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 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
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package com.sun.tools.javac.util;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Properties;

/** <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API.
 *  If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk.
 *  This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or
 *  deletion without notice.</b>
public class GraphUtils {

     * Basic interface for defining various dependency kinds.
    public interface DependencyKind { }

     * Common superinterfaces to all graph nodes.
    public interface Node<D, N extends Node<D, N>> {
         * visitor method.
        <A> void accept(NodeVisitor<D, N, A> visitor, A arg);

     * Visitor for graph nodes.
    static abstract class NodeVisitor<D, N extends Node<D, N>, A> {
         * Visitor action for nodes.
        public abstract void visitNode(N node, A arg);
         * Visitor action for a dependency between 'from' and 'to' with given kind.
        public abstract void visitDependency(DependencyKind dk, N from, N to, A arg);

         * Visitor entry point.
        public void visit(Collection<? extends N> nodes, A arg) {
            for (N n : new ArrayList<>(nodes)) {
                n.accept(this, arg);

     * Optional interface for nodes supporting dot-based representation.
    public interface DottableNode<D, N extends DottableNode<D, N>> extends Node<D, N> {
         * Retrieves the set of dot attributes associated with the node.
        Properties nodeAttributes();
         * Retrieves the set of dot attributes associated with a given dependency.
        Properties dependencyAttributes(N to, DependencyKind dk);

     * This class is a basic abstract class for representing a node.
     * A node is associated with a given data.
    public static abstract class AbstractNode<D, N extends AbstractNode<D, N>> implements Node<D, N> {
        public final D data;

        public AbstractNode(D data) {
            this.data = data;

         * Get an array of the dependency kinds supported by this node.
        public abstract DependencyKind[] getSupportedDependencyKinds();

         * Get all dependencies of a given kind
        public abstract Collection<? extends N> getDependenciesByKind(DependencyKind dk);

        public String toString() {
            return data.toString();

        public <A> void accept(NodeVisitor<D, N, A> visitor, A arg) {
            visitor.visitNode((N)this, arg);
            for (DependencyKind dk : getSupportedDependencyKinds()) {
                for (N dep : new ArrayList<>(getDependenciesByKind(dk))) {
                    visitor.visitDependency(dk, (N)this, dep, arg);

     * This class specialized Node, by adding elements that are required in order
     * to perform Tarjan computation of strongly connected components.
    public static abstract class TarjanNode<D, N extends TarjanNode<D, N>> extends AbstractNode<D, N>
            implements Comparable<N> {
        int index = -1;
        int lowlink;
        boolean active;

        public TarjanNode(D data) {

        public abstract Iterable<? extends N> getAllDependencies();

        public int compareTo(N o) {
            return (index < o.index) ? -1 : (index == o.index) ? 0 : 1;

     * Tarjan's algorithm to determine strongly connected components of a
     * directed graph in linear time. Works on TarjanNode.
    public static <D, N extends TarjanNode<D, N>> List<? extends List<? extends N>> tarjan(Iterable<? extends N> nodes) {
        Tarjan<D, N> tarjan = new Tarjan<>();
        return tarjan.findSCC(nodes);
    private static class Tarjan<D, N extends TarjanNode<D, N>> {

        /** Unique node identifier. */
        int index = 0;

        /** List of SCCs found fso far. */
        ListBuffer<List<N>> sccs = new ListBuffer<>();

        /** Stack of all reacheable nodes from given root. */
        ListBuffer<N> stack = new ListBuffer<>();

        private List<? extends List<? extends N>> findSCC(Iterable<? extends N> nodes) {
            for (N node : nodes) {
                if (node.index == -1) {
            return sccs.toList();

        private void findSCC(N v) {
            for (N n: v.getAllDependencies()) {
                if (n.index == -1) {
                    //it's the first time we see this node
                    v.lowlink = Math.min(v.lowlink, n.lowlink);
                } else if (stack.contains(n)) {
                    //this node is already reachable from current root
                    v.lowlink = Math.min(v.lowlink, n.index);
            if (v.lowlink == v.index) {
                //v is the root of a SCC

        private void visitNode(N n) {
            n.index = index;
            n.lowlink = index;
            n.active = true;

        private void addSCC(N v) {
            N n;
            ListBuffer<N> cycle = new ListBuffer<>();
            do {
                n = stack.remove();
                n.active = false;
            } while (n != v);

     * Debugging: dot representation of a set of connected nodes. The resulting
     * dot representation will use {@code Node.toString} to display node labels
     * and {@code Node.printDependency} to display edge labels. The resulting
     * representation is also customizable with a graph name and a header.
    public static <D, N extends DottableNode<D, N>> String toDot(Collection<? extends N> nodes, String name, String header) {
        StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
        buf.append(String.format("digraph %s {\n", name));
        buf.append(String.format("label = %s;\n", DotVisitor.wrap(header)));
        DotVisitor<D, N> dotVisitor = new DotVisitor<>();
        dotVisitor.visit(nodes, buf);
        return buf.toString();

     * This visitor is used to dump the contents of a set of nodes of type {@link DottableNode}
     * onto a string builder.
    public static class DotVisitor<D, N extends DottableNode<D, N>> extends NodeVisitor<D, N, StringBuilder> {

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