
This directory contains samples for Dynalink API (http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/276).
These samples require a jar file to be built and such jars be placed in the
classpath of the jjs tool. Linker samples are named with the naming pattern
"xyz_linker.js". These scripts build dynalink linker jar from java code and exec
another jjs process with appropriate classpath set.

Dynalink samples:

* array_stream_linker.js

This sample builds ArrayStreamLinkerExporter.java and uses it in a sample script
called "array_stream.js". This linker adds "stream" property to Java array
objects. The "stream" property returns appropriate Stream type for the given
Java array (IntStream, DoubleStream ...).

* buffer_indexing_linker.js

This sample builds BufferIndexingLinkerExporter.java and uses it in a sample script
called "buffer_index.js". This linker adds array-like indexed access, indexed assignment
and "length" property to Java NIO Buffer objects. Script can treat NIO Buffer objects
as if those are just array objects.

* dom_linker.js

This sample builds DOMLinkerExporter.java and uses it in a sample script
called "dom_linker_gutenberg.js". This linker handles DOM Element objects to add
properties to access child elements of a given element by child element tag name.
This simplifies script access of parsed XML DOM Documents.

* missing_method_linker.js

This sample builds MissingMethodLinkerExporter.java and uses it in a sample script
called "missing_method.js". This linker supports Smalltalk-style "doesNotUnderstand"
calls on Java objects. i.e., A Java class can implement MissingMethodHandler interface
with one method named "doesNotUnderstand". When script accesses a method on such
object and if that method does not exist in the Java class (or any of it's supertypes),
then "doesNotUnderstand" method is invoked.

* underscore_linker.js

This sample builds UnderscoreNameLinkerExporter.java and uses it in a sample script

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