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package sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.win32.coff;
import java.util.*;
/** Provides iteration-style access to the symbols in the sstGlobalSym
(and possibly other) subsections of the VC++ 5.0 debug
information. Clients should walk down these platform-dependent
symbols and transform them into the platform-independent
interfaces described in the package sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.csym. */
public interface DebugVC50SymbolIterator
extends DebugVC50SymbolTypes, DebugVC50SymbolEnums {
/** Indicates whether this iterator has processed all of the
available symbols. */
public boolean done();
/** Go to the next symbol. NOTE that the iterator is pointing at the
first symbol initially, so one should use a while (!iter.done())
{ ... iter.next(); } construct.
@throw NoSuchElementException if the iterator is already done
and next() is called. */
public void next() throws NoSuchElementException;
/** Length of record, in bytes, excluding the length field. */
public short getLength();
/** The type enumeration is defined in {@link
sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.win32.coff.DebugVC50SymbolTypes} */
public int getType();
/** For debugging: returns the file offset of the current symbol. */
public int getOffset();
// S_COMPILE accessors //
/** Machine enumeration specifying target processor; see
DebugVC50SymbolEnums. */
public byte getCompilerTargetProcessor();
/** Compile flags; see DebugVC50SymbolEnums. */
public int getCompilerFlags();
/** Length-prefixed string specifying language processor version.
Language processors can place additional data in version string
if desired. */
public String getComplierVersion();
// S_REGISTER accessors //
/** Type of the symbol which is in the register */
public int getRegisterSymbolType();
/** Enumerate of the registers in which the symbol is stored. The
high and low bytes are treated independently for values split
across two registers (i.e., 64-bit values on a 32-bit machine.) */
public short getRegisterEnum();
/** Length-prefixed name of the symbol stored in the register. */
public String getRegisterSymbolName();
// Note: register tracking elided as it is not implemented in the
// Microsoft compilers.
// S_CONSTANT accessors //
/** Type of symbol or containing enum. This record is used to output
constants and C enumerations. If used to output an enumeration,
then the type index refers to the containing enum. */
public int getConstantType();
/** Numeric leaf containing the value of the symbol as an int */
public int getConstantValueAsInt() throws DebugVC50WrongNumericTypeException;
/** Numeric leaf containing the value of the symbol as a long */
public long getConstantValueAsLong() throws DebugVC50WrongNumericTypeException;
/** Numeric leaf containing the value of the symbol as a float */
public float getConstantValueAsFloat() throws DebugVC50WrongNumericTypeException;
/** Numeric leaf containing the value of the symbol as a double */
public double getConstantValueAsDouble() throws DebugVC50WrongNumericTypeException;
/** Length-prefixed name of the symbol */
public String getConstantName();
// S_UDT accessors //
/** Type of symbol. This specifies a C typedef or user-defined type,
such as classes, structures, unions, or enums. */
public int getUDTType();
/** Length-prefixed name of the user defined type. */
public String getUDTName();
// S_SSEARCH accessors //
// FIXME: Add more documentation and understand what this does
/** $$SYMBOL offset of the procedure or thunk record for this module
that has the lowest offset for the specified segment. */
public int getSearchSymbolOffset();
/** Segment (PE section) that this Start Search refers to. */
public short getSearchSegment();
// S_END accessors //
// (No accessors)
// Closes the scope of the nearest preceding Block Start, Global
// Procedure Start, Local Procedure Start, With Start, or Thunk
// Start definition.
// S_SKIP accessors //
// (No accessors)
// Use the length field, available in every symbol, to skip over
// these records.
// S_CVRESERVE accessors //
// (No accessors)
// S_OBJNAME accessors //
/** Signature used to determine whether changes in precompiled types
defined in this module require a recompilation of users of those
types. This does not have much meaning given that the algorithm
for computing the signature is unspecified. */
public int getObjectCodeViewSignature();
/** Length prefixed name of the object file without any path
information prepended to the name. */
public String getObjectName();
// S_ENDARG accessors //
// (No accessors)
// S_COBOLUDT accessors //
// (Elided as they are irrelevant)
// S_MANYREG accessors //
/** Type index of the symbol. This record is used to specify that a
symbol is stored in a set of registers. */
public int getManyRegType();
/** Count of the register enumerates that follow. */
public byte getManyRegCount();
/** Get the <i>i</i>th register (0..getManyRegCount() - 1). The
registers are listed high order register first. */
public byte getManyRegRegister(int i);
/** Name of the symbol. */
public String getManyRegName();
// S_RETURN accessors //
/** Logical or of FUNCRET_VARARGS_LEFT_TO_RIGHT_MASK (push varargs
(returnee cleans up stack if true). */
public short getReturnFlags();
/** Function return style; see constants in {@link
sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.win32.coff.DebugVC50SymbolEnums}. */
public byte getReturnStyle();
/** Get count of registers containing return value; only valid for
FUNCRET_IN_REGISTERS return style. */
public byte getReturnRegisterCount();
/** Get <i>i</i>th register (0..getReturnRegisterCount() - 1)
containing return value, high order first; only valid for
FUNCRET_IN_REGISTERS return style. */
public byte getReturnRegister(int i);
// S_ENTRYTHIS accessors //
/** Advance this iterator to the symbol (which actually describes
the <b>this</b> pointer) contained within the S_ENTRYTHIS
symbol. */
public void advanceToEntryThisSymbol();
// //
// //
// Symbols for (Intel) 16:32 Segmented and 32-bit Flat Architectures //
// //
// //
// S_BPREL32 accessors //
// This symbol specifies symbols that are allocated on the stack for
// a procedure. For C/C++, these include the actual parameters to a
// function and the local nonstatic variables of functions.
/** Signed offset relative to BP. If 0, then the symbol was assigned
to a register or never instantiated by the optimizer and cannot
be evaluated because its location is unknown. */
public int getBPRelOffset();
/** Type of the symbol. */
public int getBPRelType();
/** Length-prefixed name of the symbol. */
public String getBPRelName();
// S_LDATA32 and S_GDATA32 accessors //
// FIXME: consider documenting this as covering S_PUB32 symbols as
// well
// The formats of S_LDATA32 and S_GDATA32 symbols match; the only
// difference is the type tag.
// LDATA32 symbols are used for data that is not exported from a
// module. In C/C++, symbols that are declared static are emitted as
// Local Data symbols. Symbols that are emitted as Local Data cannot
// be moved by CVPACK into the global symbol table for the
// executable file.
// GDATA32 records have the same format as the Local Data 16:32
// except that the record type is S_GDATA32. For C/C++, symbols that
// are not specifically declared static are emitted as Global Data
// Symbols and can be compacted by CVPACK into the global symbol
// table.
/** Type index of the symbol. */
public int getLGDataType();
/** Offset portion of the symbol address. */
public int getLGDataOffset();
/** Segment portion of the symbol address. */
public short getLGDataSegment();
/** Length-prefixed name of symbol. */
public String getLGDataName();
// S_PUB32 accessors //
// FIXME: has the same format as the above; consider updating
// documentation. No separate accessors provided.
// S_LPROC32 and S_GPROC32 accessors //
// LPROC32 and GPROC32 symbols have the same format, differing only
// in the type tag.
// The LPROC32 symbol record defines a local (file static) procedure
// definition. For C/C++, functions that are declared static to a
// module are emitted as Local Procedure symbols. Functions not
// specifically declared static are emitted as Global Procedures.
// GPROC32 records are used for procedures that are not specifically
// declared static to a module. The format is the same as the Local
// Procedure Start 16:32 symbol.
/** Creates a new symbol iterator pointing to the symbol opening the
enclosing lexical scope of this function (if any); returns null
if there is no enclosing scope. */
public DebugVC50SymbolIterator getLGProcParent();
/** Gets the absolute file offset of the parent symbol, or 0 if
none. This is useful for constructing and resolving types in a
lazy fashion. */
public int getLGProcParentOffset();
/** Creates a new symbol iterator pointing to the block end symbol
terminating the lexical scope, or NULL if there is no containing
lexical scope. */
public DebugVC50SymbolIterator getLGProcEnd();
/** Gets the absolute file offset of the end symbol. This is useful
for constructing and resolving types in a lazy fashion. */
public int getLGProcEndOffset();
/** Creates a new symbol iterator pointing to the next outermost
scope symbol in the segment (if any); returns null if this is
the last outermost scope for the current segment. (See the
documentation for more information.) */
public DebugVC50SymbolIterator getLGProcNext();
/** Gets the absolute file offset of the next symbol, or 0 if none.
This is useful for constructing and resolving types in a lazy
fashion. */
public int getLGProcNextOffset();
/** Length in bytes of this procedure. */
public int getLGProcLength();
/** Offset in bytes from the start of the procedure to the point
where the stack frame has been set up. Parameter and frame
variables can be viewed at this point. */
public int getLGProcDebugStart();
/** Offset in bytes from the start of the procedure to the point
where the procedure is ready to return and has calculated its
return value, if any. Frame and register variables can still be
viewed. */
public int getLGProcDebugEnd();
/** Type of the procedure type record. */
public int getLGProcType();
/** Offset portion of the procedure address. */
public int getLGProcOffset();
/** Segment portion of the procedure address. */
public short getLGProcSegment();
/** Value defined by bitwise or of the the PROCFLAGS enumeration in
sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.win32.coff.DebugVC50SymbolEnums}. */
public byte getLGProcFlags();
/** Length-prefixed name of procedure. */
public String getLGProcName();
// S_THUNK32 accessors //
// This record is used to specify any piece of code that exists
// outside a procedure. It is followed by an End record. The thunk
// record is intended for small code fragments. and a two byte
// length field is sufficient for its intended purpose.
/** Creates a new symbol iterator pointing to the symbol opening the
enclosing lexical scope of this thunk (if any); returns null if
there is no enclosing scope. */
public DebugVC50SymbolIterator getThunkParent();
/** Gets the absolute file offset of the parent symbol, or 0 if
none. This is useful for constructing and resolving types in a
lazy fashion. */
public int getThunkParentOffset();
/** Creates a new symbol iterator pointing to the block end symbol
terminating the lexical scope, or NULL if there is no containing
lexical scope. */
public DebugVC50SymbolIterator getThunkEnd();
/** Gets the absolute file offset of the end symbol. This is useful
for constructing and resolving types in a lazy fashion. */
public int getThunkEndOffset();
/** Creates a new symbol iterator pointing to the next outermost
scope symbol in the segment (if any); returns null if this is
the last outermost scope for the current segment. (See the
documentation for more information.) */
public DebugVC50SymbolIterator getThunkNext();
/** Gets the absolute file offset of the next symbol, or 0 if none.
This is useful for constructing and resolving types in a lazy
fashion. */
public int getThunkNextOffset();
/** Offset portion of the thunk address. */
public int getThunkOffset();
/** Segment portion of the procedure address. */
public short getThunkSegment();
/** Length in bytes of this thunk. */
public short getThunkLength();
/** Ordinal specifying the type of thunk; see THUNK enumeration in
sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.win32.coff.DebugVC50SymbolEnums}. */
public byte getThunkType();
/** Length-prefixed name of thunk. */
public String getThunkName();
/** Delta to be added to "this" pointer; only valid if thunk type is
"adjustor". */
public short getThunkAdjustorThisDelta();
/** Length-prefixed name of target function; only valid if thunk type is
"adjustor". */
public String getThunkAdjustorTargetName();
/** Displacement into the virtual table; only valid if thunk type is
"vcall". */
public short getThunkVCallDisplacement();
/** Offset of p-code entry point; only valid if thunk type is
"pcode". */
public int getThunkPCodeOffset();
/** Segment of p-code entry point; only valid if thunk type is
"pcode". */
public short getThunkPCodeSegment();
// S_BLOCK32 accessors //
// This symbol specifies the start of an inner block of lexically
// scoped symbols. The lexical scope is terminated by a matching
// S_END symbol.
/** Creates a new symbol iterator pointing to the symbol opening the
enclosing lexical scope of this scope (if any); returns null if
there is no enclosing scope. */
public DebugVC50SymbolIterator getBlockParent();
/** Gets the absolute file offset of the parent symbol, or 0 if
none. This is useful for constructing and resolving types in a
lazy fashion. */
public int getBlockParentOffset();
/** Creates a new symbol iterator pointing to the block end symbol
terminating this scope. */
public DebugVC50SymbolIterator getBlockEnd();
/** Gets the absolute file offset of the end symbol. This is useful
for constructing and resolving types in a lazy fashion. */
public int getBlockEndOffset();
/** Length in bytes of the scope of this block. */
public int getBlockLength();
/** Offset portion of the segmented procedure address. */
public int getBlockOffset();
/** Segment portion of the segmented procedure address. */
public short getBlockSegment();
/** Length-prefixed name of the block. */
public String getBlockName();
// S_WITH32 accessors //
// FIXME: this is a Pascal construct; ignored for now
// S_LABEL32 accessors //
/** Offset portion of the segmented address of the start of the
block. */
public int getLabelOffset();
/** Segment portion of the segmented address of the start of the
block. */
public short getLabelSegment();
/** Label flags. These are the same as the PROCFLAGS enumeration. */
public byte getLabelFlags();
/** Length prefixed name of label. */
public String getLabelName();
// S_CEXMODEL32 accessors //
// This record is used to notify the debugger that, starting at the
// given code offset and until the address specified by the next
// Change Execution Model record, the execution model is of the
// specified type. The native execution model is assumed in the
// absence of Change Execution Model records.
/** Offset portion of start of the block where the change occurs. */
public int getChangeOffset();
/** Segment portion of start of the block where the change occurs. */
public short getChangeSegment();
/** The execution model, enumerated in EXMODEL constants in {@link
sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.win32.coff.DebugVC50SymbolEnums}. */
public short getChangeModel();
// FIXME: figure out how to deal with variant (or whether it is
// necessary)
// S_VFTTABLE32 accessors //
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