* Copyright (c) 2001, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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* questions.
package jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.taglets;
import java.util.*;
import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.Name;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
import com.sun.source.doctree.DocTree;
import com.sun.source.doctree.ParamTree;
import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.Content;
import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.Messages;
import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.util.CommentHelper;
import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.util.DocFinder;
import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.util.DocFinder.Input;
import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.util.Utils;
import static com.sun.source.doctree.DocTree.Kind.PARAM;
* A taglet that represents the @param tag.
* <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API.
* If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk.
* This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or
* deletion without notice.</b>
public class ParamTaglet extends BaseTaglet implements InheritableTaglet {
private enum ParamKind {
/** Parameter of an executable element. */
/** State components of a record. */
/** Type parameters of an executable element or type element. */
* Construct a ParamTaglet.
public ParamTaglet() {
super(PARAM.tagName, false, EnumSet.of(Site.TYPE, Site.CONSTRUCTOR, Site.METHOD));
* Given an array of <code>Parameter</code>s, return
* a name/rank number map. If the array is null, then
* null is returned.
* @param params The array of parameters (from type or executable member) to
* check.
* @return a name-rank number map.
private static Map<String, String> getRankMap(Utils utils, List<? extends Element> params){
if (params == null) {
return null;
HashMap<String, String> result = new HashMap<>();
int rank = 0;
for (Element e : params) {
String name = utils.isTypeParameterElement(e)
? utils.getTypeName(e.asType(), false)
: utils.getSimpleName(e);
result.put(name, String.valueOf(rank));
return result;
public void inherit(DocFinder.Input input, DocFinder.Output output) {
Utils utils = input.utils;
if (input.tagId == null) {
input.isTypeVariableParamTag = ((ParamTree)input.docTreeInfo.docTree).isTypeParameter();
ExecutableElement ee = (ExecutableElement)input.docTreeInfo.element;
CommentHelper ch = utils.getCommentHelper(ee);
List<? extends Element> parameters = input.isTypeVariableParamTag
? ee.getTypeParameters()
: ee.getParameters();
String target = ch.getParameterName(input.docTreeInfo.docTree);
for (int i = 0 ; i < parameters.size(); i++) {
Element e = parameters.get(i);
String pname = input.isTypeVariableParamTag
? utils.getTypeName(e.asType(), false)
: utils.getSimpleName(e);
if (pname.contentEquals(target)) {
input.tagId = String.valueOf(i);
ExecutableElement md = (ExecutableElement)input.element;
CommentHelper ch = utils.getCommentHelper(md);
List<? extends DocTree> tags = input.isTypeVariableParamTag
? utils.getTypeParamTrees(md)
: utils.getParamTrees(md);
List<? extends Element> parameters = input.isTypeVariableParamTag
? md.getTypeParameters()
: md.getParameters();
Map<String, String> rankMap = getRankMap(utils, parameters);
for (DocTree tag : tags) {
String paramName = ch.getParameterName(tag);
if (rankMap.containsKey(paramName) && rankMap.get(paramName).equals((input.tagId))) {
output.holder = input.element;
output.holderTag = tag;
output.inlineTags = ch.getBody(utils.configuration, tag);
public Content getTagletOutput(Element holder, TagletWriter writer) {
Utils utils = writer.configuration().utils;
if (utils.isExecutableElement(holder)) {
ExecutableElement member = (ExecutableElement) holder;
Content output = getTagletOutput(ParamKind.TYPE_PARAMETER, member, writer,
member.getTypeParameters(), utils.getTypeParamTrees(member));
output.add(getTagletOutput(ParamKind.PARAMETER, member, writer,
member.getParameters(), utils.getParamTrees(member)));
return output;
} else {
TypeElement typeElement = (TypeElement) holder;
Content output = getTagletOutput(ParamKind.TYPE_PARAMETER, typeElement, writer,
typeElement.getTypeParameters(), utils.getTypeParamTrees(typeElement));
output.add(getTagletOutput(ParamKind.RECORD_COMPONENT, typeElement, writer,
typeElement.getRecordComponents(), utils.getParamTrees(typeElement)));
return output;
* Given an array of {@code @param DocTree}s,return its string representation.
* Try to inherit the param tags that are missing.
* @param holder the element that holds the param tags.
* @param writer the TagletWriter that will write this tag.
* @param formalParameters The array of parameters (from type or executable
* member) to check.
* @return the content representation of these {@code @param DocTree}s.
private Content getTagletOutput(ParamKind kind, Element holder,
TagletWriter writer, List<? extends Element> formalParameters, List<? extends DocTree> paramTags) {
Content result = writer.getOutputInstance();
Set<String> alreadyDocumented = new HashSet<>();
if (!paramTags.isEmpty()) {
processParamTags(holder, kind, paramTags,
getRankMap(writer.configuration().utils, formalParameters), writer, alreadyDocumented)
if (alreadyDocumented.size() != formalParameters.size()) {
//Some parameters are missing corresponding @param tags.
//Try to inherit them.
result.add(getInheritedTagletOutput(kind, holder,
writer, formalParameters, alreadyDocumented));
return result;
* Loop through each individual parameter, despite not having a
* corresponding param tag, try to inherit it.
private Content getInheritedTagletOutput(ParamKind kind, Element holder,
TagletWriter writer, List<? extends Element> formalParameters,
Set<String> alreadyDocumented) {
Utils utils = writer.configuration().utils;
Content result = writer.getOutputInstance();
if ((!alreadyDocumented.contains(null)) && utils.isExecutableElement(holder)) {
for (int i = 0; i < formalParameters.size(); i++) {
if (alreadyDocumented.contains(String.valueOf(i))) {
// This parameter does not have any @param documentation.
// Try to inherit it.
Input input = new DocFinder.Input(writer.configuration().utils, holder, this,
Integer.toString(i), kind == ParamKind.TYPE_PARAMETER);
DocFinder.Output inheritedDoc = DocFinder.search(writer.configuration(), input);
if (inheritedDoc.inlineTags != null && !inheritedDoc.inlineTags.isEmpty()) {
Element e = formalParameters.get(i);
String lname = kind != ParamKind.TYPE_PARAMETER
? utils.getSimpleName(e)
: utils.getTypeName(e.asType(), false);
CommentHelper ch = utils.getCommentHelper(holder);
Content content = processParamTag(holder, kind, writer,
return result;
* Given an array of {@code @param DocTree}s representing this
* tag, return its string representation. Print a warning for param
* tags that do not map to parameters. Print a warning for param
* tags that are duplicated.
* @param paramTags the array of {@code @param DocTree} to convert.
* @param writer the TagletWriter that will write this tag.
* @param alreadyDocumented the set of exceptions that have already
* been documented.
* @param rankMap a {@link java.util.Map} which holds ordering
* information about the parameters.
* @param rankMap a {@link java.util.Map} which holds a mapping
of a rank of a parameter to its name. This is
used to ensure that the right name is used
when parameter documentation is inherited.
* @return the Content representation of this {@code @param DocTree}.
private Content processParamTags(Element e, ParamKind kind,
List<? extends DocTree> paramTags, Map<String, String> rankMap, TagletWriter writer,
Set<String> alreadyDocumented) {
Messages messages = writer.configuration().getMessages();
Content result = writer.getOutputInstance();
if (!paramTags.isEmpty()) {
CommentHelper ch = writer.configuration().utils.getCommentHelper(e);
for (DocTree dt : paramTags) {
String name = ch.getParameterName(dt);
String paramName = kind != ParamKind.TYPE_PARAMETER
? name.toString()
: "<" + name + ">";
if (!rankMap.containsKey(name)) {
String key;
switch (kind) {
case PARAMETER: key = "doclet.Parameters_warn" ; break;
case TYPE_PARAMETER: key = "doclet.TypeParameters_warn" ; break;
case RECORD_COMPONENT: key = "doclet.RecordComponents_warn" ; break;
default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(kind.toString());
messages.warning(ch.getDocTreePath(dt), key, paramName);
String rank = rankMap.get(name);
if (rank != null && alreadyDocumented.contains(rank)) {
String key;
switch (kind) {
case PARAMETER: key = "doclet.Parameters_dup_warn" ; break;
case TYPE_PARAMETER: key = "doclet.TypeParameters_dup_warn" ; break;
case RECORD_COMPONENT: key = "doclet.RecordComponents_dup_warn" ; break;
default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(kind.toString());
messages.warning(ch.getDocTreePath(dt), key, paramName);
result.add(processParamTag(e, kind, writer, dt,
name, alreadyDocumented.isEmpty()));
return result;
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