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* Copyright (c) 2005, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* $Id: DOMKeyValue.java 1854026 2019-02-21 09:30:01Z coheigea $
package org.jcp.xml.dsig.internal.dom;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.security.KeyException;
import java.security.KeyFactory;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
import java.security.PublicKey;
import java.security.interfaces.DSAParams;
import java.security.interfaces.DSAPublicKey;
import java.security.interfaces.ECPublicKey;
import java.security.interfaces.RSAPublicKey;
import java.security.spec.DSAPublicKeySpec;
import java.security.spec.ECField;
import java.security.spec.ECFieldFp;
import java.security.spec.ECParameterSpec;
import java.security.spec.ECPoint;
import java.security.spec.ECPublicKeySpec;
import java.security.spec.EllipticCurve;
import java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException;
import java.security.spec.KeySpec;
import java.security.spec.RSAPublicKeySpec;
import java.util.Arrays;
import javax.xml.crypto.MarshalException;
import javax.xml.crypto.dom.DOMCryptoContext;
import javax.xml.crypto.dsig.XMLSignature;
import javax.xml.crypto.dsig.keyinfo.KeyValue;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.utils.XMLUtils;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
* DOM-based implementation of KeyValue.
public abstract class DOMKeyValue<K extends PublicKey> extends DOMStructure implements KeyValue {
private static final String XMLDSIG_11_XMLNS
= "http://www.w3.org/2009/xmldsig11#";
private final K publicKey;
public DOMKeyValue(K key) throws KeyException {
if (key == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("key cannot be null");
this.publicKey = key;
* Creates a {@code DOMKeyValue} from an element.
* @param kvtElem a KeyValue child element
public DOMKeyValue(Element kvtElem) throws MarshalException {
this.publicKey = unmarshalKeyValue(kvtElem);
static KeyValue unmarshal(Element kvElem) throws MarshalException {
Element kvtElem = DOMUtils.getFirstChildElement(kvElem);
if (kvtElem == null) {
throw new MarshalException("KeyValue must contain at least one type");
String namespace = kvtElem.getNamespaceURI();
if (kvtElem.getLocalName().equals("DSAKeyValue") && XMLSignature.XMLNS.equals(namespace)) {
return new DSA(kvtElem);
} else if (kvtElem.getLocalName().equals("RSAKeyValue") && XMLSignature.XMLNS.equals(namespace)) {
return new RSA(kvtElem);
} else if (kvtElem.getLocalName().equals("ECKeyValue") && XMLDSIG_11_XMLNS.equals(namespace)) {
return new EC(kvtElem);
} else {
return new Unknown(kvtElem);
public PublicKey getPublicKey() throws KeyException {
if (publicKey == null) {
throw new KeyException("can't convert KeyValue to PublicKey");
} else {
return publicKey;
public void marshal(Node parent, String dsPrefix, DOMCryptoContext context)
throws MarshalException
Document ownerDoc = DOMUtils.getOwnerDocument(parent);
// create KeyValue element
Element kvElem = DOMUtils.createElement(ownerDoc, "KeyValue",
XMLSignature.XMLNS, dsPrefix);
marshalPublicKey(kvElem, ownerDoc, dsPrefix, context);
abstract void marshalPublicKey(Node parent, Document doc, String dsPrefix,
DOMCryptoContext context) throws MarshalException;
abstract K unmarshalKeyValue(Element kvtElem)
throws MarshalException;
private static PublicKey generatePublicKey(KeyFactory kf, KeySpec keyspec) {
try {
return kf.generatePublic(keyspec);
} catch (InvalidKeySpecException e) {
//@@@ should dump exception to LOG
return null;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof KeyValue)) {
return false;
try {
KeyValue kv = (KeyValue)obj;
if (publicKey == null ) {
if (kv.getPublicKey() != null) {
return false;
} else if (!publicKey.equals(kv.getPublicKey())) {
return false;
} catch (KeyException ke) {
// no practical way to determine if the keys are equal
return false;
return true;
public static BigInteger decode(Element elem) throws MarshalException {
try {
String base64str = elem.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
return new BigInteger(1, XMLUtils.decode(base64str));
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new MarshalException(ex);
public int hashCode() {
int result = 17;
if (publicKey != null) {
result = 31 * result + publicKey.hashCode();
return result;
static final class RSA extends DOMKeyValue<RSAPublicKey> {
// RSAKeyValue CryptoBinaries
private DOMCryptoBinary modulus, exponent;
private KeyFactory rsakf;
RSA(RSAPublicKey key) throws KeyException {
RSAPublicKey rkey = key;
exponent = new DOMCryptoBinary(rkey.getPublicExponent());
modulus = new DOMCryptoBinary(rkey.getModulus());
RSA(Element elem) throws MarshalException {
void marshalPublicKey(Node parent, Document doc, String dsPrefix,
DOMCryptoContext context) throws MarshalException {
Element rsaElem = DOMUtils.createElement(doc, "RSAKeyValue",
Element modulusElem = DOMUtils.createElement(doc, "Modulus",
Element exponentElem = DOMUtils.createElement(doc, "Exponent",
modulus.marshal(modulusElem, dsPrefix, context);
exponent.marshal(exponentElem, dsPrefix, context);
RSAPublicKey unmarshalKeyValue(Element kvtElem)
throws MarshalException
if (rsakf == null) {
try {
rsakf = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
throw new RuntimeException
("unable to create RSA KeyFactory: " + e.getMessage());
Element modulusElem = DOMUtils.getFirstChildElement(kvtElem,
BigInteger modulus = decode(modulusElem);
Element exponentElem = DOMUtils.getNextSiblingElement(modulusElem,
BigInteger exponent = decode(exponentElem);
RSAPublicKeySpec spec = new RSAPublicKeySpec(modulus, exponent);
return (RSAPublicKey) generatePublicKey(rsakf, spec);
static final class DSA extends DOMKeyValue<DSAPublicKey> {
// DSAKeyValue CryptoBinaries
private DOMCryptoBinary p, q, g, y; //, seed, pgen;
private KeyFactory dsakf;
DSA(DSAPublicKey key) throws KeyException {
DSAPublicKey dkey = key;
DSAParams params = dkey.getParams();
p = new DOMCryptoBinary(params.getP());
q = new DOMCryptoBinary(params.getQ());
g = new DOMCryptoBinary(params.getG());
y = new DOMCryptoBinary(dkey.getY());
DSA(Element elem) throws MarshalException {
void marshalPublicKey(Node parent, Document doc, String dsPrefix,
DOMCryptoContext context)
throws MarshalException
Element dsaElem = DOMUtils.createElement(doc, "DSAKeyValue",
// parameters J, Seed & PgenCounter are not included
Element pElem = DOMUtils.createElement(doc, "P", XMLSignature.XMLNS,
Element qElem = DOMUtils.createElement(doc, "Q", XMLSignature.XMLNS,
Element gElem = DOMUtils.createElement(doc, "G", XMLSignature.XMLNS,
Element yElem = DOMUtils.createElement(doc, "Y", XMLSignature.XMLNS,
p.marshal(pElem, dsPrefix, context);
q.marshal(qElem, dsPrefix, context);
g.marshal(gElem, dsPrefix, context);
y.marshal(yElem, dsPrefix, context);
DSAPublicKey unmarshalKeyValue(Element kvtElem)
throws MarshalException
if (dsakf == null) {
try {
dsakf = KeyFactory.getInstance("DSA");
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
throw new RuntimeException
("unable to create DSA KeyFactory: " + e.getMessage());
Element curElem = DOMUtils.getFirstChildElement(kvtElem);
if (curElem == null) {
throw new MarshalException("KeyValue must contain at least one type");
// check for P and Q
BigInteger p = null;
BigInteger q = null;
if (curElem.getLocalName().equals("P") && XMLSignature.XMLNS.equals(curElem.getNamespaceURI())) {
p = decode(curElem);
curElem = DOMUtils.getNextSiblingElement(curElem, "Q", XMLSignature.XMLNS);
q = decode(curElem);
curElem = DOMUtils.getNextSiblingElement(curElem);
BigInteger g = null;
if (curElem != null
&& curElem.getLocalName().equals("G") && XMLSignature.XMLNS.equals(curElem.getNamespaceURI())) {
g = decode(curElem);
curElem = DOMUtils.getNextSiblingElement(curElem, "Y", XMLSignature.XMLNS);
BigInteger y = null;
if (curElem != null) {
y = decode(curElem);
curElem = DOMUtils.getNextSiblingElement(curElem);
//if (curElem != null && curElem.getLocalName().equals("J")) {
//j = new DOMCryptoBinary(curElem.getFirstChild());
// curElem = DOMUtils.getNextSiblingElement(curElem);
//@@@ do we care about j, pgenCounter or seed?
DSAPublicKeySpec spec = new DSAPublicKeySpec(y, p, q, g);
return (DSAPublicKey) generatePublicKey(dsakf, spec);
static final class EC extends DOMKeyValue<ECPublicKey> {
// ECKeyValue CryptoBinaries
private byte[] ecPublicKey;
private KeyFactory eckf;
private ECParameterSpec ecParams;
/* Supported curve, secp256r1 */
private static final Curve SECP256R1 = initializeCurve(
"secp256r1 [NIST P-256, X9.62 prime256v1]",
/* Supported curve secp384r1 */
private static final Curve SECP384R1 = initializeCurve(
"secp384r1 [NIST P-384]",
/* Supported curve secp521r1 */
private static final Curve SECP521R1 = initializeCurve(
"secp521r1 [NIST P-521]",
private static Curve initializeCurve(String name, String oid,
String sfield, String a, String b,
String x, String y, String n, int h) {
BigInteger p = bigInt(sfield);
ECField field = new ECFieldFp(p);
EllipticCurve curve = new EllipticCurve(field, bigInt(a),
ECPoint g = new ECPoint(bigInt(x), bigInt(y));
return new Curve(name, oid, curve, g, bigInt(n), h);
EC(ECPublicKey ecKey) throws KeyException {
ECPoint ecPoint = ecKey.getW();
ecParams = ecKey.getParams();
ecPublicKey = encodePoint(ecPoint, ecParams.getCurve());
EC(Element dmElem) throws MarshalException {
private static ECPoint decodePoint(byte[] data, EllipticCurve curve)
throws IOException {
if (data.length == 0 || data[0] != 4) {
throw new IOException("Only uncompressed point format " +
// Per ANSI X9.62, an encoded point is a 1 byte type followed by
// ceiling(LOG base 2 field-size / 8) bytes of x and the same of y.
int n = (data.length - 1) / 2;
if (n != (curve.getField().getFieldSize() + 7) >> 3) {
throw new IOException("Point does not match field size");
byte[] xb = Arrays.copyOfRange(data, 1, 1 + n);
byte[] yb = Arrays.copyOfRange(data, n + 1, n + 1 + n);
return new ECPoint(new BigInteger(1, xb), new BigInteger(1, yb));
private static byte[] encodePoint(ECPoint point, EllipticCurve curve) {
// get field size in bytes (rounding up)
int n = (curve.getField().getFieldSize() + 7) >> 3;
byte[] xb = trimZeroes(point.getAffineX().toByteArray());
byte[] yb = trimZeroes(point.getAffineY().toByteArray());
if (xb.length > n || yb.length > n) {
throw new RuntimeException("Point coordinates do not " +
"match field size");
byte[] b = new byte[1 + (n << 1)];
b[0] = 4; // uncompressed
System.arraycopy(xb, 0, b, n - xb.length + 1, xb.length);
System.arraycopy(yb, 0, b, b.length - yb.length, yb.length);
return b;
private static byte[] trimZeroes(byte[] b) {
int i = 0;
while (i < b.length - 1 && b[i] == 0) {
if (i == 0) {
return b;
return Arrays.copyOfRange(b, i, b.length);
private static String getCurveOid(ECParameterSpec params) {
// Check that the params represent one of the supported
// curves. If there is a match, return the object identifier
// of the curve.
Curve match;
if (matchCurve(params, SECP256R1)) {
match = SECP256R1;
} else if (matchCurve(params, SECP384R1)) {
match = SECP384R1;
} else if (matchCurve(params, SECP521R1)) {
match = SECP521R1;
} else {
return null;
return match.getObjectId();
private static boolean matchCurve(ECParameterSpec params, Curve curve) {
int fieldSize = params.getCurve().getField().getFieldSize();
if (curve.getCurve().getField().getFieldSize() == fieldSize
&& curve.getCurve().equals(params.getCurve())
&& curve.getGenerator().equals(params.getGenerator())
&& curve.getOrder().equals(params.getOrder())
&& curve.getCofactor() == params.getCofactor()) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
void marshalPublicKey(Node parent, Document doc, String dsPrefix,
DOMCryptoContext context)
throws MarshalException
String prefix = DOMUtils.getNSPrefix(context, XMLDSIG_11_XMLNS);
Element ecKeyValueElem = DOMUtils.createElement(doc, "ECKeyValue",
Element namedCurveElem = DOMUtils.createElement(doc, "NamedCurve",
Element publicKeyElem = DOMUtils.createElement(doc, "PublicKey",
String oid = getCurveOid(ecParams);
if (oid == null) {
throw new MarshalException("Invalid ECParameterSpec");
DOMUtils.setAttribute(namedCurveElem, "URI", "urn:oid:" + oid);
String qname = prefix == null || prefix.length() == 0
? "xmlns" : "xmlns:" + prefix;
qname, XMLDSIG_11_XMLNS);
String encoded = XMLUtils.encodeToString(ecPublicKey);
ECPublicKey unmarshalKeyValue(Element kvtElem)
throws MarshalException
if (eckf == null) {
try {
eckf = KeyFactory.getInstance("EC");
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
throw new RuntimeException
("unable to create EC KeyFactory: " + e.getMessage());
ECParameterSpec ecParams = null;
Element curElem = DOMUtils.getFirstChildElement(kvtElem);
if (curElem == null) {
throw new MarshalException("KeyValue must contain at least one type");
if (curElem.getLocalName().equals("ECParameters")
&& XMLDSIG_11_XMLNS.equals(curElem.getNamespaceURI())) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException
("ECParameters not supported");
} else if (curElem.getLocalName().equals("NamedCurve")
&& XMLDSIG_11_XMLNS.equals(curElem.getNamespaceURI())) {
String uri = DOMUtils.getAttributeValue(curElem, "URI");
// strip off "urn:oid"
if (uri.startsWith("urn:oid:")) {
String oid = uri.substring("urn:oid:".length());
ecParams = getECParameterSpec(oid);
if (ecParams == null) {
throw new MarshalException("Invalid curve OID");
} else {
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