algorithm.alreadyRegistered = URI {0} wurde bereits an die Klasse {1} gebunden
algorithm.classDoesNotExist = Kann URI {0} nicht f黵 Klasse {1} registrieren weil sie nicht existiert
algorithm.ClassDoesNotExist = Klasse {0} existiert nicht
algorithm.extendsWrongClass = Kann URI {0} nicht f黵 Klasse {1} registrieren weil sie nicht {2} extended
algorithms.CannotUseAlgorithmParameterSpecOnDSA = Sorry, but you cannot use a AlgorithmParameterSpec object for creating DSA signatures.
algorithms.CannotUseAlgorithmParameterSpecOnRSA = Sorry, but you cannot use a AlgorithmParameterSpec object for creating RSA signatures.
algorithms.CannotUseSecureRandomOnMAC = Sorry, but you cannot use a SecureRandom object for creating MACs.
algorithms.HMACOutputLengthMin = HMACOutputLength must not be less than {0}
algorithms.HMACOutputLengthOnlyForHMAC = A HMACOutputLength can only be specified for HMAC integrity algorithms
algorithms.NoSuchAlgorithm = Der Algorithmus {0} ist nicht verf黦bar. Original Nachricht war: {1}
algorithms.NoSuchMap = The algorithm URI "{0}" could not be mapped to a JCE algorithm
algorithms.NoSuchProvider = The specified Provider {0} does not exist. Original Message was: {1}
algorithms.operationOnlyVerification = A public key can only used for verification of a signature.
algorithms.WrongKeyForThisOperation = Sorry, you supplied the wrong key type for this operation! You supplied a {0} but a {1} is needed.
attributeValueIllegal = The attribute {0} has value {1} but must be {2}
c14n.Canonicalizer.Exception = Exception w鋒rend Kanonisierung: Original Nachricht war {0}
c14n.Canonicalizer.IllegalNode = Unzul鋝siger NodeType {0}, NodeName lautete {1}
c14n.Canonicalizer.NoSuchCanonicalizer = Kein Canonicalizer mit dem URI {0} gefunden
c14n.Canonicalizer.ParserConfigurationException = ParserConfigurationException w鋒rend Kanonisierung: Original Nachricht war {0}
c14n.Canonicalizer.RelativeNamespace = Das Element {0} hat einen relativen Namespace: {1}="{2}"
c14n.Canonicalizer.SAXException = SAXException w鋒rend Kanonisierung: Original Nachricht war {0}
c14n.Canonicalizer.TraversalNotSupported = Das DOM Dokument unterst黷zt keine Traversal {0}
c14n.Canonicalizer.UnsupportedEncoding = Unbekannte Kodierung {0}
c14n.Canonicalizer.UnsupportedOperation = This canonicalizer does not support this operation
c14n.XMLUtils.circumventBug2650forgotten = The tree has not been prepared for canonicalization using XMLUtils#circumventBug2650(Document)
certificate.noSki.lowVersion = Certificate cannot contain a SubjectKeyIdentifier because it is only X509v{0}
certificate.noSki.notOctetString = Certificates SubjectKeyIdentifier is not a OctetString
certificate.noSki.null = Certificate does not contain a SubjectKeyIdentifier
defaultNamespaceCannotBeSetHere = Default namespace cannot be set here
ElementProxy.nullElement = Kann einen ElementProxy aus einem null Argument erzeugen
empty = {0}
encryption.algorithmCannotBeUsedForEncryptedData = encryption.algorithmCannotBeUsedForEncryptedData {0}
encryption.algorithmCannotEatInitParams = encryption.algorithmCannotEatInitParams
encryption.algorithmCannotEncryptDecrypt = encryption.algorithmCannotEncryptDecrypt
encryption.algorithmCannotWrapUnWrap = encryption.algorithmCannotWrapUnWrap
encryption.ExplicitKeySizeMismatch = The xenc:KeySize element requests a key size of {0} bit but the algorithm implements {1} bit
encryption.nonceLongerThanDecryptedPlaintext = The given nonce is longer than the available plaintext. I Cannot strip away this.
encryption.RSAOAEP.dataHashWrong = data hash wrong
encryption.RSAOAEP.dataStartWrong = data wrong start {0}
encryption.RSAOAEP.dataTooShort = data too short
encryption.RSAPKCS15.blockTruncated = block truncated
encryption.RSAPKCS15.noDataInBlock = no data in block
encryption.RSAPKCS15.unknownBlockType = unknown block type
encryption.nokey = No Key Encryption Key loaded and cannot determine using key resolvers
endorsed.jdk1.4.0 = Since it seems that nobody reads our installation notes, we must do it in the exception messages. Hope you read them. You did NOT use the endorsed mechanism from JDK 1.4 properly; look at <> how to solve this problem.
errorMessages.InvalidDigestValueException = Ung黮tige Signatur: Reference Validation fehlgeschlagen.
errorMessages.InvalidSignatureValueException = Ung黮tige Signatur: Core Validation fehlgeschlagen.
errorMessages.IOException = Datei oder Resource kann nicht gelesen werden.
errorMessages.MissingKeyFailureException = Verifizieren fehlgeschlagen, weil der 鰂fentliche Schl黶sel (public key) nicht verf黦bar ist. Resourcen via addResource() hinzuf黦en und erneut verifizieren.
errorMessages.MissingResourceFailureException = Verifizieren fehlgeschlagen, weil Resourcen nicht verf黦bar sind. Resourcen via addResource() hinzuf黦en und erneut verifizieren.
errorMessages.NoSuchAlgorithmException = Unbekannter Algorithmus {0}
errorMessages.NotYetImplementedException = Funktionalit鋞 noch nicht implementiert.
errorMessages.XMLSignatureException = Verifizieren aus unbekanntem Grund fehlgeschlagen.
decoding.divisible.four = It should be divisible by four
decoding.general = Error while decoding
FileKeyStorageImpl.addToDefaultFromRemoteNotImplemented = Method addToDefaultFromRemote() not yet implemented.
FileKeyStorageImpl.NoCert.Context = Not found such a X509Certificate including context {0}
FileKeyStorageImpl.NoCert.IssNameSerNo = Not found such a X509Certificate with IssuerName {0} and serial number {1}
FileKeyStorageImpl.NoCert.SubjName = Not found such a X509Certificate including SubjectName {0}
generic.dontHaveConstructionElement = I do not have a construction Element
generic.EmptyMessage = {0}
generic.NotYetImplemented = {0} Leider noch nicht implementiert ;-(( = Ung黮tiger Schl黶sel = Unbekannter oder nicht unterst黷zter Provider = Unbekannter oder nicht unterst黷zter Key type {0}
KeyInfo.needKeyResolver = Es m黶sen mehrere KeyResolver registriert sein
KeyInfo.nokey = Kann keinen Schl黶sel aus {0} gewinnen
KeyInfo.noKey = Kann keinen 鰂fentlichen Schl黶sel finden
KeyInfo.wrongNumberOfObject = Ben鰐ige {0} keyObjects
KeyInfo.wrongUse = Dieses Objekt wird verwendet, um {0} zu gewinnen
keyResolver.alreadyRegistered = Die Klasse {1} wurde bereits registriert f黵 {0}
KeyResolver.needStorageResolver = Need a StorageResolver to retrieve a Certificate from a {0}
KeyResoverSpiImpl.cannotGetCert = Cannot get the Certificate that include or in {1} in implement class {0}
KeyResoverSpiImpl.elementGeneration = Cannot make {1} element in implement class {0}
KeyResoverSpiImpl.getPoublicKey = Cannot get the public key from implement class {0}
KeyResoverSpiImpl.InvalidElement = Cannot set (2) Element in implement class {0}
KeyResoverSpiImpl.keyStore = KeyStorage error in implement class {0}
KeyResoverSpiImpl.need.Element = {1} type of Element is needed in implement class {0}
KeyResoverSpiImpl.wrongCRLElement = Cannot make CRL from {1} in implement class {0}
KeyResoverSpiImpl.wrongKeyObject = Need {1} type of KeyObject for generation Element in implement class{0}
KeyResoverSpiImpl.wrongNumberOfObject = Need {1} keyObject in implement class {0}
KeyStore.alreadyRegistered = {0} Class has already been registered for {1}
KeyStore.register = {1} type class register error in class {0}
KeyStore.registerStore.register = Registeration error for type {0}
KeyValue.IllegalArgument = Cannot create a {0} from {1}
namespacePrefixAlreadyUsedByOtherURI = Namespace {0} already used by other URI {1}
notYetInitialized = Das Modul {0} ist noch nicht initialisiert
prefix.AlreadyAssigned = Sie binden den Prefix {0} an den Namespace {1} aber er ist bereits an {2} zugewiesen
signature.Canonicalizer.UnknownCanonicalizer = Unbekannter Canonicalizer. Kein Handler installiert f黵 URI {0}
signature.DSA.invalidFormat = Invalid ASN.1 encoding of the DSA signature
signature.Generation.signBeforeGetValue = You have to XMLSignature.sign( first
signature.Reference.ForbiddenResolver = It is forbidden to access resolver {0} when secure validation is enabled
signature.signatureAlgorithm = It is forbidden to use algorithm {0} when secure validation is enabled
signature.signaturePropertyHasNoTarget = Das Target Attribut der SignatureProperty muss gesetzt sein
signature.tooManyReferences = {0} references are contained in the Manifest, maximum {1} are allowed with secure validation
signature.tooManyTransforms = {0} transforms are contained in the Reference, maximum {1} are allowed with secure validation
signature.Transform.ErrorDuringTransform = W鋒rend der Transformation {0} trat eine {1} auf.
signature.Transform.ForbiddenTransform = Transform {0} is forbidden when secure validation is enabled
signature.Transform.NotYetImplemented = Transform {0} noch nicht implementiert
signature.Transform.NullPointerTransform = Null pointer als URI 黚ergeben. Programmierfehler?
signature.Transform.UnknownTransform = Unbekannte Transformation. Kein Handler installiert f黵 URI {0}
signature.Util.BignumNonPositive = bigInteger.signum() mu� positiv sein
signature.Util.NonTextNode = Kein Text Node
signature.Util.TooManyChilds = Zu viele Child-Elemente vom Type {0} in {1}
signature.Verification.certificateError = Zertifikatsfehler
signature.Verification.IndexOutOfBounds = Index {0} illegal. We only have {1} References
signature.Verification.internalError = Interner Fehler
signature.Verification.InvalidDigestOrReference = Ung黮tiger Digest Wert oder Reference Element {0}
signature.Verification.keyStore = 謋fnen des KeyStore fehlgeschlagen
signature.Verification.MissingID = Cannot resolve element with ID {0}
signature.Verification.MissingResources = Kann die externe Resource {0} nicht aufl鰏en
signature.Verification.MultipleIDs = Multiple Elements with the same ID {0} were detected
signature.Verification.NoSignatureElement = Input Dokument enth鋖t kein {0} Element mit dem Namespace {1}
signature.Verification.Reference.NoInput = Die Reference f黵 den URI {0} hat keinen XMLSignatureInput erhalten.
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