
 * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
 * questions.

char * const opcode_in_out[][2] = {
   {"", ""}, 		/* nop */
   {"", "A"}, 		/* aconst_null */
   {"", "I"}, 		/* iconst_m1 */
   {"", "I"}, 		/* iconst_0 */
   {"", "I"}, 		/* iconst_1 */
   {"", "I"}, 		/* iconst_2 */
   {"", "I"}, 		/* iconst_3 */
   {"", "I"}, 		/* iconst_4 */
   {"", "I"}, 		/* iconst_5 */
   {"", "L"}, 		/* lconst_0 */
   {"", "L"}, 		/* lconst_1 */
   {"", "F"}, 		/* fconst_0 */
   {"", "F"}, 		/* fconst_1 */
   {"", "F"}, 		/* fconst_2 */
   {"", "D"}, 		/* dconst_0 */
   {"", "D"}, 		/* dconst_1 */
   {"", "I"}, 		/* bipush */
   {"", "I"}, 		/* sipush */
   {"", "?"}, 		/* ldc */
   {"", "?"}, 		/* ldc_w */
   {"", "?"}, 		/* ldc2_w */
   {"", "I"}, 		/* iload */
   {"", "L"}, 		/* lload */
   {"", "F"}, 		/* fload */
   {"", "D"}, 		/* dload */
   {"", "A"}, 		/* aload */
   {"", "I"}, 		/* iload_0 */
   {"", "I"}, 		/* iload_1 */
   {"", "I"}, 		/* iload_2 */
   {"", "I"}, 		/* iload_3 */
   {"", "L"}, 		/* lload_0 */
   {"", "L"}, 		/* lload_1 */
   {"", "L"}, 		/* lload_2 */
   {"", "L"}, 		/* lload_3 */
   {"", "F"}, 		/* fload_0 */
   {"", "F"}, 		/* fload_1 */
   {"", "F"}, 		/* fload_2 */
   {"", "F"}, 		/* fload_3 */
   {"", "D"}, 		/* dload_0 */
   {"", "D"}, 		/* dload_1 */
   {"", "D"}, 		/* dload_2 */
   {"", "D"}, 		/* dload_3 */
   {"", "A"}, 		/* aload_0 */
   {"", "A"}, 		/* aload_1 */
   {"", "A"}, 		/* aload_2 */
   {"", "A"}, 		/* aload_3 */
   {"[I]I", "I"}, 		/* iaload */
   {"[L]I", "L"}, 		/* laload */
   {"[F]I", "F"}, 		/* faload */
   {"[D]I", "D"}, 		/* daload */
   {"[A]I", "A"}, 		/* aaload */
   {"[B]I", "I"}, 		/* baload */
   {"[C]I", "I"}, 		/* caload */
   {"[S]I", "I"}, 		/* saload */
   {"I", ""}, 		/* istore */
   {"L", ""}, 		/* lstore */
   {"F", ""}, 		/* fstore */
   {"D", ""}, 		/* dstore */
   {"A", ""}, 		/* astore */
   {"I", ""}, 		/* istore_0 */
   {"I", ""}, 		/* istore_1 */
   {"I", ""}, 		/* istore_2 */
   {"I", ""}, 		/* istore_3 */
   {"L", ""}, 		/* lstore_0 */
   {"L", ""}, 		/* lstore_1 */
   {"L", ""}, 		/* lstore_2 */
   {"L", ""}, 		/* lstore_3 */
   {"F", ""}, 		/* fstore_0 */
   {"F", ""}, 		/* fstore_1 */
   {"F", ""}, 		/* fstore_2 */
   {"F", ""}, 		/* fstore_3 */
   {"D", ""}, 		/* dstore_0 */
   {"D", ""}, 		/* dstore_1 */
   {"D", ""}, 		/* dstore_2 */
   {"D", ""}, 		/* dstore_3 */
   {"A", ""}, 		/* astore_0 */
   {"A", ""}, 		/* astore_1 */
   {"A", ""}, 		/* astore_2 */
   {"A", ""}, 		/* astore_3 */
   {"[I]II", ""}, 		/* iastore */
   {"[L]IL", ""}, 		/* lastore */
   {"[F]IF", ""}, 		/* fastore */
   {"[D]ID", ""}, 		/* dastore */
   {"[A]IA", ""}, 		/* aastore */
   {"[B]II", ""}, 		/* bastore */
   {"[C]II", ""}, 		/* castore */
   {"[S]II", ""}, 		/* sastore */
   {"1", ""}, 		/* pop */
   {"2+1", ""}, 		/* pop2 */
   {"1", "11"}, 		/* dup */
   {"21", "121"}, 		/* dup_x1 */
   {"3+21", "1321"}, 		/* dup_x2 */
   {"2+1", "2121"}, 		/* dup2 */
   {"32+1", "21321"}, 		/* dup2_x1 */
   {"4+32+1", "214321"}, 		/* dup2_x2 */
   {"21", "12"}, 		/* swap */
   {"II", "I"}, 		/* iadd */
   {"LL", "L"}, 		/* ladd */
   {"FF", "F"}, 		/* fadd */
   {"DD", "D"}, 		/* dadd */
   {"II", "I"}, 		/* isub */
   {"LL", "L"}, 		/* lsub */
   {"FF", "F"}, 		/* fsub */
   {"DD", "D"}, 		/* dsub */
   {"II", "I"}, 		/* imul */
   {"LL", "L"}, 		/* lmul */
   {"FF", "F"}, 		/* fmul */
   {"DD", "D"}, 		/* dmul */
   {"II", "I"}, 		/* idiv */
   {"LL", "L"}, 		/* ldiv */
   {"FF", "F"}, 		/* fdiv */
   {"DD", "D"}, 		/* ddiv */
   {"II", "I"}, 		/* irem */
   {"LL", "L"}, 		/* lrem */
   {"FF", "F"}, 		/* frem */
   {"DD", "D"}, 		/* drem */
   {"I", "I"}, 		/* ineg */
   {"L", "L"}, 		/* lneg */
   {"F", "F"}, 		/* fneg */
   {"D", "D"}, 		/* dneg */
   {"II", "I"}, 		/* ishl */
   {"LI", "L"}, 		/* lshl */
   {"II", "I"}, 		/* ishr */
   {"LI", "L"}, 		/* lshr */
   {"II", "I"}, 		/* iushr */
   {"LI", "L"}, 		/* lushr */
   {"II", "I"}, 		/* iand */
   {"LL", "L"}, 		/* land */
   {"II", "I"}, 		/* ior */
   {"LL", "L"}, 		/* lor */
   {"II", "I"}, 		/* ixor */
   {"LL", "L"}, 		/* lxor */
   {"", ""}, 		/* iinc */
   {"I", "L"}, 		/* i2l */
   {"I", "F"}, 		/* i2f */
   {"I", "D"}, 		/* i2d */
   {"L", "I"}, 		/* l2i */
   {"L", "F"}, 		/* l2f */
   {"L", "D"}, 		/* l2d */
   {"F", "I"}, 		/* f2i */
   {"F", "L"}, 		/* f2l */
   {"F", "D"}, 		/* f2d */
   {"D", "I"}, 		/* d2i */
   {"D", "L"}, 		/* d2l */
   {"D", "F"}, 		/* d2f */
   {"I", "I"}, 		/* i2b */
   {"I", "I"}, 		/* i2c */
   {"I", "I"}, 		/* i2s */
   {"LL", "I"}, 		/* lcmp */
   {"FF", "I"}, 		/* fcmpl */
   {"FF", "I"}, 		/* fcmpg */
   {"DD", "I"}, 		/* dcmpl */
   {"DD", "I"}, 		/* dcmpg */
   {"I", ""}, 		/* ifeq */
   {"I", ""}, 		/* ifne */
   {"I", ""}, 		/* iflt */
   {"I", ""}, 		/* ifge */
   {"I", ""}, 		/* ifgt */
   {"I", ""}, 		/* ifle */
   {"II", ""}, 		/* if_icmpeq */
   {"II", ""}, 		/* if_icmpne */
   {"II", ""}, 		/* if_icmplt */
   {"II", ""}, 		/* if_icmpge */
   {"II", ""}, 		/* if_icmpgt */
   {"II", ""}, 		/* if_icmple */
   {"AA", ""}, 		/* if_acmpeq */
   {"AA", ""}, 		/* if_acmpne */
   {"", ""}, 		/* goto */
   {"", "R"}, 		/* jsr */
   {"", ""}, 		/* ret */
   {"I", ""}, 		/* tableswitch */
   {"I", ""}, 		/* lookupswitch */
   {"I", ""}, 		/* ireturn */
   {"L", ""}, 		/* lreturn */
   {"F", ""}, 		/* freturn */
   {"D", ""}, 		/* dreturn */
   {"A", ""}, 		/* areturn */
   {"", ""}, 		/* return */
   {"", "?"}, 		/* getstatic */
   {"?", ""}, 		/* putstatic */
   {"A", "?"}, 		/* getfield */
   {"?", ""}, 		/* putfield */
   {"?", "?"}, 		/* invokevirtual */
   {"?", "?"}, 		/* invokespecial */
   {"?", "?"}, 		/* invokestatic */
   {"?", "?"}, 		/* invokeinterface */
   {"?", "?"}, 		/* invokedynamic */
   {"", "A"}, 		/* new */
   {"I", "A"}, 		/* newarray */
   {"I", "A"}, 		/* anewarray */
   {"[?]", "I"}, 		/* arraylength */
   {"O", ""}, 		/* athrow */
   {"A", "A"}, 		/* checkcast */
   {"A", "I"}, 		/* instanceof */
   {"A", ""}, 		/* monitorenter */
   {"A", ""}, 		/* monitorexit */
   {"", ""}, 		/* wide */
   {"?", "A"}, 		/* multianewarray */
   {"A", ""}, 		/* ifnull */
   {"A", ""}, 		/* ifnonnull */
   {"", ""}, 		/* goto_w */
   {"", "R"}, 		/* jsr_w */
   {"", ""}, 		/* breakpoint */
   {"", "?"}, 		/* ldc_quick */
   {"", "?"}, 		/* ldc_w_quick */
   {"", "?"}, 		/* ldc2_w_quick */
   {"A", "?"}, 		/* getfield_quick */
   {"?", ""}, 		/* putfield_quick */
   {"A", "?"}, 		/* getfield2_quick */

/**代码未完, 请加载全部代码(NowJava.com).**/

