* Copyright (c) 2001, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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* questions.
package sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.win32.coff;
/** <p> Enumerates the reserved types referenced in the $$TYPES section
(see {@link
sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.win32.coff.DebugVC50SSGlobalTypes}). (Some
of the descriptions are taken directly from Microsoft's
documentation and are copyrighted by Microsoft.) </p>
<p> These values are interpreted as bit fields with the following
<table> border="1" width = "50%"
<tr> <td> 11 <td> 10 - 8 <td> 7 - 4 <td> 3 <td> 2 - 0
<tr> <td> reserved <td> mode <td> type <td> reserved <td> size
<table border="1" width="50%">
<tr> <td> <i>type</i> <td> Type
<tr> <td> 0x00 <td> Special
<tr> <td> 0x01 <td> Signed integral value
<tr> <td> 0x02 <td> Unsigned integral value
<tr> <td> 0x03 <td> Boolean
<tr> <td> 0x04 <td> Real
<tr> <td> 0x05 <td> Complex
<tr> <td> 0x06 <td> Special2
<tr> <td> 0x07 <td> Really int value
<tr> <td> 0x08 <td> Reserved
<tr> <td> 0x09 <td> Reserved
<tr> <td> 0x0a <td> Reserved
<tr> <td> 0x0b <td> Reserved
<tr> <td> 0x0c <td> Reserved
<tr> <td> 0x0d <td> Reserved
<tr> <td> 0x0e <td> Reserved
<tr> <td> 0x0f <td> Reserved for CodeView expression evaluator use
<table border="1" width="50%">
<tr> <td> <i>size</i> <td> Enumerated value for each of the types
<tr> <td colspan="2"> Type = special:
<tr> <td> 0x00 <td> No type
<tr> <td> 0x01 <td> Absolute symbol
<tr> <td> 0x02 <td> Segment
<tr> <td> 0x03 <td> Void
<tr> <td> 0x04 <td> Basic 8-byte currency value
<tr> <td> 0x05 <td> Near Basic string
<tr> <td> 0x06 <td> Far Basic string
<tr> <td> 0x07 <td> Untranslated type from CV 3.x format
<tr> <td colspan="2"> Type = signed/unsigned integral and Boolean values:
<tr> <td> 0x00 <td> 1 byte
<tr> <td> 0x01 <td> 2 byte
<tr> <td> 0x02 <td> 4 byte
<tr> <td> 0x03 <td> 8 byte
<tr> <td> 0x04 <td> Reserved
<tr> <td> 0x05 <td> Reserved
<tr> <td> 0x06 <td> Reserved
<tr> <td> 0x07 <td> Reserved
<tr> <td colspan="2"> Type = real and complex:
<tr> <td> 0x00 <td> 32 bit
<tr> <td> 0x01 <td> 64 bit
<tr> <td> 0x02 <td> 80 bit
<tr> <td> 0x03 <td> 128 bit
<tr> <td> 0x04 <td> 48 bit
<tr> <td> 0x05 <td> Reserved
<tr> <td> 0x06 <td> Reserved
<tr> <td> 0x07 <td> Reserved
<tr> <td colspan="2"> Type = special2:
<tr> <td> 0x00 <td> Bit
<tr> <td> 0x01 <td> Pascal CHAR
<tr> <td colspan="2"> Type = Really int:
<tr> <td> 0x00 <td> Char
<tr> <td> 0x01 <td> Wide character
<tr> <td> 0x02 <td> 2 byte signed integer
<tr> <td> 0x03 <td> 2 byte unsigned integer
<tr> <td> 0x04 <td> 4 byte signed integer
<tr> <td> 0x05 <td> 4 byte unsigned integer
<tr> <td> 0x06 <td> 8 byte signed integer
<tr> <td> 0x07 <td> 8 byte unsigned integer
<table border="1" width="50%">
<tr> <td> <i> mode </i> <td> Mode
<tr> <td> 0x00 <td> Direct; not a pointer
<tr> <td> 0x01 <td> Near pointer
<tr> <td> 0x02 <td> Far pointer
<tr> <td> 0x03 <td> Huge pointer
<tr> <td> 0x04 <td> 32 bit near pointer
<tr> <td> 0x05 <td> 32 bit far pointer
<tr> <td> 0x06 <td> 64 bit near pointer
<tr> <td> 0x07 <td> Reserved
public interface DebugVC50ReservedTypes {
// Special types
/** Uncharacterized type (no type) */
public static final int T_NOTYPE = 0x0000;
/** Absolute symbol */
public static final int T_ABS = 0x0001;
/** Segment type */
public static final int T_SEGMENT = 0x0002;
/** Void */
public static final int T_VOID = 0x0003;
/** Near pointer to void */
public static final int T_PVOID = 0x0103;
/** Far pointer to void */
public static final int T_PFVOID = 0x0203;
/** Huge pointer to void */
public static final int T_PHVOID = 0x0303;
/** 32 bit near pointer to void */
public static final int T_32PVOID = 0x0403;
/** 32 bit far pointer to void */
public static final int T_32PFVOID = 0x0503;
/** 64 bit pointer to void */
public static final int T_64PVOID = 0x0603;
/** Basic 8 byte currency value */
public static final int T_CURRENCY = 0x0004;
/** Near Basic string */
public static final int T_NBASICSTR = 0x0005;
/** Far Basic string */
public static final int T_FBASICSTR = 0x0006;
/** Untranslated type record from CV 3.x format */
public static final int T_NOTTRANS = 0x0007;
/** Bit */
public static final int T_BIT = 0x0060;
/** Pascal CHAR */
public static final int T_PASCHAR = 0x0061;
// Character types
/** 8-bit signed */
public static final int T_CHAR = 0x0010;
/** 8-bit unsigned */
public static final int T_UCHAR = 0x0020;
/** Near pointer to 8-bit signed */
public static final int T_PCHAR = 0x0110;
/** Near pointer to 8-bit unsigned */
public static final int T_PUCHAR = 0x0120;
/** Far pointer to 8-bit signed */
public static final int T_PFCHAR = 0x0210;
/** Far pointer to 8-bit unsigned */
public static final int T_PFUCHAR = 0x0220;
/** Huge pointer to 8-bit signed */
public static final int T_PHCHAR = 0x0310;
/** Huge pointer to 8-bit unsigned */
public static final int T_PHUCHAR = 0x0320;
/** 16:32 near pointer to 8-bit signed */
public static final int T_32PCHAR = 0x0410;
/** 16:32 near pointer to 8-bit unsigned */
public static final int T_32PUCHAR = 0x0420;
/** 16:32 far pointer to 8-bit signed */
public static final int T_32PFCHAR = 0x0510;
/** 16:32 far pointer to 8-bit unsigned */
public static final int T_32PFUCHAR = 0x0520;
/** 64 bit pointer to 8 bit signed */
public static final int T_64PCHAR = 0x0610;
/** 64 bit pointer to 8 bit unsigned */
public static final int T_64PUCHAR = 0x0620;
// Really a character types
/** real char */
public static final int T_RCHAR = 0x0070;
/** near pointer to a real char */
public static final int T_PRCHAR = 0x0170;
/** far pointer to a real char */
public static final int T_PFRCHAR = 0x0270;
/** huge pointer to a real char */
public static final int T_PHRCHAR = 0x0370;
/** 16:32 near pointer to a real char */
public static final int T_32PRCHAR = 0x0470;
/** 16:32 far pointer to a real char */
public static final int T_32PFRCHAR = 0x0570;
/** 64 bit pointer to a real char */
public static final int T_64PRCHAR = 0x0670;
// Wide character types
/** wide char */
public static final int T_WCHAR = 0x0071;
/** near pointer to a wide char */
public static final int T_PWCHAR = 0x0171;
/** far pointer to a wide char */
public static final int T_PFWCHAR = 0x0271;
/** huge pointer to a wide char */
public static final int T_PHWCHAR = 0x0371;
/** 16:32 near pointer to a wide char */
public static final int T_32PWCHAR = 0x0471;
/** 16:32 far pointer to a wide char */
public static final int T_32PFWCHAR = 0x0571;
/** 64 bit pointer to a wide char */
public static final int T_64PWCHAR = 0x0671;
// Really 16 bit integer types
/** really 16 bit signed int */
public static final int T_INT2 = 0x0072;
/** really 16 bit unsigned int */
public static final int T_UINT2 = 0x0073;
/** near pointer to 16 bit signed int */
public static final int T_PINT2 = 0x0172;
/** near pointer to 16 bit unsigned int */
public static final int T_PUINT2 = 0x0173;
/** far pointer to 16 bit signed int */
public static final int T_PFINT2 = 0x0272;
/** far pointer to 16 bit unsigned int */
public static final int T_PFUINT2 = 0x0273;
/** huge pointer to 16 bit signed int */
public static final int T_PHINT2 = 0x0372;
/** huge pointer to 16 bit unsigned int */
public static final int T_PHUINT2 = 0x0373;
/** 16:32 near pointer to 16 bit signed int */
public static final int T_32PINT2 = 0x0472;
/** 16:32 near pointer to 16 bit unsigned int */
public static final int T_32PUINT2 = 0x0473;
/** 16:32 far pointer to 16 bit signed int */
public static final int T_32PFINT2 = 0x0572;
/** 16:32 far pointer to 16 bit unsigned int */
public static final int T_32PFUINT2 = 0x0573;
/** 64 bit pointer to 16 bit signed int */
public static final int T_64PINT2 = 0x0672;
/** 64 bit pointer to 16 bit unsigned int */
public static final int T_64PUINT2 = 0x0673;
// 16-bit short types
/** 16-bit signed */
public static final int T_SHORT = 0x0011;
/** 16-bit unsigned */
public static final int T_USHORT = 0x0021;
/** Near pointer to 16-bit signed */
public static final int T_PSHORT = 0x0111;
/** Near pointer to 16-bit unsigned */
public static final int T_PUSHORT = 0x0121;
/** Far pointer to 16-bit signed */
public static final int T_PFSHORT = 0x0211;
/** Far pointer to 16-bit unsigned */
public static final int T_PFUSHORT = 0x0221;
/** Huge pointer to 16-bit signed */
public static final int T_PHSHORT = 0x0311;
/** Huge pointer to 16-bit unsigned */
public static final int T_PHUSHORT = 0x0321;
/** 16:32 near pointer to 16 bit signed */
public static final int T_32PSHORT = 0x0411;
/** 16:32 near pointer to 16 bit unsigned */
public static final int T_32PUSHORT = 0x0421;
/** 16:32 far pointer to 16 bit signed */
public static final int T_32PFSHORT = 0x0511;
/** 16:32 far pointer to 16 bit unsigned */
public static final int T_32PFUSHORT = 0x0521;
/** 64 bit pointer to 16 bit signed */
public static final int T_64PSHORT = 0x0611;
/** 64 bit pointer to 16 bit unsigned */
public static final int T_64PUSHORT = 0x0621;
// Really 32 bit integer types
/** really 32 bit signed int */
public static final int T_INT4 = 0x0074;
/** really 32 bit unsigned int */
public static final int T_UINT4 = 0x0075;
/** near pointer to 32 bit signed int */
public static final int T_PINT4 = 0x0174;
/** near pointer to 32 bit unsigned int */
public static final int T_PUINT4 = 0x0175;
/** far pointer to 32 bit signed int */
public static final int T_PFINT4 = 0x0274;
/** far pointer to 32 bit unsigned int */
public static final int T_PFUINT4 = 0x0275;
/** huge pointer to 32 bit signed int */
public static final int T_PHINT4 = 0x0374;
/** huge pointer to 32 bit unsigned int */
public static final int T_PHUINT4 = 0x0375;
/** 16:32 near pointer to 32 bit signed int */
public static final int T_32PINT4 = 0x0474;
/** 16:32 near pointer to 32 bit unsigned int */
public static final int T_32PUINT4 = 0x0475;
/** 16:32 far pointer to 32 bit signed int */
public static final int T_32PFINT4 = 0x0574;
/** 16:32 far pointer to 32 bit unsigned int */
public static final int T_32PFUINT4 = 0x0575;
/** 64 bit pointer to 32 bit signed int */
public static final int T_64PINT4 = 0x0674;
/** 64 bit pointer to 32 bit unsigned int */
public static final int T_64PUINT4 = 0x0675;
// 32-bit long types
/** 32-bit signed */
public static final int T_LONG = 0x0012;
/** 32-bit unsigned */
public static final int T_ULONG = 0x0022;
/** Near pointer to 32-bit signed */
public static final int T_PLONG = 0x0112;
/** Near pointer to 32-bit unsigned */
public static final int T_PULONG = 0x0122;
/** Far pointer to 32-bit signed */
public static final int T_PFLONG = 0x0212;
/** Far pointer to 32-bit unsigned */
public static final int T_PFULONG = 0x0222;
/** Huge pointer to 32-bit signed */
public static final int T_PHLONG = 0x0312;
/** Huge pointer to 32-bit unsigned */
public static final int T_PHULONG = 0x0322;
/** 16:32 near pointer to 32 bit signed */
public static final int T_32PLONG = 0x0412;
/** 16:32 near pointer to 32 bit unsigned */
public static final int T_32PULONG = 0x0422;
/** 16:32 far pointer to 32 bit signed */
public static final int T_32PFLONG = 0x0512;
/** 16:32 far pointer to 32 bit unsigned */
public static final int T_32PFULONG = 0x0522;
/** 64 bit pointer to 32 bit signed */
public static final int T_64PLONG = 0x0612;
/** 64 bit pointer to 32 bit unsigned */
public static final int T_64PULONG = 0x0622;
// Really 64-bit integer types
/** 64-bit signed int */
public static final int T_INT8 = 0x0076;
/** 64-bit unsigned int */
public static final int T_UINT8 = 0x0077;
/** Near pointer to 64-bit signed int */
public static final int T_PINT8 = 0x0176;
/** Near pointer to 64-bit unsigned int */
public static final int T_PUINT8 = 0x0177;
/** Far pointer to 64-bit signed int */
public static final int T_PFINT8 = 0x0276;
/** Far pointer to 64-bit unsigned int */
public static final int T_PFUINT8 = 0x0277;
/** Huge pointer to 64-bit signed int */
public static final int T_PHINT8 = 0x0376;
/** Huge pointer to 64-bit unsigned int */
public static final int T_PHUINT8 = 0x0377;
/** 16:32 near pointer to 64 bit signed int */
public static final int T_32PINT8 = 0x0476;
/** 16:32 near pointer to 64 bit unsigned int */
public static final int T_32PUINT8 = 0x0477;
/** 16:32 far pointer to 64 bit signed int */
public static final int T_32PFINT8 = 0x0576;
/** 16:32 far pointer to 64 bit unsigned int */
public static final int T_32PFUINT8 = 0x0577;
/** 64 bit pointer to 64 bit signed int */
public static final int T_64PINT8 = 0x0676;
/** 64 bit pointer to 64 bit unsigned int */
public static final int T_64PUINT8 = 0x0677;
// 64-bit integral types
/** 64-bit signed */
public static final int T_QUAD = 0x0013;
/** 64-bit unsigned */
public static final int T_UQUAD = 0x0023;
/** Near pointer to 64-bit signed */
public static final int T_PQUAD = 0x0113;
/** Near pointer to 64-bit unsigned */
public static final int T_PUQUAD = 0x0123;
/** Far pointer to 64-bit signed */
public static final int T_PFQUAD = 0x0213;
/** Far pointer to 64-bit unsigned */
public static final int T_PFUQUAD = 0x0223;
/** Huge pointer to 64-bit signed */
public static final int T_PHQUAD = 0x0313;
/** Huge pointer to 64-bit unsigned */
public static final int T_PHUQUAD = 0x0323;
/** 16:32 near pointer to 64 bit signed */
public static final int T_32PQUAD = 0x0413;
/** 16:32 near pointer to 64 bit unsigned */
public static final int T_32PUQUAD = 0x0423;
/** 16:32 far pointer to 64 bit signed */
public static final int T_32PFQUAD = 0x0513;
/** 16:32 far pointer to 64 bit unsigned */
public static final int T_32PFUQUAD = 0x0523;
/** 64 bit pointer to 64 bit signed */
public static final int T_64PQUAD = 0x0613;
/** 64 bit pointer to 64 bit unsigned */
public static final int T_64PUQUAD = 0x0623;
// 32-bit real types
/** 32-bit real */
public static final int T_REAL32 = 0x0040;
/** Near pointer to 32-bit real */
public static final int T_PREAL32 = 0x0140;
/** Far pointer to 32-bit real */
public static final int T_PFREAL32 = 0x0240;
/** Huge pointer to 32-bit real */
public static final int T_PHREAL32 = 0x0340;
/** 16:32 near pointer to 32 bit real */
public static final int T_32PREAL32 = 0x0440;
/** 16:32 far pointer to 32 bit real */
public static final int T_32PFREAL32 = 0x0540;
/** 64 pointer to 32 bit real */
public static final int T_64PREAL32 = 0x0640;
// 48-bit real types
/** 48-bit real */
public static final int T_REAL48 = 0x0044;
/** Near pointer to 48-bit real */
public static final int T_PREAL48 = 0x0144;
/** Far pointer to 48-bit real */
public static final int T_PFREAL48 = 0x0244;
/** Huge pointer to 48-bit real */
public static final int T_PHREAL48 = 0x0344;
/** 16:32 near pointer to 48 bit real */
public static final int T_32PREAL48 = 0x0444;
/** 16:32 far pointer to 48 bit real */
public static final int T_32PFREAL48 = 0x0544;
/** 64 bit pointer to 48 bit real */
public static final int T_64PREAL48 = 0x0644;
// 64-bit real types
/** 64-bit real */
public static final int T_REAL64 = 0x0041;
/** Near pointer to 64-bit real */
public static final int T_PREAL64 = 0x0141;
/** Far pointer to 64-bit real */
public static final int T_PFREAL64 = 0x0241;
/** Huge pointer to 64-bit real */
public static final int T_PHREAL64 = 0x0341;
/** 16:32 near pointer to 64 bit real */
public static final int T_32PREAL64 = 0x0441;
/** 16:32 far pointer to 64 bit real */
public static final int T_32PFREAL64 = 0x0541;
/** 64 bit pointer to 64 bit real */
public static final int T_64PREAL64 = 0x0641;
// 80-bit real types
/** 80-bit real */
public static final int T_REAL80 = 0x0042;
/** Near pointer to 80-bit real */
public static final int T_PREAL80 = 0x0142;
/** Far pointer to 80-bit real */
public static final int T_PFREAL80 = 0x0242;
/** Huge pointer to 80-bit real */
public static final int T_PHREAL80 = 0x0342;
/** 16:32 near pointer to 80 bit real */
public static final int T_32PREAL80 = 0x0442;
/** 16:32 far pointer to 80 bit real */
public static final int T_32PFREAL80 = 0x0542;
/** 64 bit pointer to 80 bit real */
public static final int T_64PREAL80 = 0x0642;
// 128-bit real types
/** 128-bit real */
public static final int T_REAL128 = 0x0043;
/** Near pointer to 128-bit real */
public static final int T_PREAL128 = 0x0143;
/** Far pointer to 128-bit real */
public static final int T_PFREAL128 = 0x0243;
/** Huge pointer to 128-bit real */
public static final int T_PHREAL128 = 0x0343;
/** 16:32 near pointer to 128 bit real */
public static final int T_32PREAL128 = 0x0443;
/** 16:32 far pointer to 128 bit real */
public static final int T_32PFREAL128 = 0x0543;
/** 64 bit pointer to 128 bit real */
public static final int T_64PREAL128 = 0x0643;
// 32-bit complex types
/** 32-bit complex */
public static final int T_CPLX32 = 0x0050;
/** Near pointer to 32-bit complex */
public static final int T_PCPLX32 = 0x0150;
/** Far pointer to 32-bit complex */
public static final int T_PFCPLX32 = 0x0250;
/** Huge pointer to 32-bit complex */
public static final int T_PHCPLX32 = 0x0350;
/** 16:32 near pointer to 32 bit complex */
public static final int T_32PCPLX32 = 0x0450;
/** 16:32 far pointer to 32 bit complex */
public static final int T_32PFCPLX32 = 0x0550;
/** 64 bit pointer to 32 bit complex */
public static final int T_64PCPLX32 = 0x0650;
// 64-bit complex types
/** 64-bit complex */
public static final int T_CPLX64 = 0x0051;
/** Near pointer to 64-bit complex */
public static final int T_PCPLX64 = 0x0151;
/** Far pointer to 64-bit complex */
public static final int T_PFCPLX64 = 0x0251;
/** Huge pointer to 64-bit complex */
public static final int T_PHCPLX64 = 0x0351;
/** 16:32 near pointer to 64 bit complex */
public static final int T_32PCPLX64 = 0x0451;
/** 16:32 far pointer to 64 bit complex */
public static final int T_32PFCPLX64 = 0x0551;
/** 64 bit pointer to 64 bit complex */
public static final int T_64PCPLX64 = 0x0651;
// 80-bit complex types
/** 80-bit complex */
public static final int T_CPLX80 = 0x0052;
/** Near pointer to 80-bit complex */
public static final int T_PCPLX80 = 0x0152;
/** Far pointer to 80-bit complex */
public static final int T_PFCPLX80 = 0x0252;
/** Huge pointer to 80-bit complex */
public static final int T_PHCPLX80 = 0x0352;
/** 16:32 near pointer to 80 bit complex */
public static final int T_32PCPLX80 = 0x0452;
/** 16:32 far pointer to 80 bit complex */
public static final int T_32PFCPLX80 = 0x0552;
/** 64 bit pointer to 80 bit complex */
public static final int T_64PCPLX80 = 0x0652;
// 128-bit complex types
/** 128-bit complex */
public static final int T_CPLX128 = 0x0053;
/** Near pointer to 128-bit complex */
public static final int T_PCPLX128 = 0x0153;
/** Far pointer to 128-bit complex */
public static final int T_PFCPLX128 = 0x0253;
/** Huge pointer to 128-bit real */
public static final int T_PHCPLX128 = 0x0353;
/** 16:32 near pointer to 128 bit complex */
public static final int T_32PCPLX128 = 0x0453;
/** 16:32 far pointer to 128 bit complex */
public static final int T_32PFCPLX128 = 0x0553;
/** 64 bit pointer to 128 bit complex */
public static final int T_64PCPLX128 = 0x0653;
// Boolean types
/** 8-bit Boolean */
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