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package sun.util.resources;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.MissingResourceException;
import java.util.Set;
* Subclass of <code>ResourceBundle</code> with special
* functionality for time zone names. The additional functionality:
* <ul>
* <li>Preserves the order of entries in the <code>getContents</code>
* array for the enumeration returned by <code>getKeys</code>.
* <li>Inserts the time zone ID (the key of the bundle entries) into
* the string arrays returned by <code>handleGetObject</code>.
* <ul>
* All <code>TimeZoneNames</code> resource bundles must extend this
* class and implement the <code>getContents</code> method.
public abstract class TimeZoneNamesBundle extends OpenListResourceBundle {
* Returns a String array containing time zone names. The String array has
* at most size elements.
* @param key the time zone ID for which names are obtained
* @param size the requested size of array for names
* @return a String array containing names
public String[] getStringArray(String key, int size) {
String[] names = handleGetObject(key, size);
if ((names == null || names.length != size) && parent != null) {
names = ((TimeZoneNamesBundle)parent).getStringArray(key, size);
if (names == null) {
throw new MissingResourceException("no time zone names", getClass().getName(), key);
return names;
* Maps time zone IDs to locale-specific names.
* The value returned is an array of five strings:
* <ul>
* <li>The time zone ID (same as the key, not localized).
* <li>The long name of the time zone in standard time (localized).
* <li>The short name of the time zone in standard time (localized).
* <li>The long name of the time zone in daylight savings time (localized).
* <li>The short name of the time zone in daylight savings time (localized).
* </ul>
* The localized names come from the subclasses's
* <code>getContents</code> implementations, while the time zone
* ID is inserted into the returned array by this method.
public Object handleGetObject(String key) {
return handleGetObject(key, 5);
private String[] handleGetObject(String key, int n) {
String[] contents = (String[]) super.handleGetObject(key);
if (contents == null) {
return null;
int clen = Math.min(n - 1, contents.length);
String[] tmpobj = new String[clen+1];
tmpobj[0] = key;
System.arraycopy(contents, 0, tmpobj, 1, clen);
return tmpobj;
* Use LinkedHashMap to preserve the order of bundle entries.
protected <K, V> Map<K, V> createMap(int size) {
return new LinkedHashMap<>(size);
* Use LinkedHashSet to preserve the key order.
* @param <E> the type of elements
* @return a Set
protected <E> Set<E> createSet() {
return new LinkedHashSet<>();
* Provides key/value mappings for a specific
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