* Copyright (c) 2008, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
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#include "classfile/javaClasses.hpp"
#include "classfile/vmSymbols.hpp"
#include "runtime/frame.hpp"
#include "runtime/globals.hpp"
#include "utilities/macros.hpp"
#ifdef ZERO
# include "entry_zero.hpp"
# include "interpreter/interpreter.hpp"
class MacroAssembler;
class Label;
class MethodHandles: AllStatic {
// JVM support for MethodHandle, MethodType, and related types
// in java.lang.invoke and sun.invoke.
// See also javaClasses for layouts java_lang_invoke_Method{Handle,Type,Type::Form}.
static bool enabled() { return _enabled; }
static void set_enabled(bool z);
static bool _enabled;
// Adapters.
static MethodHandlesAdapterBlob* _adapter_code;
// utility functions for reifying names and types
static oop field_name_or_null(Symbol* s);
static oop field_signature_type_or_null(Symbol* s);
// working with member names
static Handle resolve_MemberName(Handle mname, Klass* caller,
bool speculative_resolve, TRAPS); // compute vmtarget/vmindex from name/type
static void expand_MemberName(Handle mname, int suppress, TRAPS); // expand defc/name/type if missing
static oop init_MemberName(Handle mname_h, Handle target_h, TRAPS); // compute vmtarget/vmindex from target
static oop init_field_MemberName(Handle mname_h, fieldDescriptor& fd, bool is_setter = false);
static oop init_method_MemberName(Handle mname_h, CallInfo& info);
static int find_MemberNames(Klass* k, Symbol* name, Symbol* sig,
int mflags, Klass* caller,
int skip, objArrayHandle results, TRAPS);
static Handle resolve_MemberName_type(Handle mname, Klass* caller, TRAPS);
// bit values for suppress argument to expand_MemberName:
enum { _suppress_defc = 1, _suppress_name = 2, _suppress_type = 4 };
// CallSite support
static void add_dependent_nmethod(oop call_site, nmethod* nm);
static void remove_dependent_nmethod(oop call_site, nmethod* nm);
static void clean_dependency_context(oop call_site);
static void flush_dependent_nmethods(Handle call_site, Handle target);
// Generate MethodHandles adapters.
static void generate_adapters();
// Called from MethodHandlesAdapterGenerator.
static address generate_method_handle_interpreter_entry(MacroAssembler* _masm, vmIntrinsics::ID iid);
static void generate_method_handle_dispatch(MacroAssembler* _masm,
vmIntrinsics::ID iid,
Register receiver_reg,
Register member_reg,
bool for_compiler_entry);
// Queries
static bool is_signature_polymorphic(vmIntrinsics::ID iid) {
return (iid >= vmIntrinsics::FIRST_MH_SIG_POLY &&
iid <= vmIntrinsics::LAST_MH_SIG_POLY);
static bool is_signature_polymorphic_method(Method* m) {
return is_signature_polymorphic(m->intrinsic_id());
static bool is_signature_polymorphic_intrinsic(vmIntrinsics::ID iid) {
assert(is_signature_polymorphic(iid), "");
// Most sig-poly methods are intrinsics which do not require an
// appeal to Java for adapter code.
return (iid != vmIntrinsics::_invokeGeneric);
static bool is_signature_polymorphic_static(vmIntrinsics::ID iid) {
assert(is_signature_polymorphic(iid), "");
return (iid >= vmIntrinsics::FIRST_MH_STATIC &&
iid <= vmIntrinsics::LAST_MH_SIG_POLY);
static bool has_member_arg(vmIntrinsics::ID iid) {
assert(is_signature_polymorphic(iid), "");
return (iid >= vmIntrinsics::_linkToVirtual &&
iid <= vmIntrinsics::_linkToInterface);
static bool has_member_arg(Symbol* klass, Symbol* name) {
if ((klass == vmSymbols::java_lang_invoke_MethodHandle() ||
klass == vmSymbols::java_lang_invoke_VarHandle()) &&
is_signature_polymorphic_name(name)) {
vmIntrinsics::ID iid = signature_polymorphic_name_id(name);
return has_member_arg(iid);
return false;
static Symbol* signature_polymorphic_intrinsic_name(vmIntrinsics::ID iid);
static int signature_polymorphic_intrinsic_ref_kind(vmIntrinsics::ID iid);
static vmIntrinsics::ID signature_polymorphic_name_id(Klass* klass, Symbol* name);
static vmIntrinsics::ID signature_polymorphic_name_id(Symbol* name);
static bool is_signature_polymorphic_name(Symbol* name) {
return signature_polymorphic_name_id(name) != vmIntrinsics::_none;
static bool is_method_handle_invoke_name(Klass* klass, Symbol* name);
static bool is_signature_polymorphic_name(Klass* klass, Symbol* name) {
return signature_polymorphic_name_id(klass, name) != vmIntrinsics::_none;
static bool is_signature_polymorphic_public_name(Klass* klass, Symbol* name);
static Bytecodes::Code signature_polymorphic_intrinsic_bytecode(vmIntrinsics::ID id);
static Symbol* lookup_signature(oop type_str, bool polymorphic, TRAPS); // use TempNewSymbol
static Symbol* lookup_basic_type_signature(Symbol* sig, bool keep_last_arg, TRAPS); // use TempNewSymbol
static Symbol* lookup_basic_type_signature(Symbol* sig, TRAPS) {
return lookup_basic_type_signature(sig, false, THREAD);
static bool is_basic_type_signature(Symbol* sig);
static void print_as_basic_type_signature_on(outputStream* st, Symbol* sig, bool keep_arrays = false, bool keep_basic_names = false);
// decoding CONSTANT_MethodHandle constants
enum { JVM_REF_MIN = JVM_REF_getField, JVM_REF_MAX = JVM_REF_invokeInterface };
static bool ref_kind_is_valid(int ref_kind) {
return (ref_kind >= JVM_REF_MIN && ref_kind <= JVM_REF_MAX);
static bool ref_kind_is_field(int ref_kind) {
assert(ref_kind_is_valid(ref_kind), "");
return (ref_kind <= JVM_REF_putStatic);
static bool ref_kind_is_getter(int ref_kind) {
assert(ref_kind_is_valid(ref_kind), "");
return (ref_kind <= JVM_REF_getStatic);
static bool ref_kind_is_setter(int ref_kind) {
return ref_kind_is_field(ref_kind) && !ref_kind_is_getter(ref_kind);
static bool ref_kind_is_method(int ref_kind) {
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