
JDK14/Java14源码在线阅读 / hotspot / share / prims / jvmtiRawMonitor.hpp
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#include "memory/allocation.hpp"
#include "runtime/park.hpp"
#include "utilities/growableArray.hpp"

// class JvmtiRawMonitor
// Used by JVMTI methods: All RawMonitor methods (CreateRawMonitor, EnterRawMonitor, etc.)
// A simplified version of the ObjectMonitor code.

class JvmtiRawMonitor : public CHeapObj<mtSynchronizer>  {

  // Helper class to allow Threads to be linked into queues.
  // This is a stripped down version of ObjectWaiter.
  class QNode : public StackObj {
    friend class JvmtiRawMonitor;
    enum TStates { TS_READY, TS_RUN, TS_WAIT, TS_ENTER };
    QNode* volatile _next;
    QNode* volatile _prev;
    ParkEvent* _event;
    volatile int _notified;
    volatile TStates _t_state;

    QNode(Thread* thread);

  Thread* volatile _owner;      // pointer to owning thread
  volatile int _recursions;     // recursion count, 0 for first entry
  QNode* volatile _entry_list;  // Threads blocked on entry or reentry.
                                // The list is actually composed of nodes,
                                // acting as proxies for Threads.
  QNode* volatile _wait_set;    // Threads wait()ing on the monitor
  volatile jint _waiters;       // number of waiting threads
  int _magic;
  char* _name;
  // JVMTI_RM_MAGIC is set in contructor and unset in destructor.
  enum { JVMTI_RM_MAGIC = (int)(('T' << 24) | ('I' << 16) | ('R' << 8) | 'M') };

  // Helpers for queue management isolation
  void enqueue_waiter(QNode& node);
  void dequeue_waiter(QNode& node);

  // Mostly low-level implementation routines
  void simple_enter(Thread* self);
  void simple_exit(Thread* self);
  int simple_wait(Thread* self, jlong millis);
  void simple_notify(Thread* self, bool all);


  // return codes
  enum {
    M_OK,                    // no error
    M_ILLEGAL_MONITOR_STATE, // IllegalMonitorStateException
    M_INTERRUPTED            // Thread.interrupt()

  // Non-aborting operator new
  void* operator new(size_t size) throw() {
    return CHeapObj::operator new(size, std::nothrow);

  JvmtiRawMonitor(const char* name);

  Thread* owner() const { return _owner; }
  void set_owner(Thread* owner) { _owner = owner; }
  int recursions() const { return _recursions; }
  void raw_enter(Thread* self);
  int raw_exit(Thread* self);
  int raw_wait(jlong millis, Thread* self);
  int raw_notify(Thread* self);
  int raw_notifyAll(Thread* self);
  int magic() const { return _magic; }
  const char* get_name() const { return _name; }
  bool is_valid();

// Onload pending raw monitors
// Class is used to cache onload or onstart monitor enter
// which will transition into real monitor when
// VM is fully initialized.
class JvmtiPendingMonitors : public AllStatic {

  static GrowableArray<JvmtiRawMonitor*>* _monitors; // Cache raw monitor enter

  inline static GrowableArray<JvmtiRawMonitor*>* monitors() { return _monitors; }

  static void dispose() {
    delete monitors();

  static void enter(JvmtiRawMonitor* monitor) {

  static int count() {
    return monitors()->length();

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