* Copyright (c) 2002, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
//#define USE_TRACE
#define USE_ERROR
#include <jni.h>
#include <jni_util.h>
#include "SoundDefs.h"
#include "Ports.h"
#include "Utilities.h"
#include "com_sun_media_sound_PortMixer.h"
//////////////////////////////////////////// PortMixer ////////////////////////////////////////////
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_com_sun_media_sound_PortMixer_nOpen
(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint mixerIndex) {
jlong ret = 0;
ret = (jlong) (INT_PTR) PORT_Open(mixerIndex);
return ret;
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_sun_media_sound_PortMixer_nClose
(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jlong id) {
if (id != 0) {
PORT_Close((void*) (INT_PTR) id);
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_sun_media_sound_PortMixer_nGetPortCount
(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jlong id) {
jint ret = 0;
if (id != 0) {
ret = (jint) PORT_GetPortCount((void*) (INT_PTR) id);
return ret;
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_sun_media_sound_PortMixer_nGetPortType
(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jlong id, jint portIndex) {
jint ret = 0;
TRACE1("Java_com_sun_media_sound_PortMixer_nGetPortType(%d).\n", portIndex);
if (id != 0) {
ret = (jint) PORT_GetPortType((void*) (INT_PTR) id, portIndex);
TRACE1("Java_com_sun_media_sound_PortMixerProvider_nGetPortType returning %d.\n", ret);
return ret;
JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_com_sun_media_sound_PortMixer_nGetPortName
(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jlong id, jint portIndex) {
jstring jString = NULL;
TRACE1("Java_com_sun_media_sound_PortMixer_nGetPortName(%d).\n", portIndex);
str[0] = 0;
if (id != 0) {
PORT_GetPortName((void*) (INT_PTR) id, portIndex, str, PORT_STRING_LENGTH);
jString = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, str);
TRACE1("Java_com_sun_media_sound_PortMixerProvider_nGetName returning \"%s\".\n", str);
return jString;
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_sun_media_sound_PortMixer_nControlSetIntValue
(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jlong controlID, jint value) {
if (controlID != 0) {
PORT_SetIntValue((void*) (UINT_PTR) controlID, (INT32) value);
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_sun_media_sound_PortMixer_nControlGetIntValue
(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jlong controlID) {
INT32 ret = 0;
if (controlID != 0) {
ret = PORT_GetIntValue((void*) (UINT_PTR) controlID);
return (jint) ret;
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_sun_media_sound_PortMixer_nControlSetFloatValue
(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jlong controlID, jfloat value) {
if (controlID != 0) {
PORT_SetFloatValue((void*) (UINT_PTR) controlID, (float) value);
JNIEXPORT jfloat JNICALL Java_com_sun_media_sound_PortMixer_nControlGetFloatValue
(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jlong controlID) {
float ret = 0;
if (controlID != 0) {
ret = PORT_GetFloatValue((void*) (UINT_PTR) controlID);
return (jfloat) ret;
/* ************************************** native control creation support ********************* */
// contains all the needed references so that the platform dependent code can call JNI wrapper functions
typedef struct tag_ControlCreatorJNI {
// this member is seen by the platform dependent code
PortControlCreator creator;
// general JNI variables
JNIEnv *env;
// the vector to be filled with controls (initialized before usage)
jobject vector;
jmethodID vectorAddElement;
// control specific constructors (initialized on demand)
jclass boolCtrlClass;
jmethodID boolCtrlConstructor; // signature (JLjava/lang/String;)V
jclass controlClass; // class of javax.sound.sampled.Control
jclass compCtrlClass;
jmethodID compCtrlConstructor; // signature (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljavax/sound/sampled/Control;)V
jclass floatCtrlClass;
jmethodID floatCtrlConstructor1; // signature (JLjava/lang/String;FFFLjava/lang/String;)V
jmethodID floatCtrlConstructor2; // signature (JIFFFLjava/lang/String;)V
} ControlCreatorJNI;
void* PORT_NewBooleanControl(void* creatorV, void* controlID, char* type) {
ControlCreatorJNI* creator = (ControlCreatorJNI*) creatorV;
jobject ctrl = NULL;
jstring typeString;
#ifdef USE_TRACE
if (((UINT_PTR) type) <= CONTROL_TYPE_MAX) {
TRACE1("PORT_NewBooleanControl: creating '%d'\n", (int) (UINT_PTR) type);
} else {
TRACE1("PORT_NewBooleanControl: creating '%s'\n", type);
if (!creator->boolCtrlClass) {
// retrieve class and constructor of PortMixer.BoolCtrl
creator->boolCtrlClass = (*creator->env)->FindClass(creator->env, IMPLEMENTATION_PACKAGE_NAME"/PortMixer$BoolCtrl");
if (!creator->boolCtrlClass) {
ERROR0("PORT_NewBooleanControl: boolCtrlClass is NULL\n");
return NULL;
creator->boolCtrlConstructor = (*creator->env)->GetMethodID(creator->env, creator->boolCtrlClass,
"<init>", "(JLjava/lang/String;)V");
if (!creator->boolCtrlConstructor) {
ERROR0("PORT_NewBooleanControl: boolCtrlConstructor is NULL\n");
return NULL;
if (type == CONTROL_TYPE_MUTE) {
type = "Mute";
else if (type == CONTROL_TYPE_SELECT) {
type = "Select";
typeString = (*creator->env)->NewStringUTF(creator->env, type);
CHECK_NULL_RETURN(typeString, (void*) ctrl);
ctrl = (*creator->env)->NewObject(creator->env, creator->boolCtrlClass,
(jlong) (UINT_PTR) controlID, typeString);
if (!ctrl) {
ERROR0("PORT_NewBooleanControl: ctrl is NULL\n");
if ((*creator->env)->ExceptionOccurred(creator->env)) {
ERROR0("PORT_NewBooleanControl: ExceptionOccurred!\n");
TRACE0("PORT_NewBooleanControl succeeded\n");
return (void*) ctrl;
void* PORT_NewCompoundControl(void* creatorV, char* type, void** controls, int controlCount) {
ControlCreatorJNI* creator = (ControlCreatorJNI*) creatorV;
jobject ctrl = NULL;
jobjectArray controlArray;
int i;
jstring typeString;
TRACE2("PORT_NewCompoundControl: creating '%s' with %d controls\n", type, controlCount);
if (!creator->compCtrlClass) {
TRACE0("PORT_NewCompoundControl: retrieve method ids\n");
// retrieve class and constructor of PortMixer.BoolCtrl
creator->compCtrlClass = (*creator->env)->FindClass(creator->env, IMPLEMENTATION_PACKAGE_NAME"/PortMixer$CompCtrl");
if (!creator->compCtrlClass) {
ERROR0("PORT_NewCompoundControl: compCtrlClass is NULL\n");
return NULL;
creator->compCtrlConstructor = (*creator->env)->GetMethodID(creator->env, creator->compCtrlClass,
"<init>", "(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljavax/sound/sampled/Control;)V");
if (!creator->compCtrlConstructor) {
ERROR0("PORT_NewCompoundControl: compCtrlConstructor is NULL\n");
return NULL;
creator->controlClass = (*creator->env)->FindClass(creator->env, JAVA_SAMPLED_PACKAGE_NAME"/Control");
if (!creator->controlClass) {
ERROR0("PORT_NewCompoundControl: controlClass is NULL\n");
return NULL;
TRACE0("PORT_NewCompoundControl: creating array\n");
// create new array for the controls
controlArray = (*creator->env)->NewObjectArray(creator->env, controlCount, creator->controlClass, (jobject) NULL);
if (!controlArray) {
ERROR0("PORT_NewCompoundControl: controlArray is NULL\n");
return NULL;
TRACE0("PORT_NewCompoundControl: setting array values\n");
for (i = 0; i < controlCount; i++) {
(*creator->env)->SetObjectArrayElement(creator->env, controlArray, i, (jobject) controls[i]);
TRACE0("PORT_NewCompoundControl: creating compound control\n");
typeString = (*creator->env)->NewStringUTF(creator->env, type);
CHECK_NULL_RETURN(typeString, (void*) ctrl);
ctrl = (*creator->env)->NewObject(creator->env, creator->compCtrlClass,
typeString, controlArray);
if (!ctrl) {
ERROR0("PORT_NewCompoundControl: ctrl is NULL\n");
if ((*creator->env)->ExceptionOccurred(creator->env)) {
ERROR0("PORT_NewCompoundControl: ExceptionOccurred!\n");
TRACE0("PORT_NewCompoundControl succeeded\n");
return (void*) ctrl;
void* PORT_NewFloatControl(void* creatorV, void* controlID, char* type,
float min, float max, float precision, const char* units) {
ControlCreatorJNI* creator = (ControlCreatorJNI*) creatorV;
jobject ctrl = NULL;
jstring unitsString;
jstring typeString;
#ifdef USE_TRACE
if (((UINT_PTR) type) <= CONTROL_TYPE_MAX) {
TRACE1("PORT_NewFloatControl: creating '%d'\n", (int) (UINT_PTR) type);
} else {
TRACE1("PORT_NewFloatControl: creating '%s'\n", type);
if (!creator->floatCtrlClass) {
// retrieve class and constructor of PortMixer.BoolCtrl
creator->floatCtrlClass = (*creator->env)->FindClass(creator->env, IMPLEMENTATION_PACKAGE_NAME"/PortMixer$FloatCtrl");
if (!creator->floatCtrlClass) {
ERROR0("PORT_NewFloatControl: floatCtrlClass is NULL\n");
return NULL;
creator->floatCtrlConstructor1 = (*creator->env)->GetMethodID(creator->env, creator->floatCtrlClass,
"<init>", "(JLjava/lang/String;FFFLjava/lang/String;)V");
if (!creator->floatCtrlConstructor1) {
ERROR0("PORT_NewFloatControl: floatCtrlConstructor1 is NULL\n");
return NULL;
creator->floatCtrlConstructor2 = (*creator->env)->GetMethodID(creator->env, creator->floatCtrlClass,
"<init>", "(JIFFFLjava/lang/String;)V");
if (!creator->floatCtrlConstructor2) {
ERROR0("PORT_NewFloatControl: floatCtrlConstructor2 is NULL\n");
return NULL;
unitsString = (*creator->env)->NewStringUTF(creator->env, units);
CHECK_NULL_RETURN(unitsString, (void*) ctrl);
if (((UINT_PTR) type) <= CONTROL_TYPE_MAX) {
// constructor with int parameter
TRACE1("PORT_NewFloatControl: calling constructor2 with type %d\n", (int) (UINT_PTR) type);
ctrl = (*creator->env)->NewObject(creator->env, creator->floatCtrlClass,
(jlong) (UINT_PTR) controlID, (jint) (UINT_PTR) type,
min, max, precision, unitsString);
} else {
TRACE0("PORT_NewFloatControl: calling constructor1\n");
// constructor with string parameter
typeString = (*creator->env)->NewStringUTF(creator->env, type);
CHECK_NULL_RETURN(typeString, (void*) ctrl);
ctrl = (*creator->env)->NewObject(creator->env, creator->floatCtrlClass,
(jlong) (UINT_PTR) controlID, typeString,
min, max, precision, unitsString);
if (!ctrl) {
ERROR0("PORT_NewFloatControl: ctrl is NULL!\n");
if ((*creator->env)->ExceptionOccurred(creator->env)) {
ERROR0("PORT_NewFloatControl: ExceptionOccurred!\n");
TRACE1("PORT_NewFloatControl succeeded %p\n", (void*) ctrl);
return (void*) ctrl;
int PORT_AddControl(void* creatorV, void* control) {
ControlCreatorJNI* creator = (ControlCreatorJNI*) creatorV;
TRACE1("PORT_AddControl %p\n", (void*) control);
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