);
} else if (res == CRES_INVISIBLE) {
/* Clamping starting from last vertex of the the processed
* segment
* CLIPCLAMP(xMin, xMax, x2, y2, x1, y1, x3, y3, res);
res = CLIPCLAMP(xMin, xMax, c, 2, 3, 0, 1, 4, 5);
/* Checking if there was a clip by right boundary */
lastClipped = lastClipped || (res == CRES_MAX_CLIPPED);
X2 = (int)(c[2]*MDP_MULT);
Y2 = (int)(c[3]*MDP_MULT);
hnd.processFixedLine(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, pixelInfo,
false, lastClipped);
/* Clamping only by left boundary */
if (res == CRES_MIN_CLIPPED) {
X3 = (int)(c[4]*MDP_MULT);
Y3 = (int)(c[5]*MDP_MULT);
hnd.processFixedLine(X2, Y2, X3, Y3, pixelInfo,
false, lastClipped);
private static boolean doProcessPath(ProcessHandler hnd,
Path2D.Float p2df,
float transXf, float transYf) {
float coords[] = new float[8];
float tCoords[] = new float[8];
float closeCoord[] = new float[] {0.0f, 0.0f};
float firstCoord[] = new float[2];
int pixelInfo[] = new int[5];
boolean subpathStarted = false;
boolean skip = false;
float lastX, lastY;
pixelInfo[0] = 0;
/* Adjusting boundaries to the capabilities of the
* ProcessPath code
hnd.dhnd.adjustBounds(LOWER_OUT_BND, LOWER_OUT_BND,
/* Adding support of the KEY_STROKE_CONTROL rendering hint.
* Now we are supporting two modes: "pixels at centers" and
* "pixels at corners".
* First one is disabled by default but could be enabled by setting
* VALUE_STROKE_PURE to the rendering hint. It means that pixel at the
* screen (x,y) has (x + 0.5, y + 0.5) float coordinates.
* Second one is enabled by default and means straightforward mapping
* (x,y) --> (x,y)
if (hnd.dhnd.strokeControl == SunHints.INTVAL_STROKE_PURE) {
closeCoord[0] = -0.5f;
closeCoord[1] = -0.5f;
transXf -= 0.5;
transYf -= 0.5;
PathIterator pi = p2df.getPathIterator(null);
while (!pi.isDone()) {
switch (pi.currentSegment(coords)) {
case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO:
/* Performing closing of the unclosed segments */
if (subpathStarted && !skip) {
if (hnd.clipMode == PH_MODE_FILL_CLIP) {
if (tCoords[0] != closeCoord[0] ||
tCoords[1] != closeCoord[1])
ProcessLine(hnd, tCoords[0], tCoords[1],
closeCoord[0], closeCoord[1],
tCoords[0] = coords[0] + transXf;
tCoords[1] = coords[1] + transYf;
/* Checking SEG_MOVETO coordinates if they are out of the
* [LOWER_BND, UPPER_BND] range. This check also handles
* NaN and Infinity values. Skipping next path segment in
* case of invalid data.
if (tCoords[0] < UPPER_BND &&
tCoords[0] > LOWER_BND &&
tCoords[1] < UPPER_BND &&
tCoords[1] > LOWER_BND)
subpathStarted = true;
skip = false;
closeCoord[0] = tCoords[0];
closeCoord[1] = tCoords[1];
} else {
skip = true;
pixelInfo[0] = 0;
case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO:
lastX = tCoords[2] = coords[0] + transXf;
lastY = tCoords[3] = coords[1] + transYf;
/* Checking SEG_LINETO coordinates if they are out of the
* [LOWER_BND, UPPER_BND] range. This check also handles
* NaN and Infinity values. Ignoring current path segment
* in case of invalid data. If segment is skipped its
* endpoint (if valid) is used to begin new subpath.
if (lastX < UPPER_BND &&
lastX > LOWER_BND &&
lastY < UPPER_BND &&
lastY > LOWER_BND)
if (skip) {
tCoords[0] = closeCoord[0] = lastX;
tCoords[1] = closeCoord[1] = lastY;
subpathStarted = true;
skip = false;
} else {
ProcessLine(hnd, tCoords[0], tCoords[1],
tCoords[2], tCoords[3], pixelInfo);
tCoords[0] = lastX;
tCoords[1] = lastY;
case PathIterator.SEG_QUADTO:
tCoords[2] = coords[0] + transXf;
tCoords[3] = coords[1] + transYf;
lastX = tCoords[4] = coords[2] + transXf;
lastY = tCoords[5] = coords[3] + transYf;
/* Checking SEG_QUADTO coordinates if they are out of the
* [LOWER_BND, UPPER_BND] range. This check also handles
* NaN and Infinity values. Ignoring current path segment
* in case of invalid endpoints's data. Equivalent to
* the SEG_LINETO if endpoint coordinates are valid but
* there are invalid data among other coordinates
if (lastX < UPPER_BND &&
lastX > LOWER_BND &&
lastY < UPPER_BND &&
lastY > LOWER_BND)
if (skip) {
tCoords[0] = closeCoord[0] = lastX;
tCoords[1] = closeCoord[1] = lastY;
subpathStarted = true;
skip = false;
} else {
if (tCoords[2] < UPPER_BND &&
tCoords[2] > LOWER_BND &&
tCoords[3] < UPPER_BND &&
tCoords[3] > LOWER_BND)
ProcessQuad(hnd, tCoords, pixelInfo);
} else {
ProcessLine(hnd, tCoords[0], tCoords[1],
tCoords[4], tCoords[5],
tCoords[0] = lastX;
tCoords[1] = lastY;
case PathIterator.SEG_CUBICTO:
tCoords[2] = coords[0] + transXf;
tCoords[3] = coords[1] + transYf;
tCoords[4] = coords[2] + transXf;
tCoords[5] = coords[3] + transYf;
lastX = tCoords[6] = coords[4] + transXf;
lastY = tCoords[7] = coords[5] + transYf;
/* Checking SEG_CUBICTO coordinates if they are out of the
* [LOWER_BND, UPPER_BND] range. This check also handles
* NaN and Infinity values. Ignoring current path segment
* in case of invalid endpoints's data. Equivalent to
* the SEG_LINETO if endpoint coordinates are valid but
* there are invalid data among other coordinates
if (lastX < UPPER_BND &&
lastX > LOWER_BND &&
lastY < UPPER_BND &&
lastY > LOWER_BND)
if (skip) {
tCoords[0] = closeCoord[0] = tCoords[6];
tCoords[1] = closeCoord[1] = tCoords[7];
subpathStarted = true;
skip = false;
} else {
if (tCoords[2] < UPPER_BND &&
tCoords[2] > LOWER_BND &&
tCoords[3] < UPPER_BND &&
tCoords[3] > LOWER_BND &&
tCoords[4] < UPPER_BND &&
tCoords[4] > LOWER_BND &&
tCoords[5] < UPPER_BND &&
tCoords[5] > LOWER_BND)
ProcessCubic(hnd, tCoords, pixelInfo);
} else {
ProcessLine(hnd, tCoords[0], tCoords[1],
tCoords[6], tCoords[7],
tCoords[0] = lastX;
tCoords[1] = lastY;
case PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE:
if (subpathStarted && !skip) {
skip = false;
if (tCoords[0] != closeCoord[0] ||
tCoords[1] != closeCoord[1])
ProcessLine(hnd, tCoords[0], tCoords[1],
closeCoord[0], closeCoord[1],
/* Storing last path's point for using in following
* segments without initial moveTo
tCoords[0] = closeCoord[0];
tCoords[1] = closeCoord[1];
/* Performing closing of the unclosed segments */
if (subpathStarted & !skip) {
if (hnd.clipMode == PH_MODE_FILL_CLIP) {
if (tCoords[0] != closeCoord[0] ||
tCoords[1] != closeCoord[1])
ProcessLine(hnd, tCoords[0], tCoords[1],
closeCoord[0], closeCoord[1],
return true;
private static class Point {
public int x;
public int y;
public boolean lastPoint;
public Point prev;
public Point next;
public Point nextByY;
public Edge edge;
public Point(int x, int y, boolean lastPoint) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.lastPoint = lastPoint;
private static class Edge {
int x;
int dx;
Point p;
int dir;
Edge prev;
Edge next;
public Edge(Point p, int x, int dx, int dir) {
this.p = p;
this.x = x;
this.dx = dx;
this.dir = dir;
/* Size of the default buffer in the FillData structure. This buffer is
* replaced with heap allocated in case of large paths.
private static final int DF_MAX_POINT = 256;
/* Following class accumulates points of the non-continuous flattened
* general path during iteration through the origin path's segments . The
* end of the each subpath is marked as lastPoint flag set at the last
* point
private static class FillData {
List<Point> plgPnts;
public int plgYMin;
public int plgYMax;
public FillData() {
plgPnts = new Vector<Point>(DF_MAX_POINT);
public void addPoint(int x, int y, boolean lastPoint) {
if (plgPnts.size() == 0) {
plgYMin = plgYMax = y;
} else {
plgYMin = (plgYMin > y)?y:plgYMin;
plgYMax = (plgYMax < y)?y:plgYMax;
plgPnts.add(new Point(x, y, lastPoint));
public boolean isEmpty() {
return plgPnts.size() == 0;
public boolean isEnded() {
return plgPnts.get(plgPnts.size() - 1).lastPoint;
public boolean setEnded() {
return plgPnts.get(plgPnts.size() - 1).lastPoint = true;
private static class ActiveEdgeList {
Edge head;
public boolean isEmpty() {
return (head == null);
public void insert(Point pnt, int cy) {
Point np = pnt.next;
int X1 = pnt.x, Y1 = pnt.y;
int X2 = np.x, Y2 = np.y;
Edge ne;
if (Y1 == Y2) {
/* Skipping horizontal segments */
} else {
int dX = X2 - X1;
int dY = Y2 - Y1;
int stepx, x0, dy, dir;
if (Y1 < Y2) {
x0 = X1;
dy = cy - Y1;
dir = -1;
} else { // (Y1 > Y2)
x0 = X2;
dy = cy - Y2;
dir = 1;
/* We need to worry only about dX because dY is in denominator
* and abs(dy) < MDP_MULT (cy is a first scanline of the scan
* converted segment and we subtract y coordinate of the
* nearest segment's end from it to obtain dy)
if (dX > CALC_UBND || dX < CALC_LBND) {
stepx = (int)((((double)dX)*MDP_MULT)/dY);
x0 = x0 + (int)((((double)dX)*dy)/dY);
} else {
stepx = (dX<<MDP_PREC)/dY;
x0 += (dX*dy)/dY;
ne = new Edge(pnt, x0, stepx, dir);
ne.next = head;
ne.prev = null;
if (head != null) {
head.prev = ne;
head = pnt.edge = ne;
public void delete(Edge e) {
Edge prevp = e.prev;
Edge nextp = e.next;
if (prevp != null) {
prevp.next = nextp;
} else {
head = nextp;
if (nextp != null) {
nextp.prev = prevp;
* Bubble sorting in the ascending order of the linked list. This
* implementation stops processing the list if there were no changes
* during the previous pass.
* We could not use O(N) Radix sort here because in most cases list of
* edges almost sorted. So, bubble sort (O(N^2)) is working much
* better. Note, in case of array of edges Shell sort is more
* efficient.
public void sort() {
Edge p, q, r, s = null, temp;
boolean wasSwap = true;
// r precedes p and s points to the node up to which
// comparisons are to be made
while (s != head.next && wasSwap) {
r = p = head;
q = p.next;
wasSwap = false;
while (p != s) {
if (p.x >= q.x) {
wasSwap = true;
if (p == head) {
temp = q.next;
q.next = p;
p.next = temp;
head = q;
r = q;
} else {
temp = q.next;
q.next = p;
p.next = temp;
r.next = q;
r = q;
} else {
r = p;
p = p.next;
q = p.next;
if (q == s) s = p;
// correction of the back links in the double linked edge list
p = head;
q = null;
while (p != null) {
p.prev = q;
q = p;
p = p.next;
private static void FillPolygon(FillProcessHandler hnd,
int fillRule) {
int k, y, n;
boolean drawing;
Edge active;
int rightBnd = hnd.dhnd.xMax - 1;
FillData fd = hnd.fd;
int yMin = fd.plgYMin;
int yMax = fd.plgYMax;
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