* Copyright (c) 1998, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
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* questions.
package com.sun.tools.jdi;
import com.sun.jdi.*;
import com.sun.jdi.event.*;
import com.sun.jdi.request.*;
import java.util.*;
* An EventSet is normally created by the transport reader thread when
* it reads a JDWP Composite command. The constructor doesn't unpack
* the events contained in the Composite command and create EventImpls
* for them because that process might involve calling back into the back-end
* which should not be done by the transport reader thread. Instead,
* the raw bytes of the packet are read and stored in the EventSet.
* The EventSet is then added to each EventQueue. When an EventSet is
* removed from an EventQueue, the EventSetImpl.build() method is called.
* This method reads the packet bytes and creates the actual EventImpl objects.
* build() also filters out events for our internal handler and puts them in
* their own EventSet. This means that the EventImpls that are in the EventSet
* that is on the queues are all for client requests.
public class EventSetImpl extends ArrayList<Event> implements EventSet {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -4857338819787924570L;
private VirtualMachineImpl vm; // we implement Mirror
private Packet pkt;
private byte suspendPolicy;
private EventSetImpl internalEventSet;
public String toString() {
String string = "event set, policy:" + suspendPolicy +
", count:" + this.size() + " = {";
boolean first = true;
for (Event event : this) {
if (!first) {
string += ", ";
string += event.toString();
first = false;
string += "}";
return string;
abstract class EventImpl extends MirrorImpl implements Event {
private final byte eventCmd;
private final int requestID;
// This is set only for client requests, not internal requests.
private final EventRequest request;
* Constructor for events.
protected EventImpl(JDWP.Event.Composite.Events.EventsCommon evt,
int requestID) {
this.eventCmd = evt.eventKind();
this.requestID = requestID;
EventRequestManagerImpl ermi = EventSetImpl.this.
this.request = ermi.request(eventCmd, requestID);
* Override superclass back to default equality
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
return this == obj;
public int hashCode() {
return System.identityHashCode(this);
* Constructor for VM disconnected events.
protected EventImpl(byte eventCmd) {
this.eventCmd = eventCmd;
this.requestID = 0;
this.request = null;
public EventRequest request() {
return request;
int requestID() {
return requestID;
EventDestination destination() {
* We need to decide if this event is for
* 1. an internal request
* 2. a client request that is no longer available, ie
* it has been deleted, or disabled and re-enabled
* which gives it a new ID.
* 3. a current client request that is disabled
* 4. a current enabled client request.
* We will filter this set into a set
* that contains only 1s for our internal queue
* and a set that contains only 4s for our client queue.
* If we get an EventSet that contains only 2 and 3
* then we have to resume it if it is not SUSPEND_NONE
* because no one else will.
if (requestID == 0) {
/* An unsolicited event. These have traditionally
* been treated as client events.
return EventDestination.CLIENT_EVENT;
// Is this an event for a current client request?
if (request == null) {
// Nope. Is it an event for an internal request?
EventRequestManagerImpl ermi = this.vm.getInternalEventRequestManager();
if (ermi.request(eventCmd, requestID) != null) {
// Yep
return EventDestination.INTERNAL_EVENT;
return EventDestination.UNKNOWN_EVENT;
// We found a client request
if (request.isEnabled()) {
return EventDestination.CLIENT_EVENT;
return EventDestination.UNKNOWN_EVENT;
abstract String eventName();
public String toString() {
return eventName();
abstract class ThreadedEventImpl extends EventImpl {
private ThreadReference thread;
ThreadedEventImpl(JDWP.Event.Composite.Events.EventsCommon evt,
int requestID, ThreadReference thread) {
super(evt, requestID);
this.thread = thread;
public ThreadReference thread() {
return thread;
public String toString() {
return eventName() + " in thread " + thread.name();
abstract class LocatableEventImpl extends ThreadedEventImpl
implements Locatable {
private Location location;
LocatableEventImpl(JDWP.Event.Composite.Events.EventsCommon evt,
int requestID,
ThreadReference thread, Location location) {
super(evt, requestID, thread);
this.location = location;
public Location location() {
return location;
* For MethodEntry and MethodExit
public Method method() {
return location.method();
public String toString() {
return eventName() + "@" +
((location() == null) ? " null" : location().toString()) +
" in thread " + thread().name();
class BreakpointEventImpl extends LocatableEventImpl
implements BreakpointEvent {
BreakpointEventImpl(JDWP.Event.Composite.Events.Breakpoint evt) {
super(evt, evt.requestID, evt.thread, evt.location);
String eventName() {
return "BreakpointEvent";
class StepEventImpl extends LocatableEventImpl implements StepEvent {
StepEventImpl(JDWP.Event.Composite.Events.SingleStep evt) {
super(evt, evt.requestID, evt.thread, evt.location);
String eventName() {
return "StepEvent";
class MethodEntryEventImpl extends LocatableEventImpl
implements MethodEntryEvent {
MethodEntryEventImpl(JDWP.Event.Composite.Events.MethodEntry evt) {
super(evt, evt.requestID, evt.thread, evt.location);
String eventName() {
return "MethodEntryEvent";
class MethodExitEventImpl extends LocatableEventImpl
implements MethodExitEvent {
private Value returnVal = null;
MethodExitEventImpl(JDWP.Event.Composite.Events.MethodExit evt) {
super(evt, evt.requestID, evt.thread, evt.location);
MethodExitEventImpl(JDWP.Event.Composite.Events.MethodExitWithReturnValue evt) {
super(evt, evt.requestID, evt.thread, evt.location);
returnVal = evt.value;
String eventName() {
return "MethodExitEvent";
public Value returnValue() {
if (!this.vm.canGetMethodReturnValues()) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"target does not support return values in MethodExit events");
return returnVal;
class MonitorContendedEnterEventImpl extends LocatableEventImpl
implements MonitorContendedEnterEvent {
private ObjectReference monitor = null;
MonitorContendedEnterEventImpl(JDWP.Event.Composite.Events.MonitorContendedEnter evt) {
super(evt, evt.requestID, evt.thread, evt.location);
this.monitor = evt.object;
String eventName() {
return "MonitorContendedEnter";
public ObjectReference monitor() {
return monitor;
class MonitorContendedEnteredEventImpl extends LocatableEventImpl
implements MonitorContendedEnteredEvent {
private ObjectReference monitor = null;
MonitorContendedEnteredEventImpl(JDWP.Event.Composite.Events.MonitorContendedEntered evt) {
super(evt, evt.requestID, evt.thread, evt.location);
this.monitor = evt.object;
String eventName() {
return "MonitorContendedEntered";
public ObjectReference monitor() {
return monitor;
class MonitorWaitEventImpl extends LocatableEventImpl
implements MonitorWaitEvent {
private ObjectReference monitor = null;
private long timeout;
MonitorWaitEventImpl(JDWP.Event.Composite.Events.MonitorWait evt) {
super(evt, evt.requestID, evt.thread, evt.location);
this.monitor = evt.object;
this.timeout = evt.timeout;
String eventName() {
return "MonitorWait";
public ObjectReference monitor() {
return monitor;
public long timeout() {
return timeout;
class MonitorWaitedEventImpl extends LocatableEventImpl
implements MonitorWaitedEvent {
private ObjectReference monitor = null;
private boolean timed_out;
MonitorWaitedEventImpl(JDWP.Event.Composite.Events.MonitorWaited evt) {
super(evt, evt.requestID, evt.thread, evt.location);
this.monitor = evt.object;
this.timed_out = evt.timed_out;
String eventName() {
return "MonitorWaited";
public ObjectReference monitor() {
return monitor;
public boolean timedout() {
return timed_out;
class ClassPrepareEventImpl extends ThreadedEventImpl
implements ClassPrepareEvent {
private ReferenceType referenceType;
ClassPrepareEventImpl(JDWP.Event.Composite.Events.ClassPrepare evt) {
super(evt, evt.requestID, evt.thread);
referenceType = this.vm.referenceType(evt.typeID, evt.refTypeTag,
public ReferenceType referenceType() {
return referenceType;
String eventName() {
return "ClassPrepareEvent";
class ClassUnloadEventImpl extends EventImpl implements ClassUnloadEvent {
private String classSignature;
ClassUnloadEventImpl(JDWP.Event.Composite.Events.ClassUnload evt) {
super(evt, evt.requestID);
this.classSignature = evt.signature;
public String className() {
return classSignature.substring(1, classSignature.length()-1)
.replace('/', '.');
public String classSignature() {
return classSignature;
String eventName() {
return "ClassUnloadEvent";
class ExceptionEventImpl extends LocatableEventImpl
implements ExceptionEvent {
private ObjectReference exception;
private Location catchLocation;
ExceptionEventImpl(JDWP.Event.Composite.Events.Exception evt) {
super(evt, evt.requestID, evt.thread, evt.location);
this.exception = evt.exception;
this.catchLocation = evt.catchLocation;
public ObjectReference exception() {
return exception;
public Location catchLocation() {
return catchLocation;
String eventName() {
return "ExceptionEvent";
class ThreadDeathEventImpl extends ThreadedEventImpl
implements ThreadDeathEvent {
ThreadDeathEventImpl(JDWP.Event.Composite.Events.ThreadDeath evt) {
super(evt, evt.requestID, evt.thread);
String eventName() {
return "ThreadDeathEvent";
class ThreadStartEventImpl extends ThreadedEventImpl
implements ThreadStartEvent {
ThreadStartEventImpl(JDWP.Event.Composite.Events.ThreadStart evt) {
super(evt, evt.requestID, evt.thread);
String eventName() {
return "ThreadStartEvent";
class VMStartEventImpl extends ThreadedEventImpl
implements VMStartEvent {
VMStartEventImpl(JDWP.Event.Composite.Events.VMStart evt) {
super(evt, evt.requestID, evt.thread);
String eventName() {
return "VMStartEvent";
class VMDeathEventImpl extends EventImpl implements VMDeathEvent {
VMDeathEventImpl(JDWP.Event.Composite.Events.VMDeath evt) {
super(evt, evt.requestID);
String eventName() {
return "VMDeathEvent";
class VMDisconnectEventImpl extends EventImpl
implements VMDisconnectEvent {
VMDisconnectEventImpl() {
String eventName() {
return "VMDisconnectEvent";
abstract class WatchpointEventImpl extends LocatableEventImpl
implements WatchpointEvent {
private final ReferenceTypeImpl refType;
private final long fieldID;
private final ObjectReference object;
private Field field = null;
WatchpointEventImpl(JDWP.Event.Composite.Events.EventsCommon evt,
int requestID,
ThreadReference thread, Location location,
byte refTypeTag, long typeID, long fieldID,
ObjectReference object) {
super(evt, requestID, thread, location);
this.refType = this.vm.referenceType(typeID, refTypeTag);
this.fieldID = fieldID;
this.object = object;
public Field field() {
if (field == null) {
field = refType.getFieldMirror(fieldID);
return field;
public ObjectReference object() {
return object;
public Value valueCurrent() {
if (object == null) {
return refType.getValue(field());
} else {
return object.getValue(field());
class AccessWatchpointEventImpl extends WatchpointEventImpl
implements AccessWatchpointEvent {
AccessWatchpointEventImpl(JDWP.Event.Composite.Events.FieldAccess evt) {
super(evt, evt.requestID, evt.thread, evt.location,
evt.refTypeTag, evt.typeID, evt.fieldID, evt.object);
String eventName() {
return "AccessWatchpoint";
class ModificationWatchpointEventImpl extends WatchpointEventImpl
implements ModificationWatchpointEvent {
Value newValue;
JDWP.Event.Composite.Events.FieldModification evt) {
super(evt, evt.requestID, evt.thread, evt.location,
evt.refTypeTag, evt.typeID, evt.fieldID, evt.object);
this.newValue = evt.valueToBe;
public Value valueToBe() {
return newValue;
String eventName() {
return "ModificationWatchpoint";
* Events are constructed on the thread which reads all data from the
* transport. This means that the packet cannot be converted to real
* JDI objects as that may involve further communications with the
* back end which would deadlock.
* Hence the {@link #build()} method below called by EventQueue.
EventSetImpl(VirtualMachine aVm, Packet pkt) {
// From "MirrorImpl":
// Yes, its a bit of a hack. But by doing it this
// way, this is the only place we have to change
// typing to substitute a new impl.
vm = (VirtualMachineImpl)aVm;
this.pkt = pkt;
* Constructor for special events like VM disconnected
EventSetImpl(VirtualMachine aVm, byte eventCmd) {
this(aVm, null);
suspendPolicy = JDWP.SuspendPolicy.NONE;
switch (eventCmd) {
addEvent(new VMDisconnectEventImpl());
throw new InternalException("Bad singleton event code");
private void addEvent(EventImpl evt) {
// Note that this class has a public add method that throws
// an exception so that clients can't modify the EventSet
* Complete the construction of an EventSet. This is called from
* an event handler thread. It upacks the JDWP events inside
* the packet and creates EventImpls for them. The EventSet is already
* on EventQueues when this is called, so it has to be synch.
synchronized void build() {
if (pkt == null) {
PacketStream ps = new PacketStream(vm, pkt);
JDWP.Event.Composite compEvt = new JDWP.Event.Composite(vm, ps);
suspendPolicy = compEvt.suspendPolicy;
if ((vm.traceFlags & VirtualMachine.TRACE_EVENTS) != 0) {
switch(suspendPolicy) {
case JDWP.SuspendPolicy.ALL:
vm.printTrace("EventSet: SUSPEND_ALL");
case JDWP.SuspendPolicy.EVENT_THREAD:
vm.printTrace("EventSet: SUSPEND_EVENT_THREAD");
case JDWP.SuspendPolicy.NONE:
vm.printTrace("EventSet: SUSPEND_NONE");
ThreadReference fix6485605 = null;
for (int i = 0; i < compEvt.events.length; i++) {
EventImpl evt = createEvent(compEvt.events[i]);
if ((vm.traceFlags & VirtualMachine.TRACE_EVENTS) != 0) {
try {
vm.printTrace("Event: " + evt);
} catch (VMDisconnectedException ee) {
// ignore - see bug 6502716
switch (evt.destination()) {
// Ignore disabled, deleted, unknown events, but
// save the thread if there is one since we might
// have to resume it. Note that events for different
// threads can't be in the same event set.
if (evt instanceof ThreadedEventImpl &&
suspendPolicy == JDWP.SuspendPolicy.EVENT_THREAD) {
fix6485605 = ((ThreadedEventImpl)evt).thread();
if (internalEventSet == null) {
internalEventSet = new EventSetImpl(this.vm, null);
throw new InternalException("Invalid event destination");
pkt = null; // No longer needed - free it up
// Avoid hangs described in 6296125, 6293795
if (super.size() == 0) {
// This set has no client events. If we don't do
// needed resumes, no one else is going to.
if (suspendPolicy == JDWP.SuspendPolicy.ALL) {
} else if (suspendPolicy == JDWP.SuspendPolicy.EVENT_THREAD) {
// See bug 6485605.
if (fix6485605 != null) {
} else {
// apparently, there is nothing to resume.
suspendPolicy = JDWP.SuspendPolicy.NONE;
* Filter out internal events
EventSet userFilter() {
return this;
* Filter out user events.
EventSet internalFilter() {
return this.internalEventSet;
EventImpl createEvent(JDWP.Event.Composite.Events evt) {
JDWP.Event.Composite.Events.EventsCommon comm = evt.aEventsCommon;
switch (evt.eventKind) {
return new ThreadStartEventImpl(
case JDWP.EventKind.THREAD_END:
return new ThreadDeathEventImpl(
case JDWP.EventKind.EXCEPTION:
return new ExceptionEventImpl(
return new BreakpointEventImpl(
return new MethodEntryEventImpl(
case JDWP.EventKind.METHOD_EXIT:
return new MethodExitEventImpl(
return new MethodExitEventImpl(
return new AccessWatchpointEventImpl(
return new ModificationWatchpointEventImpl(
case JDWP.EventKind.SINGLE_STEP:
return new StepEventImpl(
return new ClassPrepareEventImpl(
return new ClassUnloadEventImpl(
return new MonitorContendedEnterEventImpl(
return new MonitorContendedEnteredEventImpl(
return new MonitorWaitEventImpl(
return new MonitorWaitedEventImpl(
case JDWP.EventKind.VM_START:
return new VMStartEventImpl(
case JDWP.EventKind.VM_DEATH:
return new VMDeathEventImpl(
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