
JDK8/Java8源码在线阅读 / javax / swing / plaf / basic / BasicTabbedPaneUI.java
 * Copyright (c) 1997, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
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package javax.swing.plaf.basic;

import sun.swing.SwingUtilities2;

import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import javax.swing.plaf.*;
import javax.swing.text.View;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.Hashtable;

import sun.swing.DefaultLookup;
import sun.swing.UIAction;

 * A Basic L&F implementation of TabbedPaneUI.
 * @author Amy Fowler
 * @author Philip Milne
 * @author Steve Wilson
 * @author Tom Santos
 * @author Dave Moore
public class BasicTabbedPaneUI extends TabbedPaneUI implements SwingConstants {

// Instance variables initialized at installation

    protected JTabbedPane tabPane;

    protected Color highlight;
    protected Color lightHighlight;
    protected Color shadow;
    protected Color darkShadow;
    protected Color focus;
    private   Color selectedColor;

    protected int textIconGap;

    protected int tabRunOverlay;

    protected Insets tabInsets;
    protected Insets selectedTabPadInsets;
    protected Insets tabAreaInsets;
    protected Insets contentBorderInsets;
    private boolean tabsOverlapBorder;
    private boolean tabsOpaque = true;
    private boolean contentOpaque = true;

     * As of Java 2 platform v1.3 this previously undocumented field is no
     * longer used.
     * Key bindings are now defined by the LookAndFeel, please refer to
     * the key bindings specification for further details.
     * @deprecated As of Java 2 platform v1.3.
    protected KeyStroke upKey;
     * As of Java 2 platform v1.3 this previously undocumented field is no
     * longer used.
     * Key bindings are now defined by the LookAndFeel, please refer to
     * the key bindings specification for further details.
     * @deprecated As of Java 2 platform v1.3.
    protected KeyStroke downKey;
     * As of Java 2 platform v1.3 this previously undocumented field is no
     * longer used.
     * Key bindings are now defined by the LookAndFeel, please refer to
     * the key bindings specification for further details.
     * @deprecated As of Java 2 platform v1.3.
    protected KeyStroke leftKey;
     * As of Java 2 platform v1.3 this previously undocumented field is no
     * longer used.
     * Key bindings are now defined by the LookAndFeel, please refer to
     * the key bindings specification for further details.
     * @deprecated As of Java 2 platform v1.3.
    protected KeyStroke rightKey;

// Transient variables (recalculated each time TabbedPane is layed out)

    protected int tabRuns[] = new int[10];
    protected int runCount = 0;
    protected int selectedRun = -1;
    protected Rectangle rects[] = new Rectangle[0];
    protected int maxTabHeight;
    protected int maxTabWidth;

// Listeners

    protected ChangeListener tabChangeListener;
    protected PropertyChangeListener propertyChangeListener;
    protected MouseListener mouseListener;
    protected FocusListener focusListener;

// Private instance data

    private Insets currentPadInsets = new Insets(0,0,0,0);
    private Insets currentTabAreaInsets = new Insets(0,0,0,0);

    private Component visibleComponent;
    // PENDING(api): See comment for ContainerHandler
    private Vector<View> htmlViews;

    private Hashtable<Integer, Integer> mnemonicToIndexMap;

     * InputMap used for mnemonics. Only non-null if the JTabbedPane has
     * mnemonics associated with it. Lazily created in initMnemonics.
    private InputMap mnemonicInputMap;

    // For use when tabLayoutPolicy = SCROLL_TAB_LAYOUT
    private ScrollableTabSupport tabScroller;

    private TabContainer tabContainer;

     * A rectangle used for general layout calculations in order
     * to avoid constructing many new Rectangles on the fly.
    protected transient Rectangle calcRect = new Rectangle(0,0,0,0);

     * Tab that has focus.
    private int focusIndex;

     * Combined listeners.
    private Handler handler;

     * Index of the tab the mouse is over.
    private int rolloverTabIndex;

     * This is set to true when a component is added/removed from the tab
     * pane and set to false when layout happens.  If true it indicates that
     * tabRuns is not valid and shouldn't be used.
    private boolean isRunsDirty;

    private boolean calculatedBaseline;
    private int baseline;

// UI creation

    public static ComponentUI createUI(JComponent c) {
        return new BasicTabbedPaneUI();

    static void loadActionMap(LazyActionMap map) {
        map.put(new Actions(Actions.NEXT));
        map.put(new Actions(Actions.PREVIOUS));
        map.put(new Actions(Actions.RIGHT));
        map.put(new Actions(Actions.LEFT));
        map.put(new Actions(Actions.UP));
        map.put(new Actions(Actions.DOWN));
        map.put(new Actions(Actions.PAGE_UP));
        map.put(new Actions(Actions.PAGE_DOWN));
        map.put(new Actions(Actions.REQUEST_FOCUS));
        map.put(new Actions(Actions.REQUEST_FOCUS_FOR_VISIBLE));
        map.put(new Actions(Actions.SET_SELECTED));
        map.put(new Actions(Actions.SELECT_FOCUSED));
        map.put(new Actions(Actions.SCROLL_FORWARD));
        map.put(new Actions(Actions.SCROLL_BACKWARD));

// UI Installation/De-installation

    public void installUI(JComponent c) {
        this.tabPane = (JTabbedPane)c;

        calculatedBaseline = false;
        rolloverTabIndex = -1;
        focusIndex = -1;

    public void uninstallUI(JComponent c) {

        this.tabPane = null;

     * Invoked by <code>installUI</code> to create
     * a layout manager object to manage
     * the <code>JTabbedPane</code>.
     * @return a layout manager object
     * @see TabbedPaneLayout
     * @see javax.swing.JTabbedPane#getTabLayoutPolicy
    protected LayoutManager createLayoutManager() {
        if (tabPane.getTabLayoutPolicy() == JTabbedPane.SCROLL_TAB_LAYOUT) {
            return new TabbedPaneScrollLayout();
        } else { /* WRAP_TAB_LAYOUT */
            return new TabbedPaneLayout();

    /* In an attempt to preserve backward compatibility for programs
     * which have extended BasicTabbedPaneUI to do their own layout, the
     * UI uses the installed layoutManager (and not tabLayoutPolicy) to
     * determine if scrollTabLayout is enabled.
    private boolean scrollableTabLayoutEnabled() {
        return (tabPane.getLayout() instanceof TabbedPaneScrollLayout);

     * Creates and installs any required subcomponents for the JTabbedPane.
     * Invoked by installUI.
     * @since 1.4
    protected void installComponents() {
        if (scrollableTabLayoutEnabled()) {
            if (tabScroller == null) {
                tabScroller = new ScrollableTabSupport(tabPane.getTabPlacement());

    private void installTabContainer() {
         for (int i = 0; i < tabPane.getTabCount(); i++) {
             Component tabComponent = tabPane.getTabComponentAt(i);
             if (tabComponent != null) {
                 if(tabContainer == null) {
                     tabContainer = new TabContainer();
         if(tabContainer == null) {
         if (scrollableTabLayoutEnabled()) {
         } else {

     * Creates and returns a JButton that will provide the user
     * with a way to scroll the tabs in a particular direction. The
     * returned JButton must be instance of UIResource.
     * @param direction One of the SwingConstants constants:
     * @return Widget for user to
     * @see javax.swing.JTabbedPane#setTabPlacement
     * @see javax.swing.SwingConstants
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if direction is not one of
     *         NORTH, SOUTH, EAST or WEST
     * @since 1.5
    protected JButton createScrollButton(int direction) {
        if (direction != SOUTH && direction != NORTH && direction != EAST &&
                                  direction != WEST) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Direction must be one of: " +
                                               "SOUTH, NORTH, EAST or WEST");
        return new ScrollableTabButton(direction);

     * Removes any installed subcomponents from the JTabbedPane.
     * Invoked by uninstallUI.
     * @since 1.4
    protected void uninstallComponents() {
        if (scrollableTabLayoutEnabled()) {
            tabScroller = null;

    private void uninstallTabContainer() {
         if(tabContainer == null) {
         // Remove all the tabComponents, making sure not to notify
         // the tabbedpane.
         tabContainer.notifyTabbedPane = false;
         if(scrollableTabLayoutEnabled()) {
         } else {
         tabContainer = null;

    protected void installDefaults() {
        LookAndFeel.installColorsAndFont(tabPane, "TabbedPane.background",
                                    "TabbedPane.foreground", "TabbedPane.font");
        highlight = UIManager.getColor("TabbedPane.light");
        lightHighlight = UIManager.getColor("TabbedPane.highlight");
        shadow = UIManager.getColor("TabbedPane.shadow");
        darkShadow = UIManager.getColor("TabbedPane.darkShadow");
        focus = UIManager.getColor("TabbedPane.focus");
        selectedColor = UIManager.getColor("TabbedPane.selected");

        textIconGap = UIManager.getInt("TabbedPane.textIconGap");
        tabInsets = UIManager.getInsets("TabbedPane.tabInsets");
        selectedTabPadInsets = UIManager.getInsets("TabbedPane.selectedTabPadInsets");
        tabAreaInsets = UIManager.getInsets("TabbedPane.tabAreaInsets");
        tabsOverlapBorder = UIManager.getBoolean("TabbedPane.tabsOverlapBorder");
        contentBorderInsets = UIManager.getInsets("TabbedPane.contentBorderInsets");
        tabRunOverlay = UIManager.getInt("TabbedPane.tabRunOverlay");
        tabsOpaque = UIManager.getBoolean("TabbedPane.tabsOpaque");
        contentOpaque = UIManager.getBoolean("TabbedPane.contentOpaque");
        Object opaque = UIManager.get("TabbedPane.opaque");
        if (opaque == null) {
            opaque = Boolean.FALSE;
        LookAndFeel.installProperty(tabPane, "opaque", opaque);

        // Fix for 6711145 BasicTabbedPanuUI should not throw a NPE if these
        // keys are missing. So we are setting them to there default values here
        // if the keys are missing.
        if (tabInsets == null) tabInsets = new Insets(0,4,1,4);
        if (selectedTabPadInsets == null) selectedTabPadInsets = new Insets(2,2,2,1);
        if (tabAreaInsets == null) tabAreaInsets = new Insets(3,2,0,2);
        if (contentBorderInsets == null) contentBorderInsets = new Insets(2,2,3,3);

    protected void uninstallDefaults() {
        highlight = null;
        lightHighlight = null;
        shadow = null;
        darkShadow = null;
        focus = null;
        tabInsets = null;
        selectedTabPadInsets = null;
        tabAreaInsets = null;
        contentBorderInsets = null;

    protected void installListeners() {
        if ((propertyChangeListener = createPropertyChangeListener()) != null) {
        if ((tabChangeListener = createChangeListener()) != null) {
        if ((mouseListener = createMouseListener()) != null) {
        if ((focusListener = createFocusListener()) != null) {
        if (tabPane.getTabCount()>0) {
            htmlViews = createHTMLVector();

    protected void uninstallListeners() {
        if (mouseListener != null) {
            mouseListener = null;
        if (focusListener != null) {
            focusListener = null;

        if (htmlViews!=null) {
            htmlViews = null;
        if (tabChangeListener != null) {
            tabChangeListener = null;
        if (propertyChangeListener != null) {
            propertyChangeListener = null;
        handler = null;

    protected MouseListener createMouseListener() {
        return getHandler();

    protected FocusListener createFocusListener() {
        return getHandler();

    protected ChangeListener createChangeListener() {
        return getHandler();

    protected PropertyChangeListener createPropertyChangeListener() {
        return getHandler();

    private Handler getHandler() {
        if (handler == null) {
            handler = new Handler();
        return handler;

    protected void installKeyboardActions() {
        InputMap km = getInputMap(JComponent.

        SwingUtilities.replaceUIInputMap(tabPane, JComponent.
        km = getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_FOCUSED);
        SwingUtilities.replaceUIInputMap(tabPane, JComponent.WHEN_FOCUSED, km);

        LazyActionMap.installLazyActionMap(tabPane, BasicTabbedPaneUI.class,

    InputMap getInputMap(int condition) {
        if (condition == JComponent.WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT) {
            return (InputMap)DefaultLookup.get(tabPane, this,
        else if (condition == JComponent.WHEN_FOCUSED) {
            return (InputMap)DefaultLookup.get(tabPane, this,
        return null;

    protected void uninstallKeyboardActions() {
        SwingUtilities.replaceUIActionMap(tabPane, null);
        SwingUtilities.replaceUIInputMap(tabPane, JComponent.
        SwingUtilities.replaceUIInputMap(tabPane, JComponent.WHEN_FOCUSED,
        mnemonicToIndexMap = null;
        mnemonicInputMap = null;

     * Reloads the mnemonics. This should be invoked when a memonic changes,
     * when the title of a mnemonic changes, or when tabs are added/removed.
    private void updateMnemonics() {
        for (int counter = tabPane.getTabCount() - 1; counter >= 0;
             counter--) {
            int mnemonic = tabPane.getMnemonicAt(counter);

            if (mnemonic > 0) {
                addMnemonic(counter, mnemonic);

     * Resets the mnemonics bindings to an empty state.
    private void resetMnemonics() {
        if (mnemonicToIndexMap != null) {

     * Adds the specified mnemonic at the specified index.
    private void addMnemonic(int index, int mnemonic) {
        if (mnemonicToIndexMap == null) {
        mnemonicInputMap.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(mnemonic, BasicLookAndFeel.getFocusAcceleratorKeyMask()),
        mnemonicToIndexMap.put(Integer.valueOf(mnemonic), Integer.valueOf(index));

     * Installs the state needed for mnemonics.
    private void initMnemonics() {
        mnemonicToIndexMap = new Hashtable<Integer, Integer>();
        mnemonicInputMap = new ComponentInputMapUIResource(tabPane);

     * Sets the tab the mouse is over by location. This is a cover method
     * for <code>setRolloverTab(tabForCoordinate(x, y, false))</code>.
    private void setRolloverTab(int x, int y) {
        // NOTE:
        // This calls in with false otherwise it could trigger a validate,
        // which should NOT happen if the user is only dragging the
        // mouse around.
        setRolloverTab(tabForCoordinate(tabPane, x, y, false));

     * Sets the tab the mouse is currently over to <code>index</code>.
     * <code>index</code> will be -1 if the mouse is no longer over any
     * tab. No checking is done to ensure the passed in index identifies a
     * valid tab.
     * @param index Index of the tab the mouse is over.
     * @since 1.5
    protected void setRolloverTab(int index) {
        rolloverTabIndex = index;

     * Returns the tab the mouse is currently over, or {@code -1} if the mouse is no
     * longer over any tab.
     * @return the tab the mouse is currently over, or {@code -1} if the mouse is no
     * longer over any tab
     * @since 1.5
    protected int getRolloverTab() {
        return rolloverTabIndex;

    public Dimension getMinimumSize(JComponent c) {
        // Default to LayoutManager's minimumLayoutSize
        return null;

    public Dimension getMaximumSize(JComponent c) {
        // Default to LayoutManager's maximumLayoutSize
        return null;

     * Returns the baseline.
     * @throws NullPointerException {@inheritDoc}
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException {@inheritDoc}
     * @see javax.swing.JComponent#getBaseline(int, int)
     * @since 1.6
    public int getBaseline(JComponent c, int width, int height) {
        super.getBaseline(c, width, height);
        int baseline = calculateBaselineIfNecessary();
        if (baseline != -1) {
            int placement = tabPane.getTabPlacement();
            Insets insets = tabPane.getInsets();
            Insets tabAreaInsets = getTabAreaInsets(placement);
            switch(placement) {
            case JTabbedPane.TOP:
                baseline += insets.top + tabAreaInsets.top;
                return baseline;
            case JTabbedPane.BOTTOM:
                baseline = height - insets.bottom -
                    tabAreaInsets.bottom - maxTabHeight + baseline;
                return baseline;
            case JTabbedPane.LEFT:
            case JTabbedPane.RIGHT:
                baseline += insets.top + tabAreaInsets.top;
                return baseline;
        return -1;

     * Returns an enum indicating how the baseline of the component
     * changes as the size changes.
     * @throws NullPointerException {@inheritDoc}
     * @see javax.swing.JComponent#getBaseline(int, int)
     * @since 1.6
    public Component.BaselineResizeBehavior getBaselineResizeBehavior(
            JComponent c) {
        switch(tabPane.getTabPlacement()) {
        case JTabbedPane.LEFT:
        case JTabbedPane.RIGHT:
        case JTabbedPane.TOP:
            return Component.BaselineResizeBehavior.CONSTANT_ASCENT;
        case JTabbedPane.BOTTOM:
            return Component.BaselineResizeBehavior.CONSTANT_DESCENT;
        return Component.BaselineResizeBehavior.OTHER;

     * Returns the baseline for the specified tab.
     * @param tab index of tab to get baseline for
     * @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException if index is out of range
     *            (index &lt; 0 || index &gt;= tab count)
     * @return baseline or a value &lt; 0 indicating there is no reasonable
     *                  baseline
     * @since 1.6
    protected int getBaseline(int tab) {
        if (tabPane.getTabComponentAt(tab) != null) {
            int offset = getBaselineOffset();
            if (offset != 0) {
                // The offset is not applied to the tab component, and so
                // in general we can't get good alignment like with components
                // in the tab.
                return -1;
            Component c = tabPane.getTabComponentAt(tab);
            Dimension pref = c.getPreferredSize();
            Insets tabInsets = getTabInsets(tabPane.getTabPlacement(), tab);
            int cellHeight = maxTabHeight - tabInsets.top - tabInsets.bottom;
            return c.getBaseline(pref.width, pref.height) +
                    (cellHeight - pref.height) / 2 + tabInsets.top;
        else {
            View view = getTextViewForTab(tab);
            if (view != null) {
                int viewHeight = (int)view.getPreferredSpan(View.Y_AXIS);
                int baseline = BasicHTML.getHTMLBaseline(
                    view, (int)view.getPreferredSpan(View.X_AXIS), viewHeight);
                if (baseline >= 0) {
                    return maxTabHeight / 2 - viewHeight / 2 + baseline +
                return -1;
        FontMetrics metrics = getFontMetrics();
        int fontHeight = metrics.getHeight();
        int fontBaseline = metrics.getAscent();
        return maxTabHeight / 2 - fontHeight / 2 + fontBaseline +

     * Returns the amount the baseline is offset by.  This is typically
     * the same as <code>getTabLabelShiftY</code>.
     * @return amount to offset the baseline by
     * @since 1.6
    protected int getBaselineOffset() {
        switch(tabPane.getTabPlacement()) {
        case JTabbedPane.TOP:
            if (tabPane.getTabCount() > 1) {
                return 1;
            else {
                return -1;
        case JTabbedPane.BOTTOM:
            if (tabPane.getTabCount() > 1) {
                return -1;
            else {
                return 1;
        default: // RIGHT|LEFT
            return (maxTabHeight % 2);

    private int calculateBaselineIfNecessary() {
        if (!calculatedBaseline) {
            calculatedBaseline = true;
            baseline = -1;
            if (tabPane.getTabCount() > 0) {
        return baseline;

    private void calculateBaseline() {
        int tabCount = tabPane.getTabCount();
        int tabPlacement = tabPane.getTabPlacement();
        maxTabHeight = calculateMaxTabHeight(tabPlacement);
        baseline = getBaseline(0);
        if (isHorizontalTabPlacement()) {
            for(int i = 1; i < tabCount; i++) {
                if (getBaseline(i) != baseline) {
                    baseline = -1;
        else {
            // left/right, tabs may be different sizes.
            FontMetrics fontMetrics = getFontMetrics();
            int fontHeight = fontMetrics.getHeight();
            int height = calculateTabHeight(tabPlacement, 0, fontHeight);
            for(int i = 1; i < tabCount; i++) {
                int newHeight = calculateTabHeight(tabPlacement, i,fontHeight);
                if (height != newHeight) {
                    // assume different baseline
                    baseline = -1;

// UI Rendering

    public void paint(Graphics g, JComponent c) {
        int selectedIndex = tabPane.getSelectedIndex();
        int tabPlacement = tabPane.getTabPlacement();


        // Paint content border and tab area
        if (tabsOverlapBorder) {
            paintContentBorder(g, tabPlacement, selectedIndex);
        // If scrollable tabs are enabled, the tab area will be
        // painted by the scrollable tab panel instead.
        if (!scrollableTabLayoutEnabled()) { // WRAP_TAB_LAYOUT
            paintTabArea(g, tabPlacement, selectedIndex);
        if (!tabsOverlapBorder) {
            paintContentBorder(g, tabPlacement, selectedIndex);

     * Paints the tabs in the tab area.
     * Invoked by paint().
     * The graphics parameter must be a valid <code>Graphics</code>
     * object.  Tab placement may be either:
     * <code>JTabbedPane.TOP</code>, <code>JTabbedPane.BOTTOM</code>,
     * <code>JTabbedPane.LEFT</code>, or <code>JTabbedPane.RIGHT</code>.
     * The selected index must be a valid tabbed pane tab index (0 to
     * tab count - 1, inclusive) or -1 if no tab is currently selected.
     * The handling of invalid parameters is unspecified.
     * @param g the graphics object to use for rendering
     * @param tabPlacement the placement for the tabs within the JTabbedPane
     * @param selectedIndex the tab index of the selected component
     * @since 1.4
    protected void paintTabArea(Graphics g, int tabPlacement, int selectedIndex) {
        int tabCount = tabPane.getTabCount();

        Rectangle iconRect = new Rectangle(),
                  textRect = new Rectangle();
        Rectangle clipRect = g.getClipBounds();

        // Paint tabRuns of tabs from back to front
        for (int i = runCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            int start = tabRuns[i];
            int next = tabRuns[(i == runCount - 1)? 0 : i + 1];
            int end = (next != 0? next - 1: tabCount - 1);
            for (int j = start; j <= end; j++) {
                if (j != selectedIndex && rects[j].intersects(clipRect)) {
                    paintTab(g, tabPlacement, rects, j, iconRect, textRect);

        // Paint selected tab if its in the front run
        // since it may overlap other tabs
        if (selectedIndex >= 0 && rects[selectedIndex].intersects(clipRect)) {
            paintTab(g, tabPlacement, rects, selectedIndex, iconRect, textRect);

    protected void paintTab(Graphics g, int tabPlacement,
                            Rectangle[] rects, int tabIndex,
                            Rectangle iconRect, Rectangle textRect) {
        Rectangle tabRect = rects[tabIndex];
        int selectedIndex = tabPane.getSelectedIndex();
        boolean isSelected = selectedIndex == tabIndex;

        if (tabsOpaque || tabPane.isOpaque()) {
            paintTabBackground(g, tabPlacement, tabIndex, tabRect.x, tabRect.y,
                    tabRect.width, tabRect.height, isSelected);

        paintTabBorder(g, tabPlacement, tabIndex, tabRect.x, tabRect.y,
                       tabRect.width, tabRect.height, isSelected);

        String title = tabPane.getTitleAt(tabIndex);
        Font font = tabPane.getFont();
        FontMetrics metrics = SwingUtilities2.getFontMetrics(tabPane, g, font);
        Icon icon = getIconForTab(tabIndex);

        layoutLabel(tabPlacement, metrics, tabIndex, title, icon,
                    tabRect, iconRect, textRect, isSelected);

        if (tabPane.getTabComponentAt(tabIndex) == null) {
            String clippedTitle = title;

            if (scrollableTabLayoutEnabled() && tabScroller.croppedEdge.isParamsSet() &&
                    tabScroller.croppedEdge.getTabIndex() == tabIndex && isHorizontalTabPlacement()) {
                int availTextWidth = tabScroller.croppedEdge.getCropline() -
                        (textRect.x - tabRect.x) - tabScroller.croppedEdge.getCroppedSideWidth();
                clippedTitle = SwingUtilities2.clipStringIfNecessary(null, metrics, title, availTextWidth);
            } else if (!scrollableTabLayoutEnabled() && isHorizontalTabPlacement()) {
                clippedTitle = SwingUtilities2.clipStringIfNecessary(null, metrics, title, textRect.width);

            paintText(g, tabPlacement, font, metrics,
                    tabIndex, clippedTitle, textRect, isSelected);

            paintIcon(g, tabPlacement, tabIndex, icon, iconRect, isSelected);
        paintFocusIndicator(g, tabPlacement, rects, tabIndex,
                  iconRect, textRect, isSelected);

    private boolean isHorizontalTabPlacement() {
        return tabPane.getTabPlacement() == TOP || tabPane.getTabPlacement() == BOTTOM;

    /* This method will create and return a polygon shape for the given tab rectangle
     * which has been cropped at the specified cropline with a torn edge visual.
     * e.g. A "File" tab which has cropped been cropped just after the "i":
     *             -------------
     *             |  .....     |
     *             |  .          |
     *             |  ...  .    |
     *             |  .    .   |
     *             |  .    .    |
     *             |  .    .     |
     *             --------------
     * The x, y arrays below define the pattern used to create a "torn" edge
     * segment which is repeated to fill the edge of the tab.
     * For tabs placed on TOP and BOTTOM, this righthand torn edge is created by
     * line segments which are defined by coordinates obtained by
     * subtracting xCropLen[i] from (tab.x + tab.width) and adding yCroplen[i]
     * to (tab.y).
     * For tabs placed on LEFT or RIGHT, the bottom torn edge is created by
     * subtracting xCropLen[i] from (tab.y + tab.height) and adding yCropLen[i]
     * to (tab.x).
    private static int xCropLen[] = {1,1,0,0,1,1,2,2};
    private static int yCropLen[] = {0,3,3,6,6,9,9,12};
    private static final int CROP_SEGMENT = 12;

    private static Polygon createCroppedTabShape(int tabPlacement, Rectangle tabRect, int cropline) {
        int rlen;
        int start;
        int end;
        int ostart;

        switch(tabPlacement) {
          case LEFT:
          case RIGHT:
              rlen = tabRect.width;
              start = tabRect.x;
              end = tabRect.x + tabRect.width;
              ostart = tabRect.y + tabRect.height;
          case TOP:
          case BOTTOM:
             rlen = tabRect.height;
             start = tabRect.y;
             end = tabRect.y + tabRect.height;
             ostart = tabRect.x + tabRect.width;
        int rcnt = rlen/CROP_SEGMENT;
        if (rlen%CROP_SEGMENT > 0) {
        int npts = 2 + (rcnt*8);
        int xp[] = new int[npts];
        int yp[] = new int[npts];
        int pcnt = 0;

        xp[pcnt] = ostart;
        yp[pcnt++] = end;
        xp[pcnt] = ostart;
        yp[pcnt++] = start;
        for(int i = 0; i < rcnt; i++) {
            for(int j = 0; j < xCropLen.length; j++) {
                xp[pcnt] = cropline - xCropLen[j];
                yp[pcnt] = start + (i*CROP_SEGMENT) + yCropLen[j];
                if (yp[pcnt] >= end) {
                    yp[pcnt] = end;
        if (tabPlacement == JTabbedPane.TOP || tabPlacement == JTabbedPane.BOTTOM) {
           return new Polygon(xp, yp, pcnt);

        } else { // LEFT or RIGHT
           return new Polygon(yp, xp, pcnt);

    /* If tabLayoutPolicy == SCROLL_TAB_LAYOUT, this method will paint an edge
     * indicating the tab is cropped in the viewport display
    private void paintCroppedTabEdge(Graphics g) {
        int tabIndex = tabScroller.croppedEdge.getTabIndex();
        int cropline = tabScroller.croppedEdge.getCropline();
        int x,y;
        switch(tabPane.getTabPlacement()) {
          case LEFT:
          case RIGHT:
            x = rects[tabIndex].x;
            y = cropline;
            int xx = x;
            while(xx <= x+rects[tabIndex].width) {
                for (int i=0; i < xCropLen.length; i+=2) {
          case TOP:
          case BOTTOM:
            x = cropline;
            y = rects[tabIndex].y;
            int yy = y;
            while(yy <= y+rects[tabIndex].height) {
                for (int i=0; i < xCropLen.length; i+=2) {

    protected void layoutLabel(int tabPlacement,
                               FontMetrics metrics, int tabIndex,
                               String title, Icon icon,
                               Rectangle tabRect, Rectangle iconRect,
                               Rectangle textRect, boolean isSelected ) {
        textRect.x = textRect.y = iconRect.x = iconRect.y = 0;

        View v = getTextViewForTab(tabIndex);
        if (v != null) {
            tabPane.putClientProperty("html", v);

                                           metrics, title, icon,

        tabPane.putClientProperty("html", null);

        int xNudge = getTabLabelShiftX(tabPlacement, tabIndex, isSelected);
        int yNudge = getTabLabelShiftY(tabPlacement, tabIndex, isSelected);
        iconRect.x += xNudge;
        iconRect.y += yNudge;
        textRect.x += xNudge;
        textRect.y += yNudge;

    protected void paintIcon(Graphics g, int tabPlacement,
                             int tabIndex, Icon icon, Rectangle iconRect,
                             boolean isSelected ) {
        if (icon != null) {
            icon.paintIcon(tabPane, g, iconRect.x, iconRect.y);

    protected void paintText(Graphics g, int tabPlacement,
                             Font font, FontMetrics metrics, int tabIndex,
                             String title, Rectangle textRect,
                             boolean isSelected) {


        View v = getTextViewForTab(tabIndex);
        if (v != null) {
            // html
            v.paint(g, textRect);
        } else {
            // plain text
            int mnemIndex = tabPane.getDisplayedMnemonicIndexAt(tabIndex);

            if (tabPane.isEnabled() && tabPane.isEnabledAt(tabIndex)) {
                Color fg = tabPane.getForegroundAt(tabIndex);
                if (isSelected && (fg instanceof UIResource)) {
                    Color selectedFG = UIManager.getColor(
                    if (selectedFG != null) {
                        fg = selectedFG;
                SwingUtilities2.drawStringUnderlineCharAt(tabPane, g,
                             title, mnemIndex,
                             textRect.x, textRect.y + metrics.getAscent());

            } else { // tab disabled
                SwingUtilities2.drawStringUnderlineCharAt(tabPane, g,
                             title, mnemIndex,
                             textRect.x, textRect.y + metrics.getAscent());
                SwingUtilities2.drawStringUnderlineCharAt(tabPane, g,
                             title, mnemIndex,
                             textRect.x - 1, textRect.y + metrics.getAscent() - 1);


    protected int getTabLabelShiftX(int tabPlacement, int tabIndex, boolean isSelected) {
        Rectangle tabRect = rects[tabIndex];
        String propKey = (isSelected ? "selectedLabelShift" : "labelShift");
        int nudge = DefaultLookup.getInt(
                tabPane, this, "TabbedPane." + propKey, 1);

        switch (tabPlacement) {
            case LEFT:
                return nudge;
            case RIGHT:
                return -nudge;
            case BOTTOM:
            case TOP:
                return tabRect.width % 2;

    protected int getTabLabelShiftY(int tabPlacement, int tabIndex, boolean isSelected) {
        Rectangle tabRect = rects[tabIndex];
        int nudge = (isSelected ? DefaultLookup.getInt(tabPane, this, "TabbedPane.selectedLabelShift", -1) :
                DefaultLookup.getInt(tabPane, this, "TabbedPane.labelShift", 1));

        switch (tabPlacement) {
            case BOTTOM:
                return -nudge;
            case LEFT:
            case RIGHT:
                return tabRect.height % 2;
            case TOP:
                return nudge;

    protected void paintFocusIndicator(Graphics g, int tabPlacement,
                                       Rectangle[] rects, int tabIndex,
                                       Rectangle iconRect, Rectangle textRect,
                                       boolean isSelected) {
        Rectangle tabRect = rects[tabIndex];
        if (tabPane.hasFocus() && isSelected) {
            int x, y, w, h;
            switch(tabPlacement) {
              case LEFT:
                  x = tabRect.x + 3;
                  y = tabRect.y + 3;
                  w = tabRect.width - 5;
                  h = tabRect.height - 6;
              case RIGHT:
                  x = tabRect.x + 2;
                  y = tabRect.y + 3;
                  w = tabRect.width - 5;
                  h = tabRect.height - 6;
              case BOTTOM:
                  x = tabRect.x + 3;
                  y = tabRect.y + 2;
                  w = tabRect.width - 6;
                  h = tabRect.height - 5;
              case TOP:
                  x = tabRect.x + 3;
                  y = tabRect.y + 3;
                  w = tabRect.width - 6;
                  h = tabRect.height - 5;
            BasicGraphicsUtils.drawDashedRect(g, x, y, w, h);

      * this function draws the border around each tab
      * note that this function does now draw the background of the tab.
      * that is done elsewhere
    protected void paintTabBorder(Graphics g, int tabPlacement,
                                  int tabIndex,
                                  int x, int y, int w, int h,
                                  boolean isSelected ) {

        switch (tabPlacement) {
          case LEFT:
              g.drawLine(x+1, y+h-2, x+1, y+h-2); // bottom-left highlight
              g.drawLine(x, y+2, x, y+h-3); // left highlight
              g.drawLine(x+1, y+1, x+1, y+1); // top-left highlight
              g.drawLine(x+2, y, x+w-1, y); // top highlight

              g.drawLine(x+2, y+h-2, x+w-1, y+h-2); // bottom shadow

              g.drawLine(x+2, y+h-1, x+w-1, y+h-1); // bottom dark shadow
          case RIGHT:
              g.drawLine(x, y, x+w-3, y); // top highlight

              g.drawLine(x, y+h-2, x+w-3, y+h-2); // bottom shadow
              g.drawLine(x+w-2, y+2, x+w-2, y+h-3); // right shadow

              g.drawLine(x+w-2, y+1, x+w-2, y+1); // top-right dark shadow
              g.drawLine(x+w-2, y+h-2, x+w-2, y+h-2); // bottom-right dark shadow
              g.drawLine(x+w-1, y+2, x+w-1, y+h-3); // right dark shadow
              g.drawLine(x, y+h-1, x+w-3, y+h-1); // bottom dark shadow
          case BOTTOM:
              g.drawLine(x, y, x, y+h-3); // left highlight
              g.drawLine(x+1, y+h-2, x+1, y+h-2); // bottom-left highlight

              g.drawLine(x+2, y+h-2, x+w-3, y+h-2); // bottom shadow
              g.drawLine(x+w-2, y, x+w-2, y+h-3); // right shadow

              g.drawLine(x+2, y+h-1, x+w-3, y+h-1); // bottom dark shadow
              g.drawLine(x+w-2, y+h-2, x+w-2, y+h-2); // bottom-right dark shadow
              g.drawLine(x+w-1, y, x+w-1, y+h-3); // right dark shadow
          case TOP:
              g.drawLine(x, y+2, x, y+h-1); // left highlight
              g.drawLine(x+1, y+1, x+1, y+1); // top-left highlight
              g.drawLine(x+2, y, x+w-3, y); // top highlight

              g.drawLine(x+w-2, y+2, x+w-2, y+h-1); // right shadow

              g.drawLine(x+w-1, y+2, x+w-1, y+h-1); // right dark-shadow
              g.drawLine(x+w-2, y+1, x+w-2, y+1); // top-right shadow

    protected void paintTabBackground(Graphics g, int tabPlacement,
                                      int tabIndex,
                                      int x, int y, int w, int h,
                                      boolean isSelected ) {
        g.setColor(!isSelected || selectedColor == null?
                   tabPane.getBackgroundAt(tabIndex) : selectedColor);
        switch(tabPlacement) {
          case LEFT:
              g.fillRect(x+1, y+1, w-1, h-3);
          case RIGHT:
              g.fillRect(x, y+1, w-2, h-3);
          case BOTTOM:
              g.fillRect(x+1, y, w-3, h-1);
          case TOP:
              g.fillRect(x+1, y+1, w-3, h-1);

    protected void paintContentBorder(Graphics g, int tabPlacement, int selectedIndex) {
        int width = tabPane.getWidth();
        int height = tabPane.getHeight();
        Insets insets = tabPane.getInsets();
        Insets tabAreaInsets = getTabAreaInsets(tabPlacement);

        int x = insets.left;
        int y = insets.top;
        int w = width - insets.right - insets.left;
        int h = height - insets.top - insets.bottom;

        switch(tabPlacement) {
          case LEFT:
              x += calculateTabAreaWidth(tabPlacement, runCount, maxTabWidth);
              if (tabsOverlapBorder) {
                  x -= tabAreaInsets.right;
              w -= (x - insets.left);
          case RIGHT:
              w -= calculateTabAreaWidth(tabPlacement, runCount, maxTabWidth);
              if (tabsOverlapBorder) {
                  w += tabAreaInsets.left;
          case BOTTOM:
              h -= calculateTabAreaHeight(tabPlacement, runCount, maxTabHeight);
              if (tabsOverlapBorder) {
                  h += tabAreaInsets.top;
          case TOP:
              y += calculateTabAreaHeight(tabPlacement, runCount, maxTabHeight);
              if (tabsOverlapBorder) {
                  y -= tabAreaInsets.bottom;
              h -= (y - insets.top);

            if ( tabPane.getTabCount() > 0 && (contentOpaque || tabPane.isOpaque()) ) {
            // Fill region behind content area
            Color color = UIManager.getColor("TabbedPane.contentAreaColor");
            if (color != null) {
            else if ( selectedColor == null || selectedIndex == -1 ) {
            else {

        paintContentBorderTopEdge(g, tabPlacement, selectedIndex, x, y, w, h);
        paintContentBorderLeftEdge(g, tabPlacement, selectedIndex, x, y, w, h);
        paintContentBorderBottomEdge(g, tabPlacement, selectedIndex, x, y, w, h);
        paintContentBorderRightEdge(g, tabPlacement, selectedIndex, x, y, w, h);


    protected void paintContentBorderTopEdge(Graphics g, int tabPlacement,
                                         int selectedIndex,
                                         int x, int y, int w, int h) {
        Rectangle selRect = selectedIndex < 0? null :
                               getTabBounds(selectedIndex, calcRect);


        // Draw unbroken line if tabs are not on TOP, OR
        // selected tab is not in run adjacent to content, OR
        // selected tab is not visible (SCROLL_TAB_LAYOUT)
        if (tabPlacement != TOP || selectedIndex < 0 ||
            (selRect.y + selRect.height + 1 < y) ||
            (selRect.x < x || selRect.x > x + w)) {
            g.drawLine(x, y, x+w-2, y);
        } else {
            // Break line to show visual connection to selected tab
            g.drawLine(x, y, selRect.x - 1, y);
            if (selRect.x + selRect.width < x + w - 2) {
                g.drawLine(selRect.x + selRect.width, y,
                           x+w-2, y);
            } else {
                g.drawLine(x+w-2, y, x+w-2, y);

    protected void paintContentBorderLeftEdge(Graphics g, int tabPlacement,
                                               int selectedIndex,
                                               int x, int y, int w, int h) {
        Rectangle selRect = selectedIndex < 0? null :
                               getTabBounds(selectedIndex, calcRect);


        // Draw unbroken line if tabs are not on LEFT, OR
        // selected tab is not in run adjacent to content, OR
        // selected tab is not visible (SCROLL_TAB_LAYOUT)
        if (tabPlacement != LEFT || selectedIndex < 0 ||
            (selRect.x + selRect.width + 1 < x) ||
            (selRect.y < y || selRect.y > y + h)) {
            g.drawLine(x, y, x, y+h-2);
        } else {
            // Break line to show visual connection to selected tab
            g.drawLine(x, y, x, selRect.y - 1);
            if (selRect.y + selRect.height < y + h - 2) {
                g.drawLine(x, selRect.y + selRect.height,
                           x, y+h-2);

    protected void paintContentBorderBottomEdge(Graphics g, int tabPlacement,
                                               int selectedIndex,
                                               int x, int y, int w, int h) {
        Rectangle selRect = selectedIndex < 0? null :
                               getTabBounds(selectedIndex, calcRect);


        // Draw unbroken line if tabs are not on BOTTOM, OR
        // selected tab is not in run adjacent to content, OR
        // selected tab is not visible (SCROLL_TAB_LAYOUT)
        if (tabPlacement != BOTTOM || selectedIndex < 0 ||
             (selRect.y - 1 > h) ||
             (selRect.x < x || selRect.x > x + w)) {
            g.drawLine(x+1, y+h-2, x+w-2, y+h-2);
            g.drawLine(x, y+h-1, x+w-1, y+h-1);
        } else {
            // Break line to show visual connection to selected tab
            g.drawLine(x+1, y+h-2, selRect.x - 1, y+h-2);
            g.drawLine(x, y+h-1, selRect.x - 1, y+h-1);
            if (selRect.x + selRect.width < x + w - 2) {
                g.drawLine(selRect.x + selRect.width, y+h-2, x+w-2, y+h-2);
                g.drawLine(selRect.x + selRect.width, y+h-1, x+w-1, y+h-1);


    protected void paintContentBorderRightEdge(Graphics g, int tabPlacement,
                                               int selectedIndex,
                                               int x, int y, int w, int h) {
        Rectangle selRect = selectedIndex < 0? null :
                               getTabBounds(selectedIndex, calcRect);


        // Draw unbroken line if tabs are not on RIGHT, OR
        // selected tab is not in run adjacent to content, OR
        // selected tab is not visible (SCROLL_TAB_LAYOUT)
        if (tabPlacement != RIGHT || selectedIndex < 0 ||
             (selRect.x - 1 > w) ||
             (selRect.y < y || selRect.y > y + h)) {
            g.drawLine(x+w-2, y+1, x+w-2, y+h-3);
            g.drawLine(x+w-1, y, x+w-1, y+h-1);
        } else {
            // Break line to show visual connection to selected tab
            g.drawLine(x+w-2, y+1, x+w-2, selRect.y - 1);
            g.drawLine(x+w-1, y, x+w-1, selRect.y - 1);

            if (selRect.y + selRect.height < y + h - 2) {
                g.drawLine(x+w-2, selRect.y + selRect.height,
                           x+w-2, y+h-2);
                g.drawLine(x+w-1, selRect.y + selRect.height,
                           x+w-1, y+h-2);

    private void ensureCurrentLayout() {
        if (!tabPane.isValid()) {
        /* If tabPane doesn't have a peer yet, the validate() call will
         * silently fail.  We handle that by forcing a layout if tabPane
         * is still invalid.  See bug 4237677.
        if (!tabPane.isValid()) {
            TabbedPaneLayout layout = (TabbedPaneLayout)tabPane.getLayout();

// TabbedPaneUI methods

     * Returns the bounds of the specified tab index.  The bounds are
     * with respect to the JTabbedPane's coordinate space.
    public Rectangle getTabBounds(JTabbedPane pane, int i) {
        Rectangle tabRect = new Rectangle();
        return getTabBounds(i, tabRect);

    public int getTabRunCount(JTabbedPane pane) {
        return runCount;

     * Returns the tab index which intersects the specified point
     * in the JTabbedPane's coordinate space.
    public int tabForCoordinate(JTabbedPane pane, int x, int y) {
        return tabForCoordinate(pane, x, y, true);

    private int tabForCoordinate(JTabbedPane pane, int x, int y,
                                 boolean validateIfNecessary) {
        if (validateIfNecessary) {
        if (isRunsDirty) {
            // We didn't recalculate the layout, runs and tabCount may not
            // line up, bail.
            return -1;
        Point p = new Point(x, y);

        if (scrollableTabLayoutEnabled()) {
            translatePointToTabPanel(x, y, p);
            Rectangle viewRect = tabScroller.viewport.getViewRect();
            if (!viewRect.contains(p)) {
                return -1;
        int tabCount = tabPane.getTabCount();
        for (int i = 0; i < tabCount; i++) {
            if (rects[i].contains(p.x, p.y)) {
                return i;
        return -1;

     * Returns the bounds of the specified tab in the coordinate space
     * of the JTabbedPane component.  This is required because the tab rects
     * are by default defined in the coordinate space of the component where
     * they are rendered, which could be the JTabbedPane
     * (for WRAP_TAB_LAYOUT) or a ScrollableTabPanel (SCROLL_TAB_LAYOUT).
     * This method should be used whenever the tab rectangle must be relative
     * to the JTabbedPane itself and the result should be placed in a
     * designated Rectangle object (rather than instantiating and returning
     * a new Rectangle each time). The tab index parameter must be a valid
     * tabbed pane tab index (0 to tab count - 1, inclusive).  The destination
     * rectangle parameter must be a valid <code>Rectangle</code> instance.
     * The handling of invalid parameters is unspecified.
     * @param tabIndex the index of the tab
     * @param dest the rectangle where the result should be placed
     * @return the resulting rectangle
     * @since 1.4
    protected Rectangle getTabBounds(int tabIndex, Rectangle dest) {
        dest.width = rects[tabIndex].width;
        dest.height = rects[tabIndex].height;

        if (scrollableTabLayoutEnabled()) { // SCROLL_TAB_LAYOUT
            // Need to translate coordinates based on viewport location &
            // view position
            Point vpp = tabScroller.viewport.getLocation();
            Point viewp = tabScroller.viewport.getViewPosition();
            dest.x = rects[tabIndex].x + vpp.x - viewp.x;
            dest.y = rects[tabIndex].y + vpp.y - viewp.y;

        } else { // WRAP_TAB_LAYOUT
            dest.x = rects[tabIndex].x;
            dest.y = rects[tabIndex].y;
        return dest;

     * Returns the index of the tab closest to the passed in location, note
     * that the returned tab may not contain the location x,y.
    private int getClosestTab(int x, int y) {
        int min = 0;
        int tabCount = Math.min(rects.length, tabPane.getTabCount());
        int max = tabCount;
        int tabPlacement = tabPane.getTabPlacement();
        boolean useX = (tabPlacement == TOP || tabPlacement == BOTTOM);
        int want = (useX) ? x : y;

        while (min != max) {
            int current = (max + min) / 2;
            int minLoc;
            int maxLoc;

            if (useX) {
                minLoc = rects[current].x;
                maxLoc = minLoc + rects[current].width;
            else {
                minLoc = rects[current].y;
                maxLoc = minLoc + rects[current].height;
            if (want < minLoc) {
                max = current;
                if (min == max) {
                    return Math.max(0, current - 1);
            else if (want >= maxLoc) {
                min = current;
                if (max - min <= 1) {
                    return Math.max(current + 1, tabCount - 1);
            else {
                return current;
        return min;

     * Returns a point which is translated from the specified point in the
     * JTabbedPane's coordinate space to the coordinate space of the
     * ScrollableTabPanel.  This is used for SCROLL_TAB_LAYOUT ONLY.
    private Point translatePointToTabPanel(int srcx, int srcy, Point dest) {
        Point vpp = tabScroller.viewport.getLocation();
        Point viewp = tabScroller.viewport.getViewPosition();
        dest.x = srcx - vpp.x + viewp.x;
        dest.y = srcy - vpp.y + viewp.y;
        return dest;

// BasicTabbedPaneUI methods

    protected Component getVisibleComponent() {
        return visibleComponent;

    protected void setVisibleComponent(Component component) {
        if (visibleComponent != null
                && visibleComponent != component
                && visibleComponent.getParent() == tabPane
                && visibleComponent.isVisible()) {

        if (component != null && !component.isVisible()) {
        visibleComponent = component;

    protected void assureRectsCreated(int tabCount) {
        int rectArrayLen = rects.length;
        if (tabCount != rectArrayLen ) {
            Rectangle[] tempRectArray = new Rectangle[tabCount];
            System.arraycopy(rects, 0, tempRectArray, 0,
                             Math.min(rectArrayLen, tabCount));
            rects = tempRectArray;
            for (int rectIndex = rectArrayLen; rectIndex < tabCount; rectIndex++) {
                rects[rectIndex] = new Rectangle();


    protected void expandTabRunsArray() {
        int rectLen = tabRuns.length;
        int[] newArray = new int[rectLen+10];
        System.arraycopy(tabRuns, 0, newArray, 0, runCount);
        tabRuns = newArray;

    protected int getRunForTab(int tabCount, int tabIndex) {
        for (int i = 0; i < runCount; i++) {
            int first = tabRuns[i];
            int last = lastTabInRun(tabCount, i);
            if (tabIndex >= first && tabIndex <= last) {
                return i;
        return 0;

    protected int lastTabInRun(int tabCount, int run) {
        if (runCount == 1) {
            return tabCount - 1;
        int nextRun = (run == runCount - 1? 0 : run + 1);
        if (tabRuns[nextRun] == 0) {
            return tabCount - 1;
        return tabRuns[nextRun]-1;

    protected int getTabRunOverlay(int tabPlacement) {
        return tabRunOverlay;

    protected int getTabRunIndent(int tabPlacement, int run) {
        return 0;

    protected boolean shouldPadTabRun(int tabPlacement, int run) {
        return runCount > 1;

    protected boolean shouldRotateTabRuns(int tabPlacement) {
        return true;

    protected Icon getIconForTab(int tabIndex) {
        return (!tabPane.isEnabled() || !tabPane.isEnabledAt(tabIndex))?
                          tabPane.getDisabledIconAt(tabIndex) : tabPane.getIconAt(tabIndex);

     * Returns the text View object required to render stylized text (HTML) for
     * the specified tab or null if no specialized text rendering is needed
     * for this tab. This is provided to support html rendering inside tabs.
     * @param tabIndex the index of the tab
     * @return the text view to render the tab's text or null if no
     *         specialized rendering is required
     * @since 1.4
    protected View getTextViewForTab(int tabIndex) {
        if (htmlViews != null) {
            return htmlViews.elementAt(tabIndex);
        return null;

    protected int calculateTabHeight(int tabPlacement, int tabIndex, int fontHeight) {
        int height = 0;
        Component c = tabPane.getTabComponentAt(tabIndex);
        if (c != null) {
            height = c.getPreferredSize().height;
        } else {
            View v = getTextViewForTab(tabIndex);
            if (v != null) {
                // html
                height += (int) v.getPreferredSpan(View.Y_AXIS);
            } else {
                // plain text
                height += fontHeight;
            Icon icon = getIconForTab(tabIndex);

            if (icon != null) {
                height = Math.max(height, icon.getIconHeight());
        Insets tabInsets = getTabInsets(tabPlacement, tabIndex);
        height += tabInsets.top + tabInsets.bottom + 2;
        return height;

    protected int calculateMaxTabHeight(int tabPlacement) {
        FontMetrics metrics = getFontMetrics();
        int tabCount = tabPane.getTabCount();
        int result = 0;
        int fontHeight = metrics.getHeight();
        for(int i = 0; i < tabCount; i++) {
            result = Math.max(calculateTabHeight(tabPlacement, i, fontHeight), result);
        return result;

    protected int calculateTabWidth(int tabPlacement, int tabIndex, FontMetrics metrics) {
        Insets tabInsets = getTabInsets(tabPlacement, tabIndex);
        int width = tabInsets.left + tabInsets.right + 3;
        Component tabComponent = tabPane.getTabComponentAt(tabIndex);
        if (tabComponent != null) {
            width += tabComponent.getPreferredSize().width;
        } else {
            Icon icon = getIconForTab(tabIndex);
            if (icon != null) {
                width += icon.getIconWidth() + textIconGap;
            View v = getTextViewForTab(tabIndex);
            if (v != null) {
                // html
                width += (int) v.getPreferredSpan(View.X_AXIS);
            } else {
                // plain text
                String title = tabPane.getTitleAt(tabIndex);
                width += SwingUtilities2.stringWidth(tabPane, metrics, title);
        return width;

    protected int calculateMaxTabWidth(int tabPlacement) {
        FontMetrics metrics = getFontMetrics();
        int tabCount = tabPane.getTabCount();
        int result = 0;
        for(int i = 0; i < tabCount; i++) {
            result = Math.max(calculateTabWidth(tabPlacement, i, metrics), result);
        return result;

    protected int calculateTabAreaHeight(int tabPlacement, int horizRunCount, int maxTabHeight) {
        Insets tabAreaInsets = getTabAreaInsets(tabPlacement);
        int tabRunOverlay = getTabRunOverlay(tabPlacement);
        return (horizRunCount > 0?
                horizRunCount * (maxTabHeight-tabRunOverlay) + tabRunOverlay +
                tabAreaInsets.top + tabAreaInsets.bottom :

    protected int calculateTabAreaWidth(int tabPlacement, int vertRunCount, int maxTabWidth) {
        Insets tabAreaInsets = getTabAreaInsets(tabPlacement);
        int tabRunOverlay = getTabRunOverlay(tabPlacement);
        return (vertRunCount > 0?
                vertRunCount * (maxTabWidth-tabRunOverlay) + tabRunOverlay +
                tabAreaInsets.left + tabAreaInsets.right :

    protected Insets getTabInsets(int tabPlacement, int tabIndex) {
        return tabInsets;

    protected Insets getSelectedTabPadInsets(int tabPlacement) {
        rotateInsets(selectedTabPadInsets, currentPadInsets, tabPlacement);
        return currentPadInsets;

    protected Insets getTabAreaInsets(int tabPlacement) {
        rotateInsets(tabAreaInsets, currentTabAreaInsets, tabPlacement);
        return currentTabAreaInsets;

    protected Insets getContentBorderInsets(int tabPlacement) {
        return contentBorderInsets;

    protected FontMetrics getFontMetrics() {
        Font font = tabPane.getFont();
        return tabPane.getFontMetrics(font);

// Tab Navigation methods

    protected void navigateSelectedTab(int direction) {
        int tabPlacement = tabPane.getTabPlacement();
        int current = DefaultLookup.getBoolean(tabPane, this,
                             "TabbedPane.selectionFollowsFocus", true) ?
                             tabPane.getSelectedIndex() : getFocusIndex();
        int tabCount = tabPane.getTabCount();
        boolean leftToRight = BasicGraphicsUtils.isLeftToRight(tabPane);

        // If we have no tabs then don't navigate.
        if (tabCount <= 0) {

        int offset;
        switch(tabPlacement) {
          case LEFT:
          case RIGHT:
              switch(direction) {
                 case NEXT:
                 case PREVIOUS:
                case NORTH:
                case SOUTH:
                case WEST:
                    offset = getTabRunOffset(tabPlacement, tabCount, current, false);
                    selectAdjacentRunTab(tabPlacement, current, offset);
                case EAST:
                    offset = getTabRunOffset(tabPlacement, tabCount, current, true);
                    selectAdjacentRunTab(tabPlacement, current, offset);
          case BOTTOM:
          case TOP:
              switch(direction) {
                case NEXT:
                case PREVIOUS:
                case NORTH:
                    offset = getTabRunOffset(tabPlacement, tabCount, current, false);
                    selectAdjacentRunTab(tabPlacement, current, offset);
                case SOUTH:
                    offset = getTabRunOffset(tabPlacement, tabCount, current, true);
                    selectAdjacentRunTab(tabPlacement, current, offset);
                case EAST:
                    if (leftToRight) {
                    } else {
                case WEST:
                    if (leftToRight) {
                    } else {

    protected void selectNextTabInRun(int current) {
        int tabCount = tabPane.getTabCount();
        int tabIndex = getNextTabIndexInRun(tabCount, current);

        while(tabIndex != current && !tabPane.isEnabledAt(tabIndex)) {
            tabIndex = getNextTabIndexInRun(tabCount, tabIndex);

    protected void selectPreviousTabInRun(int current) {
        int tabCount = tabPane.getTabCount();
        int tabIndex = getPreviousTabIndexInRun(tabCount, current);

        while(tabIndex != current && !tabPane.isEnabledAt(tabIndex)) {
            tabIndex = getPreviousTabIndexInRun(tabCount, tabIndex);

    protected void selectNextTab(int current) {
        int tabIndex = getNextTabIndex(current);

        while (tabIndex != current && !tabPane.isEnabledAt(tabIndex)) {
            tabIndex = getNextTabIndex(tabIndex);

    protected void selectPreviousTab(int current) {
        int tabIndex = getPreviousTabIndex(current);

        while (tabIndex != current && !tabPane.isEnabledAt(tabIndex)) {
            tabIndex = getPreviousTabIndex(tabIndex);

    protected void selectAdjacentRunTab(int tabPlacement,
                                        int tabIndex, int offset) {
        if ( runCount < 2 ) {
        int newIndex;
        Rectangle r = rects[tabIndex];
        switch(tabPlacement) {
          case LEFT:
          case RIGHT:
              newIndex = tabForCoordinate(tabPane, r.x + r.width/2 + offset,
                                       r.y + r.height/2);
          case BOTTOM:
          case TOP:
              newIndex = tabForCoordinate(tabPane, r.x + r.width/2,
                                       r.y + r.height/2 + offset);
        if (newIndex != -1) {
            while (!tabPane.isEnabledAt(newIndex) && newIndex != tabIndex) {
                newIndex = getNextTabIndex(newIndex);

    private void navigateTo(int index) {
        if (DefaultLookup.getBoolean(tabPane, this,
                             "TabbedPane.selectionFollowsFocus", true)) {
        } else {
            // Just move focus (not selection)
            setFocusIndex(index, true);

    void setFocusIndex(int index, boolean repaint) {
        if (repaint && !isRunsDirty) {
            focusIndex = index;
        else {
            focusIndex = index;

     * Repaints the specified tab.
    private void repaintTab(int index) {
        // If we're not valid that means we will shortly be validated and
        // painted, which means we don't have to do anything here.
        if (!isRunsDirty && index >= 0 && index < tabPane.getTabCount()) {
            tabPane.repaint(getTabBounds(tabPane, index));

     * Makes sure the focusIndex is valid.
    private void validateFocusIndex() {
        if (focusIndex >= tabPane.getTabCount()) {
            setFocusIndex(tabPane.getSelectedIndex(), false);

     * Returns the index of the tab that has focus.
     * @return index of tab that has focus
     * @since 1.5
    protected int getFocusIndex() {
        return focusIndex;

    protected int getTabRunOffset(int tabPlacement, int tabCount,
                                  int tabIndex, boolean forward) {
        int run = getRunForTab(tabCount, tabIndex);
        int offset;
        switch(tabPlacement) {
          case LEFT: {
              if (run == 0) {
                  offset = (forward?
                            -(calculateTabAreaWidth(tabPlacement, runCount, maxTabWidth)-maxTabWidth) :

              } else if (run == runCount - 1) {
                  offset = (forward?
                            maxTabWidth :
                            calculateTabAreaWidth(tabPlacement, runCount, maxTabWidth)-maxTabWidth);
              } else {
                  offset = (forward? maxTabWidth : -maxTabWidth);
          case RIGHT: {
              if (run == 0) {
                  offset = (forward?
                            maxTabWidth :
                            calculateTabAreaWidth(tabPlacement, runCount, maxTabWidth)-maxTabWidth);
              } else if (run == runCount - 1) {
                  offset = (forward?
                            -(calculateTabAreaWidth(tabPlacement, runCount, maxTabWidth)-maxTabWidth) :
              } else {
                  offset = (forward? maxTabWidth : -maxTabWidth);
          case BOTTOM: {
              if (run == 0) {
                  offset = (forward?
                            maxTabHeight :
                            calculateTabAreaHeight(tabPlacement, runCount, maxTabHeight)-maxTabHeight);
              } else if (run == runCount - 1) {
                  offset = (forward?
                            -(calculateTabAreaHeight(tabPlacement, runCount, maxTabHeight)-maxTabHeight) :
              } else {
                  offset = (forward? maxTabHeight : -maxTabHeight);
          case TOP:
          default: {
              if (run == 0) {
                  offset = (forward?
                            -(calculateTabAreaHeight(tabPlacement, runCount, maxTabHeight)-maxTabHeight) :
              } else if (run == runCount - 1) {
                  offset = (forward?
                            maxTabHeight :
                            calculateTabAreaHeight(tabPlacement, runCount, maxTabHeight)-maxTabHeight);
              } else {
                  offset = (forward? maxTabHeight : -maxTabHeight);
        return offset;

    protected int getPreviousTabIndex(int base) {
        int tabIndex = (base - 1 >= 0? base - 1 : tabPane.getTabCount() - 1);
        return (tabIndex >= 0? tabIndex : 0);

    protected int getNextTabIndex(int base) {
        return (base+1)%tabPane.getTabCount();

    protected int getNextTabIndexInRun(int tabCount, int base) {
        if (runCount < 2) {
            return getNextTabIndex(base);
        int currentRun = getRunForTab(tabCount, base);
        int next = getNextTabIndex(base);
        if (next == tabRuns[getNextTabRun(currentRun)]) {
            return tabRuns[currentRun];
        return next;

    protected int getPreviousTabIndexInRun(int tabCount, int base) {
        if (runCount < 2) {
            return getPreviousTabIndex(base);
        int currentRun = getRunForTab(tabCount, base);
        if (base == tabRuns[currentRun]) {
            int previous = tabRuns[getNextTabRun(currentRun)]-1;
            return (previous != -1? previous : tabCount-1);
        return getPreviousTabIndex(base);

    protected int getPreviousTabRun(int baseRun) {
        int runIndex = (baseRun - 1 >= 0? baseRun - 1 : runCount - 1);
        return (runIndex >= 0? runIndex : 0);

    protected int getNextTabRun(int baseRun) {
        return (baseRun+1)%runCount;

    protected static void rotateInsets(Insets topInsets, Insets targetInsets, int targetPlacement) {

        switch(targetPlacement) {
          case LEFT:
              targetInsets.top = topInsets.left;
              targetInsets.left = topInsets.top;
              targetInsets.bottom = topInsets.right;
              targetInsets.right = topInsets.bottom;
          case BOTTOM:
              targetInsets.top = topInsets.bottom;
              targetInsets.left = topInsets.left;
              targetInsets.bottom = topInsets.top;
              targetInsets.right = topInsets.right;
          case RIGHT:
              targetInsets.top = topInsets.left;
              targetInsets.left = topInsets.bottom;
              targetInsets.bottom = topInsets.right;
              targetInsets.right = topInsets.top;
          case TOP:
              targetInsets.top = topInsets.top;
              targetInsets.left = topInsets.left;
              targetInsets.bottom = topInsets.bottom;
              targetInsets.right = topInsets.right;

    // REMIND(aim,7/29/98): This method should be made
    // protected in the next release where
    // API changes are allowed
    boolean requestFocusForVisibleComponent() {
        return SwingUtilities2.tabbedPaneChangeFocusTo(getVisibleComponent());

    private static class Actions extends UIAction {
        final static String NEXT = "navigateNext";
        final static String PREVIOUS = "navigatePrevious";
        final static String RIGHT = "navigateRight";
        final static String LEFT = "navigateLeft";
        final static String UP = "navigateUp";
        final static String DOWN = "navigateDown";
        final static String PAGE_UP = "navigatePageUp";
        final static String PAGE_DOWN = "navigatePageDown";
        final static String REQUEST_FOCUS = "requestFocus";
        final static String REQUEST_FOCUS_FOR_VISIBLE =
        final static String SET_SELECTED = "setSelectedIndex";
        final static String SELECT_FOCUSED = "selectTabWithFocus";
        final static String SCROLL_FORWARD = "scrollTabsForwardAction";
        final static String SCROLL_BACKWARD = "scrollTabsBackwardAction";

        Actions(String key) {

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            String key = getName();
            JTabbedPane pane = (JTabbedPane)e.getSource();
            BasicTabbedPaneUI ui = (BasicTabbedPaneUI)BasicLookAndFeel.
                       getUIOfType(pane.getUI(), BasicTabbedPaneUI.class);

            if (ui == null) {
            if (key == NEXT) {
            else if (key == PREVIOUS) {
            else if (key == RIGHT) {
            else if (key == LEFT) {
            else if (key == UP) {
            else if (key == DOWN) {
            else if (key == PAGE_UP) {
                int tabPlacement = pane.getTabPlacement();
                if (tabPlacement == TOP|| tabPlacement == BOTTOM) {
                } else {
            else if (key == PAGE_DOWN) {
                int tabPlacement = pane.getTabPlacement();
                if (tabPlacement == TOP || tabPlacement == BOTTOM) {
                } else {
            else if (key == REQUEST_FOCUS) {
            else if (key == REQUEST_FOCUS_FOR_VISIBLE) {
            else if (key == SET_SELECTED) {
                String command = e.getActionCommand();

                if (command != null && command.length() > 0) {
                    int mnemonic = (int)e.getActionCommand().charAt(0);
                    if (mnemonic >= 'a' && mnemonic <='z') {
                        mnemonic  -= ('a' - 'A');
                    Integer index = ui.mnemonicToIndexMap.get(Integer.valueOf(mnemonic));
                    if (index != null && pane.isEnabledAt(index.intValue())) {
            else if (key == SELECT_FOCUSED) {
                int focusIndex = ui.getFocusIndex();
                if (focusIndex != -1) {
            else if (key == SCROLL_FORWARD) {
                if (ui.scrollableTabLayoutEnabled()) {
            else if (key == SCROLL_BACKWARD) {
                if (ui.scrollableTabLayoutEnabled()) {

     * This class should be treated as a &quot;protected&quot; inner class.
     * Instantiate it only within subclasses of BasicTabbedPaneUI.
    public class TabbedPaneLayout implements LayoutManager {

        public void addLayoutComponent(String name, Component comp) {}

        public void removeLayoutComponent(Component comp) {}

        public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container parent) {
            return calculateSize(false);

        public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container parent) {
            return calculateSize(true);

        protected Dimension calculateSize(boolean minimum) {
            int tabPlacement = tabPane.getTabPlacement();
            Insets insets = tabPane.getInsets();
            Insets contentInsets = getContentBorderInsets(tabPlacement);
            Insets tabAreaInsets = getTabAreaInsets(tabPlacement);

            Dimension zeroSize = new Dimension(0,0);
            int height = 0;
            int width = 0;
            int cWidth = 0;
            int cHeight = 0;

            // Determine minimum size required to display largest
            // child in each dimension
            for (int i = 0; i < tabPane.getTabCount(); i++) {
                Component component = tabPane.getComponentAt(i);
                if (component != null) {
                    Dimension size = minimum ? component.getMinimumSize() :

                    if (size != null) {
                        cHeight = Math.max(size.height, cHeight);
                        cWidth = Math.max(size.width, cWidth);
            // Add content border insets to minimum size
            width += cWidth;
            height += cHeight;
            int tabExtent;

            // Calculate how much space the tabs will need, based on the
            // minimum size required to display largest child + content border
            switch(tabPlacement) {
              case LEFT:
              case RIGHT:
                  height = Math.max(height, calculateMaxTabHeight(tabPlacement));
                  tabExtent = preferredTabAreaWidth(tabPlacement, height - tabAreaInsets.top - tabAreaInsets.bottom);
                  width += tabExtent;
              case TOP:
              case BOTTOM:
                  width = Math.max(width, calculateMaxTabWidth(tabPlacement));
                  tabExtent = preferredTabAreaHeight(tabPlacement, width - tabAreaInsets.left - tabAreaInsets.right);
                  height += tabExtent;
            return new Dimension(width + insets.left + insets.right + contentInsets.left + contentInsets.right,
                             height + insets.bottom + insets.top + contentInsets.top + contentInsets.bottom);


        protected int preferredTabAreaHeight(int tabPlacement, int width) {
            FontMetrics metrics = getFontMetrics();
            int tabCount = tabPane.getTabCount();
            int total = 0;
            if (tabCount > 0) {
                int rows = 1;
                int x = 0;

                int maxTabHeight = calculateMaxTabHeight(tabPlacement);

                for (int i = 0; i < tabCount; i++) {
                    int tabWidth = calculateTabWidth(tabPlacement, i, metrics);

                    if (x != 0 && x + tabWidth > width) {
                        x = 0;
                    x += tabWidth;
                total = calculateTabAreaHeight(tabPlacement, rows, maxTabHeight);
            return total;

        protected int preferredTabAreaWidth(int tabPlacement, int height) {
            FontMetrics metrics = getFontMetrics();
            int tabCount = tabPane.getTabCount();
            int total = 0;
            if (tabCount > 0) {
                int columns = 1;
                int y = 0;
                int fontHeight = metrics.getHeight();

                maxTabWidth = calculateMaxTabWidth(tabPlacement);

                for (int i = 0; i < tabCount; i++) {
                    int tabHeight = calculateTabHeight(tabPlacement, i, fontHeight);

                    if (y != 0 && y + tabHeight > height) {
                        y = 0;
                    y += tabHeight;
                total = calculateTabAreaWidth(tabPlacement, columns, maxTabWidth);
            return total;

        public void layoutContainer(Container parent) {
            /* Some of the code in this method deals with changing the
            * visibility of components to hide and show the contents for the
            * selected tab. This is older code that has since been duplicated
            * in JTabbedPane.fireStateChanged(), so as to allow visibility
            * changes to happen sooner (see the note there). This code remains
            * for backward compatibility as there are some cases, such as
            * subclasses that don't fireStateChanged() where it may be used.
            * Any changes here need to be kept in synch with
            * JTabbedPane.fireStateChanged().


            int tabPlacement = tabPane.getTabPlacement();
            Insets insets = tabPane.getInsets();
            int selectedIndex = tabPane.getSelectedIndex();
            Component visibleComponent = getVisibleComponent();


            Component selectedComponent = null;
            if (selectedIndex < 0) {
                if (visibleComponent != null) {
                    // The last tab was removed, so remove the component
            } else {
                selectedComponent = tabPane.getComponentAt(selectedIndex);
            int cx, cy, cw, ch;
            int totalTabWidth = 0;
            int totalTabHeight = 0;
            Insets contentInsets = getContentBorderInsets(tabPlacement);

            boolean shouldChangeFocus = false;

            // In order to allow programs to use a single component
            // as the display for multiple tabs, we will not change
            // the visible compnent if the currently selected tab
            // has a null component.  This is a bit dicey, as we don't
            // explicitly state we support this in the spec, but since
            // programs are now depending on this, we're making it work.
            if(selectedComponent != null) {
                if(selectedComponent != visibleComponent &&
                        visibleComponent != null) {
                    if(SwingUtilities.findFocusOwner(visibleComponent) != null) {
                        shouldChangeFocus = true;

            Rectangle bounds = tabPane.getBounds();
            int numChildren = tabPane.getComponentCount();

            if(numChildren > 0) {

                switch(tabPlacement) {
                    case LEFT:
                        totalTabWidth = calculateTabAreaWidth(tabPlacement, runCount, maxTabWidth);
                        cx = insets.left + totalTabWidth + contentInsets.left;
                        cy = insets.top + contentInsets.top;
                    case RIGHT:
                        totalTabWidth = calculateTabAreaWidth(tabPlacement, runCount, maxTabWidth);
                        cx = insets.left + contentInsets.left;
                        cy = insets.top + contentInsets.top;
                    case BOTTOM:
                        totalTabHeight = calculateTabAreaHeight(tabPlacement, runCount, maxTabHeight);
                        cx = insets.left + contentInsets.left;
                        cy = insets.top + contentInsets.top;
                    case TOP:
                        totalTabHeight = calculateTabAreaHeight(tabPlacement, runCount, maxTabHeight);
                        cx = insets.left + contentInsets.left;
                        cy = insets.top + totalTabHeight + contentInsets.top;

                cw = bounds.width - totalTabWidth -
                        insets.left - insets.right -
                        contentInsets.left - contentInsets.right;
                ch = bounds.height - totalTabHeight -
                        insets.top - insets.bottom -
                        contentInsets.top - contentInsets.bottom;

                for(int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) {
                    Component child = tabPane.getComponent(i);
                    if(child == tabContainer) {

                        int tabContainerWidth = totalTabWidth == 0 ? bounds.width :
                                totalTabWidth + insets.left + insets.right +
                                        contentInsets.left + contentInsets.right;
                        int tabContainerHeight = totalTabHeight == 0 ? bounds.height :
                                totalTabHeight + insets.top + insets.bottom +
                                        contentInsets.top + contentInsets.bottom;

                        int tabContainerX = 0;
                        int tabContainerY = 0;
                        if(tabPlacement == BOTTOM) {
                            tabContainerY = bounds.height - tabContainerHeight;
                        } else if(tabPlacement == RIGHT) {
                            tabContainerX = bounds.width - tabContainerWidth;
                        child.setBounds(tabContainerX, tabContainerY, tabContainerWidth, tabContainerHeight);
                    } else {
                        child.setBounds(cx, cy, cw, ch);
            if(shouldChangeFocus) {
                if(!requestFocusForVisibleComponent()) {

        public void calculateLayoutInfo() {
            int tabCount = tabPane.getTabCount();
            calculateTabRects(tabPane.getTabPlacement(), tabCount);
            isRunsDirty = false;

        private void layoutTabComponents() {
            if (tabContainer == null) {
            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle();
            Point delta = new Point(-tabContainer.getX(), -tabContainer.getY());
            if (scrollableTabLayoutEnabled()) {
                translatePointToTabPanel(0, 0, delta);
            for (int i = 0; i < tabPane.getTabCount(); i++) {
                Component c = tabPane.getTabComponentAt(i);
                if (c == null) {
                getTabBounds(i, rect);
                Dimension preferredSize = c.getPreferredSize();
                Insets insets = getTabInsets(tabPane.getTabPlacement(), i);
                int outerX = rect.x + insets.left + delta.x;
                int outerY = rect.y + insets.top + delta.y;
                int outerWidth = rect.width - insets.left - insets.right;
                int outerHeight = rect.height - insets.top - insets.bottom;
                //centralize component
                int x = outerX + (outerWidth - preferredSize.width) / 2;
                int y = outerY + (outerHeight - preferredSize.height) / 2;
                int tabPlacement = tabPane.getTabPlacement();
                boolean isSeleceted = i == tabPane.getSelectedIndex();
                c.setBounds(x + getTabLabelShiftX(tabPlacement, i, isSeleceted),
                            y + getTabLabelShiftY(tabPlacement, i, isSeleceted),
                        preferredSize.width, preferredSize.height);

        protected void calculateTabRects(int tabPlacement, int tabCount) {
            FontMetrics metrics = getFontMetrics();
            Dimension size = tabPane.getSize();
            Insets insets = tabPane.getInsets();
            Insets tabAreaInsets = getTabAreaInsets(tabPlacement);
            int fontHeight = metrics.getHeight();
            int selectedIndex = tabPane.getSelectedIndex();
            int tabRunOverlay;
            int i, j;
            int x, y;
            int returnAt;
            boolean verticalTabRuns = (tabPlacement == LEFT || tabPlacement == RIGHT);
            boolean leftToRight = BasicGraphicsUtils.isLeftToRight(tabPane);

            // Calculate bounds within which a tab run must fit
            switch(tabPlacement) {
              case LEFT:
                  maxTabWidth = calculateMaxTabWidth(tabPlacement);
                  x = insets.left + tabAreaInsets.left;
                  y = insets.top + tabAreaInsets.top;
                  returnAt = size.height - (insets.bottom + tabAreaInsets.bottom);
              case RIGHT:
                  maxTabWidth = calculateMaxTabWidth(tabPlacement);
                  x = size.width - insets.right - tabAreaInsets.right - maxTabWidth;
                  y = insets.top + tabAreaInsets.top;
                  returnAt = size.height - (insets.bottom + tabAreaInsets.bottom);
              case BOTTOM:
                  maxTabHeight = calculateMaxTabHeight(tabPlacement);
                  x = insets.left + tabAreaInsets.left;
                  y = size.height - insets.bottom - tabAreaInsets.bottom - maxTabHeight;
                  returnAt = size.width - (insets.right + tabAreaInsets.right);
              case TOP:
                  maxTabHeight = calculateMaxTabHeight(tabPlacement);
                  x = insets.left + tabAreaInsets.left;
                  y = insets.top + tabAreaInsets.top;
                  returnAt = size.width - (insets.right + tabAreaInsets.right);

            tabRunOverlay = getTabRunOverlay(tabPlacement);

            runCount = 0;
            selectedRun = -1;

            if (tabCount == 0) {

            // Run through tabs and partition them into runs
            Rectangle rect;
            for (i = 0; i < tabCount; i++) {
                rect = rects[i];

                if (!verticalTabRuns) {
                    // Tabs on TOP or BOTTOM....
                    if (i > 0) {
                        rect.x = rects[i-1].x + rects[i-1].width;
                    } else {
                        tabRuns[0] = 0;
                        runCount = 1;
                        maxTabWidth = 0;
                        rect.x = x;
                    rect.width = calculateTabWidth(tabPlacement, i, metrics);
                    maxTabWidth = Math.max(maxTabWidth, rect.width);

                    // Never move a TAB down a run if it is in the first column.
                    // Even if there isn't enough room, moving it to a fresh
                    // line won't help.
                    if (rect.x != x && rect.x + rect.width > returnAt) {
                        if (runCount > tabRuns.length - 1) {
                        tabRuns[runCount] = i;
                        rect.x = x;
                    // Initialize y position in case there's just one run
                    rect.y = y;
                    rect.height = maxTabHeight/* - 2*/;

                } else {
                    // Tabs on LEFT or RIGHT...
                    if (i > 0) {
                        rect.y = rects[i-1].y + rects[i-1].height;
                    } else {
                        tabRuns[0] = 0;
                        runCount = 1;
                        maxTabHeight = 0;
                        rect.y = y;
                    rect.height = calculateTabHeight(tabPlacement, i, fontHeight);
                    maxTabHeight = Math.max(maxTabHeight, rect.height);

                    // Never move a TAB over a run if it is in the first run.
                    // Even if there isn't enough room, moving it to a fresh
                    // column won't help.
                    if (rect.y != y && rect.y + rect.height > returnAt) {
                        if (runCount > tabRuns.length - 1) {
                        tabRuns[runCount] = i;
                        rect.y = y;
                    // Initialize x position in case there's just one column
                    rect.x = x;
                    rect.width = maxTabWidth/* - 2*/;

                if (i == selectedIndex) {
                    selectedRun = runCount - 1;

            if (runCount > 1) {
                // Re-distribute tabs in case last run has leftover space
                normalizeTabRuns(tabPlacement, tabCount, verticalTabRuns? y : x, returnAt);

                selectedRun = getRunForTab(tabCount, selectedIndex);

                // Rotate run array so that selected run is first
                if (shouldRotateTabRuns(tabPlacement)) {
                    rotateTabRuns(tabPlacement, selectedRun);

            // Step through runs from back to front to calculate
            // tab y locations and to pad runs appropriately
            for (i = runCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                int start = tabRuns[i];
                int next = tabRuns[i == (runCount - 1)? 0 : i + 1];
                int end = (next != 0? next - 1 : tabCount - 1);
                if (!verticalTabRuns) {
                    for (j = start; j <= end; j++) {
                        rect = rects[j];
                        rect.y = y;
                        rect.x += getTabRunIndent(tabPlacement, i);
                    if (shouldPadTabRun(tabPlacement, i)) {
                        padTabRun(tabPlacement, start, end, returnAt);
                    if (tabPlacement == BOTTOM) {
                        y -= (maxTabHeight - tabRunOverlay);
                    } else {
                        y += (maxTabHeight - tabRunOverlay);
                } else {
                    for (j = start; j <= end; j++) {
                        rect = rects[j];
                        rect.x = x;
                        rect.y += getTabRunIndent(tabPlacement, i);
                    if (shouldPadTabRun(tabPlacement, i)) {
                        padTabRun(tabPlacement, start, end, returnAt);
                    if (tabPlacement == RIGHT) {
                        x -= (maxTabWidth - tabRunOverlay);
                    } else {
                        x += (maxTabWidth - tabRunOverlay);

            // Pad the selected tab so that it appears raised in front
            padSelectedTab(tabPlacement, selectedIndex);

            // if right to left and tab placement on the top or
            // the bottom, flip x positions and adjust by widths
            if (!leftToRight && !verticalTabRuns) {
                int rightMargin = size.width
                                  - (insets.right + tabAreaInsets.right);
                for (i = 0; i < tabCount; i++) {
                    rects[i].x = rightMargin - rects[i].x - rects[i].width;

       * Rotates the run-index array so that the selected run is run[0]
        protected void rotateTabRuns(int tabPlacement, int selectedRun) {
            for (int i = 0; i < selectedRun; i++) {
                int save = tabRuns[0];
                for (int j = 1; j < runCount; j++) {
                    tabRuns[j - 1] = tabRuns[j];
                tabRuns[runCount-1] = save;

        protected void normalizeTabRuns(int tabPlacement, int tabCount,
                                     int start, int max) {
            boolean verticalTabRuns = (tabPlacement == LEFT || tabPlacement == RIGHT);
            int run = runCount - 1;
            boolean keepAdjusting = true;
            double weight = 1.25;

            // At this point the tab runs are packed to fit as many
            // tabs as possible, which can leave the last run with a lot
            // of extra space (resulting in very fat tabs on the last run).
            // So we'll attempt to distribute this extra space more evenly
            // across the runs in order to make the runs look more consistent.
            // Starting with the last run, determine whether the last tab in
            // the previous run would fit (generously) in this run; if so,
            // move tab to current run and shift tabs accordingly.  Cycle
            // through remaining runs using the same algorithm.
            while (keepAdjusting) {
                int last = lastTabInRun(tabCount, run);
                int prevLast = lastTabInRun(tabCount, run-1);
                int end;
                int prevLastLen;

                if (!verticalTabRuns) {
                    end = rects[last].x + rects[last].width;
                    prevLastLen = (int)(maxTabWidth*weight);
                } else {
                    end = rects[last].y + rects[last].height;
                    prevLastLen = (int)(maxTabHeight*weight*2);

                // Check if the run has enough extra space to fit the last tab
                // from the previous row...
                if (max - end > prevLastLen) {

                    // Insert tab from previous row and shift rest over
                    tabRuns[run] = prevLast;
                    if (!verticalTabRuns) {
                        rects[prevLast].x = start;
                    } else {
                        rects[prevLast].y = start;
                    for (int i = prevLast+1; i <= last; i++) {
                        if (!verticalTabRuns) {
                            rects[i].x = rects[i-1].x + rects[i-1].width;
                        } else {
                            rects[i].y = rects[i-1].y + rects[i-1].height;

                } else if (run == runCount - 1) {
                    // no more room left in last run, so we're done!
                    keepAdjusting = false;
                if (run - 1 > 0) {
                    // check previous run next...
                    run -= 1;
                } else {
                    // check last run again...but require a higher ratio
                    // of extraspace-to-tabsize because we don't want to
                    // end up with too many tabs on the last run!
                    run = runCount - 1;
                    weight += .25;

        protected void padTabRun(int tabPlacement, int start, int end, int max) {
            Rectangle lastRect = rects[end];
            if (tabPlacement == TOP || tabPlacement == BOTTOM) {
                int runWidth = (lastRect.x + lastRect.width) - rects[start].x;
                int deltaWidth = max - (lastRect.x + lastRect.width);
                float factor = (float)deltaWidth / (float)runWidth;

                for (int j = start; j <= end; j++) {
                    Rectangle pastRect = rects[j];
                    if (j > start) {
                        pastRect.x = rects[j-1].x + rects[j-1].width;
                    pastRect.width += Math.round((float)pastRect.width * factor);
                lastRect.width = max - lastRect.x;
            } else {
                int runHeight = (lastRect.y + lastRect.height) - rects[start].y;
                int deltaHeight = max - (lastRect.y + lastRect.height);
                float factor = (float)deltaHeight / (float)runHeight;

                for (int j = start; j <= end; j++) {
                    Rectangle pastRect = rects[j];
                    if (j > start) {
                        pastRect.y = rects[j-1].y + rects[j-1].height;
                    pastRect.height += Math.round((float)pastRect.height * factor);
                lastRect.height = max - lastRect.y;

        protected void padSelectedTab(int tabPlacement, int selectedIndex) {

            if (selectedIndex >= 0) {
                Rectangle selRect = rects[selectedIndex];
                Insets padInsets = getSelectedTabPadInsets(tabPlacement);
                selRect.x -= padInsets.left;
                selRect.width += (padInsets.left + padInsets.right);
                selRect.y -= padInsets.top;
                selRect.height += (padInsets.top + padInsets.bottom);

                if (!scrollableTabLayoutEnabled()) { // WRAP_TAB_LAYOUT
                    // do not expand selected tab more then necessary
                    Dimension size = tabPane.getSize();
                    Insets insets = tabPane.getInsets();

                    if ((tabPlacement == LEFT) || (tabPlacement == RIGHT)) {
                        int top = insets.top - selRect.y;
                        if (top > 0) {
                            selRect.y += top;
                            selRect.height -= top;
                        int bottom = (selRect.y + selRect.height) + insets.bottom - size.height;
                        if (bottom > 0) {
                            selRect.height -= bottom;
                    } else {
                        int left = insets.left - selRect.x;
                        if (left > 0) {
                            selRect.x += left;
                            selRect.width -= left;
                        int right = (selRect.x + selRect.width) + insets.right - size.width;
                        if (right > 0) {
                            selRect.width -= right;

    private class TabbedPaneScrollLayout extends TabbedPaneLayout {

        protected int preferredTabAreaHeight(int tabPlacement, int width) {
            return calculateMaxTabHeight(tabPlacement);

        protected int preferredTabAreaWidth(int tabPlacement, int height) {
            return calculateMaxTabWidth(tabPlacement);

        public void layoutContainer(Container parent) {
            /* Some of the code in this method deals with changing the
             * visibility of components to hide and show the contents for the
             * selected tab. This is older code that has since been duplicated
             * in JTabbedPane.fireStateChanged(), so as to allow visibility
             * changes to happen sooner (see the note there). This code remains
             * for backward compatibility as there are some cases, such as
             * subclasses that don't fireStateChanged() where it may be used.
             * Any changes here need to be kept in synch with
             * JTabbedPane.fireStateChanged().


            int tabPlacement = tabPane.getTabPlacement();
            int tabCount = tabPane.getTabCount();
            Insets insets = tabPane.getInsets();
            int selectedIndex = tabPane.getSelectedIndex();
            Component visibleComponent = getVisibleComponent();


            Component selectedComponent = null;
            if (selectedIndex < 0) {
                if (visibleComponent != null) {
                    // The last tab was removed, so remove the component
            } else {
                selectedComponent = tabPane.getComponentAt(selectedIndex);

            if (tabPane.getTabCount() == 0) {

            boolean shouldChangeFocus = false;

            // In order to allow programs to use a single component
            // as the display for multiple tabs, we will not change
            // the visible compnent if the currently selected tab
            // has a null component.  This is a bit dicey, as we don't
            // explicitly state we support this in the spec, but since
            // programs are now depending on this, we're making it work.
            if(selectedComponent != null) {
                if(selectedComponent != visibleComponent &&
                        visibleComponent != null) {
                    if(SwingUtilities.findFocusOwner(visibleComponent) != null) {
                        shouldChangeFocus = true;
            int tx, ty, tw, th; // tab area bounds
            int cx, cy, cw, ch; // content area bounds
            Insets contentInsets = getContentBorderInsets(tabPlacement);
            Rectangle bounds = tabPane.getBounds();
            int numChildren = tabPane.getComponentCount();

            if(numChildren > 0) {
                switch(tabPlacement) {
                    case LEFT:
                        // calculate tab area bounds
                        tw = calculateTabAreaWidth(tabPlacement, runCount, maxTabWidth);
                        th = bounds.height - insets.top - insets.bottom;
                        tx = insets.left;
                        ty = insets.top;

                        // calculate content area bounds
                        cx = tx + tw + contentInsets.left;
                        cy = ty + contentInsets.top;
                        cw = bounds.width - insets.left - insets.right - tw -
                                contentInsets.left - contentInsets.right;
                        ch = bounds.height - insets.top - insets.bottom -
                                contentInsets.top - contentInsets.bottom;
                    case RIGHT:
                        // calculate tab area bounds
                        tw = calculateTabAreaWidth(tabPlacement, runCount, maxTabWidth);
                        th = bounds.height - insets.top - insets.bottom;
                        tx = bounds.width - insets.right - tw;
                        ty = insets.top;

                        // calculate content area bounds
                        cx = insets.left + contentInsets.left;
                        cy = insets.top + contentInsets.top;
                        cw = bounds.width - insets.left - insets.right - tw -
                                contentInsets.left - contentInsets.right;
                        ch = bounds.height - insets.top - insets.bottom -
                                contentInsets.top - contentInsets.bottom;
                    case BOTTOM:
                        // calculate tab area bounds
                        tw = bounds.width - insets.left - insets.right;
                        th = calculateTabAreaHeight(tabPlacement, runCount, maxTabHeight);
                        tx = insets.left;
                        ty = bounds.height - insets.bottom - th;

                        // calculate content area bounds
                        cx = insets.left + contentInsets.left;
                        cy = insets.top + contentInsets.top;
                        cw = bounds.width - insets.left - insets.right -
                                contentInsets.left - contentInsets.right;
                        ch = bounds.height - insets.top - insets.bottom - th -
                                contentInsets.top - contentInsets.bottom;
                    case TOP:
                        // calculate tab area bounds
                        tw = bounds.width - insets.left - insets.right;
                        th = calculateTabAreaHeight(tabPlacement, runCount, maxTabHeight);
                        tx = insets.left;
                        ty = insets.top;

                        // calculate content area bounds
                        cx = tx + contentInsets.left;
                        cy = ty + th + contentInsets.top;
                        cw = bounds.width - insets.left - insets.right -
                                contentInsets.left - contentInsets.right;
                        ch = bounds.height - insets.top - insets.bottom - th -
                                contentInsets.top - contentInsets.bottom;

                for(int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) {
                    Component child = tabPane.getComponent(i);

                    if(tabScroller != null && child == tabScroller.viewport) {
                        JViewport viewport = (JViewport) child;
                        Rectangle viewRect = viewport.getViewRect();
                        int vw = tw;
                        int vh = th;
                        Dimension butSize = tabScroller.scrollForwardButton.getPreferredSize();
                        switch(tabPlacement) {
                            case LEFT:
                            case RIGHT:
                                int totalTabHeight = rects[tabCount - 1].y + rects[tabCount - 1].height;
                                if(totalTabHeight > th) {
                                    // Allow space for scrollbuttons
                                    vh = (th > 2 * butSize.height) ? th - 2 * butSize.height : 0;
                                    if(totalTabHeight - viewRect.y <= vh) {
                                        // Scrolled to the end, so ensure the viewport size is
                                        // such that the scroll offset aligns with a tab
                                        vh = totalTabHeight - viewRect.y;
                            case BOTTOM:
                            case TOP:
                                int totalTabWidth = rects[tabCount - 1].x + rects[tabCount - 1].width;
                                if(totalTabWidth > tw) {
                                    // Need to allow space for scrollbuttons
                                    vw = (tw > 2 * butSize.width) ? tw - 2 * butSize.width : 0;
                                    if(totalTabWidth - viewRect.x <= vw) {
                                        // Scrolled to the end, so ensure the viewport size is
                                        // such that the scroll offset aligns with a tab
                                        vw = totalTabWidth - viewRect.x;
                        child.setBounds(tx, ty, vw, vh);

                    } else if(tabScroller != null &&
                            (child == tabScroller.scrollForwardButton ||
                            child == tabScroller.scrollBackwardButton)) {
                        Component scrollbutton = child;
                        Dimension bsize = scrollbutton.getPreferredSize();
                        int bx = 0;
                        int by = 0;
                        int bw = bsize.width;
                        int bh = bsize.height;
                        boolean visible = false;

                        switch(tabPlacement) {
                            case LEFT:
                            case RIGHT:
                                int totalTabHeight = rects[tabCount - 1].y + rects[tabCount - 1].height;
                                if(totalTabHeight > th) {
                                    visible = true;
                                    bx = (tabPlacement == LEFT ? tx + tw - bsize.width : tx);
                                    by = (child == tabScroller.scrollForwardButton) ?
                                            bounds.height - insets.bottom - bsize.height :
                                            bounds.height - insets.bottom - 2 * bsize.height;

                            case BOTTOM:
                            case TOP:
                                int totalTabWidth = rects[tabCount - 1].x + rects[tabCount - 1].width;

                                if(totalTabWidth > tw) {
                                    visible = true;
                                    bx = (child == tabScroller.scrollForwardButton) ?
                                            bounds.width - insets.left - bsize.width :
                                            bounds.width - insets.left - 2 * bsize.width;
                                    by = (tabPlacement == TOP ? ty + th - bsize.height : ty);
                        if(visible) {
                            child.setBounds(bx, by, bw, bh);

                    } else {
                        // All content children...
                        child.setBounds(cx, cy, cw, ch);
                if(shouldChangeFocus) {
                    if(!requestFocusForVisibleComponent()) {

        private void layoutCroppedEdge() {
            Rectangle viewRect = tabScroller.viewport.getViewRect();
            int cropline;
            for (int i = 0; i < rects.length; i++) {
                Rectangle tabRect = rects[i];
                switch (tabPane.getTabPlacement()) {
                    case LEFT:
                    case RIGHT:
                        cropline = viewRect.y + viewRect.height;
                        if ((tabRect.y < cropline) && (tabRect.y + tabRect.height > cropline)) {
                            tabScroller.croppedEdge.setParams(i, cropline - tabRect.y - 1,
                                    -currentTabAreaInsets.left,  0);
                    case TOP:
                    case BOTTOM:
                        cropline = viewRect.x + viewRect.width;
                        if ((tabRect.x < cropline - 1) && (tabRect.x + tabRect.width > cropline)) {
                            tabScroller.croppedEdge.setParams(i, cropline - tabRect.x - 1,
                                    0, -currentTabAreaInsets.top);

        protected void calculateTabRects(int tabPlacement, int tabCount) {
            FontMetrics metrics = getFontMetrics();
            Dimension size = tabPane.getSize();
            Insets insets = tabPane.getInsets();
            Insets tabAreaInsets = getTabAreaInsets(tabPlacement);
            int fontHeight = metrics.getHeight();
            int selectedIndex = tabPane.getSelectedIndex();
            int i;
            boolean verticalTabRuns = (tabPlacement == LEFT || tabPlacement == RIGHT);
            boolean leftToRight = BasicGraphicsUtils.isLeftToRight(tabPane);
            int x = tabAreaInsets.left;
            int y = tabAreaInsets.top;
            int totalWidth = 0;
            int totalHeight = 0;

            // Calculate bounds within which a tab run must fit
            switch(tabPlacement) {
              case LEFT:
              case RIGHT:
                  maxTabWidth = calculateMaxTabWidth(tabPlacement);
              case BOTTOM:
              case TOP:
                  maxTabHeight = calculateMaxTabHeight(tabPlacement);

            runCount = 0;
            selectedRun = -1;

            if (tabCount == 0) {

            selectedRun = 0;
            runCount = 1;

            // Run through tabs and lay them out in a single run
            Rectangle rect;
            for (i = 0; i < tabCount; i++) {
                rect = rects[i];

                if (!verticalTabRuns) {
                    // Tabs on TOP or BOTTOM....
                    if (i > 0) {
                        rect.x = rects[i-1].x + rects[i-1].width;
                    } else {
                        tabRuns[0] = 0;
                        maxTabWidth = 0;
                        totalHeight += maxTabHeight;
                        rect.x = x;
                    rect.width = calculateTabWidth(tabPlacement, i, metrics);
                    totalWidth = rect.x + rect.width;
                    maxTabWidth = Math.max(maxTabWidth, rect.width);

                    rect.y = y;
                    rect.height = maxTabHeight/* - 2*/;

                } else {
                    // Tabs on LEFT or RIGHT...
                    if (i > 0) {
                        rect.y = rects[i-1].y + rects[i-1].height;
                    } else {
                        tabRuns[0] = 0;
                        maxTabHeight = 0;
                        totalWidth = maxTabWidth;
                        rect.y = y;
                    rect.height = calculateTabHeight(tabPlacement, i, fontHeight);
                    totalHeight = rect.y + rect.height;
                    maxTabHeight = Math.max(maxTabHeight, rect.height);

                    rect.x = x;
                    rect.width = maxTabWidth/* - 2*/;


            if (tabsOverlapBorder) {
                // Pad the selected tab so that it appears raised in front
                padSelectedTab(tabPlacement, selectedIndex);

            // if right to left and tab placement on the top or
            // the bottom, flip x positions and adjust by widths
            if (!leftToRight && !verticalTabRuns) {
                int rightMargin = size.width
                                  - (insets.right + tabAreaInsets.right);
                for (i = 0; i < tabCount; i++) {
                    rects[i].x = rightMargin - rects[i].x - rects[i].width;
            tabScroller.tabPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(totalWidth, totalHeight));

    private class ScrollableTabSupport implements ActionListener,
                            ChangeListener {
        public ScrollableTabViewport viewport;
        public ScrollableTabPanel tabPanel;
        public JButton scrollForwardButton;
        public JButton scrollBackwardButton;
        public CroppedEdge croppedEdge;
        public int leadingTabIndex;

        private Point tabViewPosition = new Point(0,0);

        ScrollableTabSupport(int tabPlacement) {
            viewport = new ScrollableTabViewport();
            tabPanel = new ScrollableTabPanel();
            croppedEdge = new CroppedEdge();

         * Recreates the scroll buttons and adds them to the TabbedPane.
        void createButtons() {
            if (scrollForwardButton != null) {
            int tabPlacement = tabPane.getTabPlacement();
            if (tabPlacement == TOP || tabPlacement == BOTTOM) {
                scrollForwardButton = createScrollButton(EAST);
                scrollBackwardButton = createScrollButton(WEST);

            } else { // tabPlacement = LEFT || RIGHT
                scrollForwardButton = createScrollButton(SOUTH);
                scrollBackwardButton = createScrollButton(NORTH);

        public void scrollForward(int tabPlacement) {
            Dimension viewSize = viewport.getViewSize();
            Rectangle viewRect = viewport.getViewRect();

            if (tabPlacement == TOP || tabPlacement == BOTTOM) {
                if (viewRect.width >= viewSize.width - viewRect.x) {
                    return; // no room left to scroll
            } else { // tabPlacement == LEFT || tabPlacement == RIGHT
                if (viewRect.height >= viewSize.height - viewRect.y) {
            setLeadingTabIndex(tabPlacement, leadingTabIndex+1);

        public void scrollBackward(int tabPlacement) {
            if (leadingTabIndex == 0) {
                return; // no room left to scroll
            setLeadingTabIndex(tabPlacement, leadingTabIndex-1);

        public void setLeadingTabIndex(int tabPlacement, int index) {
            leadingTabIndex = index;
            Dimension viewSize = viewport.getViewSize();
            Rectangle viewRect = viewport.getViewRect();

            switch(tabPlacement) {
              case TOP:
              case BOTTOM:
                tabViewPosition.x = leadingTabIndex == 0? 0 : rects[leadingTabIndex].x;

                if ((viewSize.width - tabViewPosition.x) < viewRect.width) {
                    // We've scrolled to the end, so adjust the viewport size
                    // to ensure the view position remains aligned on a tab boundary
                    Dimension extentSize = new Dimension(viewSize.width - tabViewPosition.x,
              case LEFT:
              case RIGHT:
                tabViewPosition.y = leadingTabIndex == 0? 0 : rects[leadingTabIndex].y;

                if ((viewSize.height - tabViewPosition.y) < viewRect.height) {
                // We've scrolled to the end, so adjust the viewport size
                // to ensure the view position remains aligned on a tab boundary
                     Dimension extentSize = new Dimension(viewRect.width,
                                                          viewSize.height - tabViewPosition.y);

        public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) {

        private void updateView() {
            int tabPlacement = tabPane.getTabPlacement();
            int tabCount = tabPane.getTabCount();
            Rectangle vpRect = viewport.getBounds();
            Dimension viewSize = viewport.getViewSize();
            Rectangle viewRect = viewport.getViewRect();

            leadingTabIndex = getClosestTab(viewRect.x, viewRect.y);

            // If the tab isn't right aligned, adjust it.
            if (leadingTabIndex + 1 < tabCount) {
                switch (tabPlacement) {
                case TOP:
                case BOTTOM:
                    if (rects[leadingTabIndex].x < viewRect.x) {
                case LEFT:
                case RIGHT:
                    if (rects[leadingTabIndex].y < viewRect.y) {
            Insets contentInsets = getContentBorderInsets(tabPlacement);
            switch(tabPlacement) {
              case LEFT:
                  tabPane.repaint(vpRect.x+vpRect.width, vpRect.y,
                                  contentInsets.left, vpRect.height);
                          viewRect.y > 0 && leadingTabIndex > 0);
                          leadingTabIndex < tabCount-1 &&
                          viewSize.height-viewRect.y > viewRect.height);
              case RIGHT:
                  tabPane.repaint(vpRect.x-contentInsets.right, vpRect.y,
                                  contentInsets.right, vpRect.height);
                          viewRect.y > 0 && leadingTabIndex > 0);
                          leadingTabIndex < tabCount-1 &&
                          viewSize.height-viewRect.y > viewRect.height);
              case BOTTOM:
                  tabPane.repaint(vpRect.x, vpRect.y-contentInsets.bottom,
                                  vpRect.width, contentInsets.bottom);
                          viewRect.x > 0 && leadingTabIndex > 0);
                          leadingTabIndex < tabCount-1 &&
                          viewSize.width-viewRect.x > viewRect.width);
              case TOP:
                  tabPane.repaint(vpRect.x, vpRect.y+vpRect.height,
                                  vpRect.width, contentInsets.top);
                          viewRect.x > 0 && leadingTabIndex > 0);
                          leadingTabIndex < tabCount-1 &&
                          viewSize.width-viewRect.x > viewRect.width);

         * ActionListener for the scroll buttons.
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            ActionMap map = tabPane.getActionMap();

            if (map != null) {
                String actionKey;

                if (e.getSource() == scrollForwardButton) {
                    actionKey = "scrollTabsForwardAction";
                else {
                    actionKey = "scrollTabsBackwardAction";
                Action action = map.get(actionKey);

                if (action != null && action.isEnabled()) {
                    action.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(tabPane,
                        ActionEvent.ACTION_PERFORMED, null, e.getWhen(),

        public String toString() {
            return "viewport.viewSize=" + viewport.getViewSize() + "\n" +
                              "tabViewPosition=" + tabViewPosition;


    private class ScrollableTabViewport extends JViewport implements UIResource {
        public ScrollableTabViewport() {
            Color bgColor = UIManager.getColor("TabbedPane.tabAreaBackground");
            if (bgColor == null) {
                bgColor = tabPane.getBackground();

    private class ScrollableTabPanel extends JPanel implements UIResource {
        public ScrollableTabPanel() {
            Color bgColor = UIManager.getColor("TabbedPane.tabAreaBackground");
            if (bgColor == null) {
                bgColor = tabPane.getBackground();
        public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
            BasicTabbedPaneUI.this.paintTabArea(g, tabPane.getTabPlacement(),
            if (tabScroller.croppedEdge.isParamsSet() && tabContainer == null) {
                Rectangle croppedRect = rects[tabScroller.croppedEdge.getTabIndex()];
                g.translate(croppedRect.x, croppedRect.y);
                g.translate(-croppedRect.x, -croppedRect.y);

        public void doLayout() {
            if (getComponentCount() > 0) {
                Component child = getComponent(0);
                child.setBounds(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());

    private class ScrollableTabButton extends BasicArrowButton implements UIResource,
                                                                            SwingConstants {
        public ScrollableTabButton(int direction) {

// Controller: event listeners

    private class Handler implements ChangeListener, ContainerListener,
                  FocusListener, MouseListener, MouseMotionListener,
                  PropertyChangeListener {
        // PropertyChangeListener
        public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) {
            JTabbedPane pane = (JTabbedPane)e.getSource();
            String name = e.getPropertyName();
            boolean isScrollLayout = scrollableTabLayoutEnabled();
            if (name == "mnemonicAt") {

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