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package jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.taglets;

import java.util.List;
import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.VariableElement;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror;

import com.sun.source.doctree.DocTree;
import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.BaseConfiguration;
import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.Content;
import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.taglets.Taglet.UnsupportedTagletOperationException;
import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.util.CommentHelper;
import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.util.Utils;

 * The interface for the taglet writer.
 *  <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API.
 *  If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk.
 *  This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or
 *  deletion without notice.</b>

public abstract class TagletWriter {

     * True if we only want to write the first sentence.
    protected final boolean isFirstSentence;

    protected TagletWriter(boolean isFirstSentence) {
        this.isFirstSentence = isFirstSentence;

     * @return an instance of an output object.
    public abstract Content getOutputInstance();

     * Return the output for a {@code {@code ...}} tag.
     * @param element
     * @param tag the tag.
     * @return the output of the taglet.
    protected abstract Content codeTagOutput(Element element, DocTree tag);

     * Return the output for a {@index...} tag.
     * @param tag the tag.
     * @return the output of the taglet.
    protected abstract Content indexTagOutput(Element element, DocTree tag);

     * Returns the output for the DocRoot inline tag.
     * @return the output for the DocRoot inline tag.
    protected abstract Content getDocRootOutput();

     * Return the deprecated tag output.
     * @param element the element to write deprecated documentation for.
     * @return the output of the deprecated tag.
    protected abstract Content deprecatedTagOutput(Element element);

     * Return the output for a {@code {@literal ...}} tag.
     * @param element
     * @param tag the tag.
     * @return the output of the taglet.
    protected abstract Content literalTagOutput(Element element, DocTree tag);

     * Return the header for the param tags.
     * @param header the header to display.
     * @return the header for the param tags.
    protected abstract Content getParamHeader(String header);

     * Return the output for param tags.
     * @param element
     * @param paramTag the parameter to document.
     * @param paramName the name of the parameter.
     * @return the output of the param tag.
    protected abstract Content paramTagOutput(Element element, DocTree paramTag, String paramName);

     * Return the output for property tags.
     * @param element
     * @param propertyTag the parameter to document.
     * @param prefix the text with which to prefix the property name.
     * @return the output of the param tag.
    protected abstract Content propertyTagOutput(Element element, DocTree propertyTag, String prefix);

     * Return the return tag output.
     * @param element
     * @param returnTag the return tag to output.
     * @return the output of the return tag.
    protected abstract Content returnTagOutput(Element element, DocTree returnTag);

     * Return the see tag output.
     * @param holder
     * @param seeTags the array of See tags.
     * @return the output of the see tags.
    protected abstract Content seeTagOutput(Element holder, List<? extends DocTree> seeTags);

     * Return the output for a simple tag.
     * @param element
     * @param simpleTags the array of simple tags.
     * @param header
     * @return the output of the simple tags.
    protected abstract Content simpleTagOutput(Element element, List<? extends DocTree> simpleTags, String header);

     * Return the output for a simple tag.
     * @param element
     * @param simpleTag the simple tag.
     * @param header
     * @return the output of the simple tag.
    protected abstract Content simpleTagOutput(Element element, DocTree simpleTag, String header);

     * Return the system property tag output.
     * @param element
     * @param systemPropertyTag the system property tag
     * @return the output of system property tag
    protected abstract Content systemPropertyTagOutput(Element element, DocTree systemPropertyTag);

     * Return the header for the throws tag.
     * @return the header for the throws tag.
    protected abstract Content getThrowsHeader();

     * Return the header for the throws tag.
     * @param element
     * @param throwsTag the throws tag.
     * @param substituteType instantiated type of a generic type-variable, or null.
     * @return the output of the throws tag.
    protected abstract Content throwsTagOutput(Element element, DocTree throwsTag, TypeMirror substituteType);

     * Return the output for the throws tag.
     * @param throwsType the throws type.
     * @return the output of the throws type.
    protected abstract Content throwsTagOutput(TypeMirror throwsType);

     * Return the output for the value tag.
     * @param field       the constant field that holds the value tag.
     * @param constantVal the constant value to document.
     * @param includeLink true if we should link the constant text to the
     *                    constant field itself.
     * @return the output of the value tag.
    protected abstract Content valueTagOutput(VariableElement field,
        String constantVal, boolean includeLink);

     * Return the main type element of the current page or null for pages that don't have one.
     * @return the type element of the current page or null.
    protected abstract TypeElement getCurrentPageElement();

     * Given an output object, append to it the tag documentation for
     * the given member.
     * @param tagletManager the manager that manages the taglets.
     * @param element the Doc that we are print tags for.
     * @param taglets the taglets to print.
     * @param writer the writer that will generate the output strings.
     * @param output the output buffer to store the output in.
    public static void genTagOutput(TagletManager tagletManager, Element element,
            List<Taglet> taglets, TagletWriter writer, Content output) {
        Utils utils = writer.configuration().utils;
        tagletManager.checkTags(element, utils.getBlockTags(element), false);
        tagletManager.checkTags(element, utils.getFullBody(element), true);
        for (Taglet taglet : taglets) {
            if (utils.isTypeElement(element) && taglet instanceof ParamTaglet) {
                // The type parameters and state components are documented in a special
                // section away from the tag info, so skip here.
            if (taglet instanceof DeprecatedTaglet) {
                //Deprecated information is documented "inline", not in tag info
            if (taglet instanceof SimpleTaglet && !((SimpleTaglet) taglet).enabled) {
                // taglet has been disabled
            Content currentOutput = null;
            try {
                currentOutput = taglet.getTagletOutput(element, writer);
            } catch (UnsupportedTagletOperationException utoe) {
                //The taglet does not take a member as an argument.  Let's try
                //a single tag.
                List<? extends DocTree> tags = utils.getBlockTags(element, taglet.getName());
                if (!tags.isEmpty()) {
                    currentOutput = taglet.getTagletOutput(element, tags.get(0), writer);
            if (currentOutput != null) {
     * Given an inline tag, return its output.
     * @param holder
     * @param tagletManager The taglet manager for the current doclet.
     * @param holderTag The tag this holds this inline tag.  Null if there
     * is no tag that holds it.
     * @param inlineTag The inline tag to be documented.
     * @param tagletWriter The taglet writer to write the output.
     * @return The output of the inline tag.
    public static Content getInlineTagOutput(Element holder, TagletManager tagletManager,
            DocTree holderTag, DocTree inlineTag, TagletWriter tagletWriter) {
        List<Taglet> definedTags = tagletManager.getInlineTaglets();
        CommentHelper ch = tagletWriter.configuration().utils.getCommentHelper(holder);
        final String inlineTagName = ch.getTagName(inlineTag);
        //This is a custom inline tag.
        for (Taglet definedTag : definedTags) {
            if ((definedTag.getName()).equals(inlineTagName)) {
                // Given a name of a seen custom tag, remove it from the
                // set of unseen custom tags.
                Content output = definedTag.getTagletOutput(holder,
                        holderTag != null &&
                        definedTag.getName().equals("inheritDoc") ?
                        holderTag : inlineTag, tagletWriter);
                return output;
        return null;

     * Converts inline tags and text to TagOutput, expanding the
     * inline tags along the way.  Called wherever text can contain
     * an inline tag, such as in comments or in free-form text arguments
     * to non-inline tags.
     * @param holderTag the tag that holds the documentation.
     * @param tags   array of text tags and inline tags (often alternating)
     *               present in the text of interest for this doc.
     * @return the {@link Content} representing the comments.
    public abstract Content commentTagsToOutput(DocTree holderTag, List<? extends DocTree> tags);

     * Converts inline tags and text to TagOutput, expanding the
     * inline tags along the way.  Called wherever text can contain

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