
JDK14/Java14源码在线阅读 / hotspot / share / gc / shenandoah / shenandoah_globals.hpp
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#define GC_SHENANDOAH_FLAGS(develop,                                        \
                            develop_pd,                                     \
                            product,                                        \
                            product_pd,                                     \
                            diagnostic,                                     \
                            diagnostic_pd,                                  \
                            experimental,                                   \
                            notproduct,                                     \
                            manageable,                                     \
                            product_rw,                                     \
                            lp64_product,                                   \
                            range,                                          \
                            constraint,                                     \
                            writeable)                                      \
  experimental(size_t, ShenandoahHeapRegionSize, 0,                         \
          "Size of the Shenandoah regions. Set to zero to detect "          \
          "automatically.")                                                 \
  experimental(size_t, ShenandoahTargetNumRegions, 2048,                    \
          "Target number of regions. We try to get around that many "       \
          "regions, based on Shenandoah{Min,Max}RegionSize.")               \
  experimental(size_t, ShenandoahMinRegionSize, 256 * K,                    \
          "Minimum Shenandoah heap region size.")                           \
  experimental(size_t, ShenandoahMaxRegionSize, 32 * M,                     \
          "Maximum Shenandoah heap region size.")                           \
  experimental(intx, ShenandoahHumongousThreshold, 100,                     \
          "How large should the object be to get allocated in humongous "   \
          "region, in percents of heap region size. This also caps the "    \
          "maximum TLAB size.")                                             \
          range(1, 100)                                                     \
  experimental(ccstr, ShenandoahGCHeuristics, "adaptive",                   \
          "The heuristics to use in Shenandoah GC. Possible values:"        \
          " *) adaptive - adapt to maintain the given amount of free heap;" \
          " *) static  -  start concurrent GC when static free heap "       \
          "               threshold and static allocation threshold are "   \
          "               tripped;"                                         \
          " *) aggressive - run concurrent GC continuously, evacuate "      \
          "               everything;"                                      \
          " *) compact - run GC with lower footprint target, may end up "   \
          "               doing continuous GC, evacuate lots of live "      \
          "               objects, uncommit heap aggressively;")            \
  experimental(ccstr, ShenandoahGCMode, "normal",                           \
          "The GC mode to use in Shenandoah GC. Possible values"            \
          " *) normal    - normal GC (mark-evac-update)"                    \
          " *) traversal - traversal GC (single-pass)"                      \
          " *) passive   - disable concurrent GC, do stop-the-world GC")    \
  experimental(ccstr, ShenandoahUpdateRefsEarly, "adaptive",                \
          "Run a separate concurrent reference updating phase after"        \
          "concurrent evacuation. Possible values: 'on', 'off', 'adaptive'")\
  experimental(uintx, ShenandoahRefProcFrequency, 5,                        \
          "How often should (weak, soft, etc) references be processed. "    \
          "References get processed at every Nth GC cycle. Set to zero "    \
          "to disable reference processing.")                               \
  experimental(uintx, ShenandoahUnloadClassesFrequency, 1,                  \
          "How often should classes get unloaded. "                         \
          "Class unloading is performed at every Nth GC cycle. "            \
          "Set to zero to disable class unloading during concurrent GC.")   \
  experimental(uintx, ShenandoahGarbageThreshold, 60,                       \
          "Sets the percentage of garbage a region need to contain before " \
          "it can be marked for collection. Does not apply to all "         \
          "heuristics.")                                                    \
          range(0,100)                                                      \
  experimental(uintx, ShenandoahFreeThreshold, 10,                          \
          "Set the percentage of free heap at which a GC cycle is started. "\
          "Does not apply to all heuristics.")                              \
          range(0,100)                                                      \
  experimental(uintx, ShenandoahInitFreeThreshold, 70,                      \
          "Initial remaining free heap threshold for learning steps in "    \
          "heuristics. In percents of total heap size. Does not apply to "  \
          "all heuristics.")                                                \
          range(0,100)                                                      \
  experimental(uintx, ShenandoahMinFreeThreshold, 10,                       \
          "Minimum remaining free space threshold, after which collection " \
          "definitely triggers. Does not apply to all heuristics.")         \
          range(0,100)                                                      \
  experimental(uintx, ShenandoahAllocationThreshold, 0,                     \
          "Set percentage of memory allocated since last GC cycle before "  \
          "a new GC cycle can be started. Set to zero to effectively "      \
          "disable.")                                                       \
          range(0,100)                                                      \
  experimental(uintx, ShenandoahLearningSteps, 5,                           \
          "Number of GC cycles to run in order to learn application "       \
          "and GC performance for adaptive heuristics.")                    \
          range(0,100)                                                      \
  experimental(uintx, ShenandoahImmediateThreshold, 90,                     \
          "If mark identifies more than this much immediate garbage "       \
          "regions, it shall recycle them, and shall not continue the "     \
          "rest of the GC cycle. The value is in percents of total "        \
          "number of candidate regions for collection set. Setting this "   \
          "threshold to 100% effectively disables this shortcut.")          \
          range(0,100)                                                      \
  experimental(uintx, ShenandoahMergeUpdateRefsMinGap, 100,                 \
          "If GC is currently running in separate update-refs mode "        \
          "this numbers gives the threshold when to switch to "             \
          "merged update-refs mode. Number is percentage relative to"       \
          "duration(marking)+duration(update-refs).")                       \
  experimental(uintx, ShenandoahMergeUpdateRefsMaxGap, 200,                 \
          "If GC is currently running in merged update-refs mode "          \
          "this numbers gives the threshold when to switch to "             \
          "separate update-refs mode. Number is percentage relative "       \
          "to duration(marking)+duration(update-refs).")                    \
  experimental(uintx, ShenandoahGuaranteedGCInterval, 5*60*1000,            \
          "Adaptive and dynamic heuristics would guarantee a GC cycle "     \
          "at least with this interval. This is useful when large idle"     \
          " intervals are present, where GC can run without stealing "      \
          "time from active application. Time is in milliseconds.")         \
  experimental(bool, ShenandoahAlwaysClearSoftRefs, false,                  \
          "Clear soft references always, instead of using any smart "       \
          "cleanup policy. This minimizes footprint at expense of more "    \
          "softref churn in applications.")                                 \
  experimental(bool, ShenandoahUncommit, true,                              \
          "Allow Shenandoah to uncommit unused memory.")                    \
  experimental(uintx, ShenandoahUncommitDelay, 5*60*1000,                   \
          "Shenandoah would start to uncommit memory for regions that were" \
          " not used for more than this time. First use after that would "  \
          "incur allocation stalls. Actively used regions would never be "  \
          "uncommitted, because they never decay. Time is in milliseconds." \
          "Setting this delay to 0 effectively makes Shenandoah to "        \
          "uncommit the regions almost immediately.")                       \
  experimental(bool, ShenandoahRegionSampling, false,                       \
          "Turns on heap region sampling via JVMStat")                      \
  experimental(int, ShenandoahRegionSamplingRate, 40,                       \
          "Sampling rate for heap region sampling. "                        \
          "Number of milliseconds between samples")                         \
  experimental(uintx, ShenandoahControlIntervalMin, 1,                      \
          "The minumum sleep interval for control loop that drives "        \
          "the cycles. Lower values would increase GC responsiveness "      \
          "to changing heap conditions, at the expense of higher perf "     \
          "overhead. Time is in milliseconds.")                             \
  experimental(uintx, ShenandoahControlIntervalMax, 10,                     \
          "The maximum sleep interval for control loop that drives "        \
          "the cycles. Lower values would increase GC responsiveness "      \
          "to changing heap conditions, at the expense of higher perf "     \
          "overhead. Time is in milliseconds.")                             \
  experimental(uintx, ShenandoahControlIntervalAdjustPeriod, 1000,          \
          "The time period for one step in control loop interval "          \
          "adjustment. Lower values make adjustments faster, at the "       \
          "expense of higher perf overhead. Time is in milliseconds.")      \
  experimental(bool, ShenandoahCriticalControlThreadPriority, false,        \
          "Shenandoah control thread runs at critical scheduling priority.")\
  diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahVerify, false,                                 \
          "Verify the Shenandoah garbage collector")                        \
  diagnostic(intx, ShenandoahVerifyLevel, 4,                                \
          "Shenandoah verification level: "                                 \
          "0 = basic heap checks; "                                         \
          "1 = previous level, plus basic region checks; "                  \
          "2 = previous level, plus all roots; "                            \
          "3 = previous level, plus all reachable objects; "                \
          "4 = previous level, plus all marked objects")                    \
  diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahElasticTLAB, true,                             \
          "Use Elastic TLABs with Shenandoah")                              \
  diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahAllowMixedAllocs, true,                        \
          "Allow mixing mutator and collector allocations in a single "     \
          "region")                                                         \
  experimental(uintx, ShenandoahAllocSpikeFactor, 5,                        \
          "The amount of heap space to reserve for absorbing the "          \
          "allocation spikes. Larger value wastes more memory in "          \
          "non-emergency cases, but provides more safety in emergency "     \
          "cases. In percents of total heap size.")                         \
          range(0,100)                                                      \
  experimental(uintx, ShenandoahEvacReserve, 5,                             \
          "Maximum amount of free space to reserve for evacuation. "        \
          "Larger values make GC more aggressive, while leaving less "      \
          "headroom for application to allocate in. "                       \
          "In percents of total heap size.")                                \
          range(1,100)                                                      \
  experimental(double, ShenandoahEvacWaste, 1.2,                            \
          "How much waste evacuations produce within the reserved "         \
          "space. Larger values make evacuations more resilient "           \
          "against allocation failures, at expense of smaller csets "       \
          "on each cycle.")                                                 \
          range(1.0,100.0)                                                  \
  experimental(bool, ShenandoahEvacReserveOverflow, true,                   \
          "Allow evacuations to overflow the reserved space. "              \
          "Enabling it will make evacuations more resilient when "          \
          "evacuation reserve/waste is incorrect, at the risk that "        \
          "application allocations run out of memory too early.")           \
  diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahAllocationTrace, false,                        \
          "Trace allocation latencies and stalls. Can be expensive when "   \
          "lots of allocations happen, and may introduce scalability "      \
          "bottlenecks.")                                                   \
  diagnostic(intx, ShenandoahAllocationStallThreshold, 10000,               \
          "When allocation tracing is enabled, the allocation stalls "      \
          "larger than this threshold would be reported as warnings. "      \
          "Time is in microseconds.")                                       \
  experimental(uintx, ShenandoahEvacAssist, 10,                             \
          "How many objects to evacuate on LRB assist path. "               \
          "Use zero to disable.")                                           \
  experimental(bool, ShenandoahPacing, true,                                \
          "Pace application allocations to give GC chance to start "        \
          "and complete before allocation failure is reached.")             \
  experimental(uintx, ShenandoahPacingMaxDelay, 10,                         \
          "Max delay for pacing application allocations. "                  \
          "Time is in milliseconds.")                                       \
  experimental(uintx, ShenandoahPacingIdleSlack, 2,                         \
          "Percent of heap counted as non-taxable allocations during idle. "\
          "Larger value makes the pacing milder during idle phases, "       \
          "requiring less rendezvous with control thread. Lower value "     \
          "makes the pacing control less responsive to out-of-cycle allocs.")\
          range(0, 100)                                                     \
  experimental(uintx, ShenandoahPacingCycleSlack, 10,                       \
          "Percent of free space taken as non-taxable allocations during "  \
          "the GC cycle. Larger value makes the pacing milder at the "      \
          "beginning of the GC cycle. Lower value makes the pacing less "   \
          "uniform during the cycle.")                                      \
          range(0, 100)                                                     \
  experimental(double, ShenandoahPacingSurcharge, 1.1,                      \
          "Additional pacing tax surcharge to help unclutter the heap. "    \
          "Larger values makes the pacing more aggressive. Lower values "   \
          "risk GC cycles finish with less memory than were available at "  \
          "the beginning of it.")                                           \
          range(1.0, 100.0)                                                 \
  experimental(uintx, ShenandoahCriticalFreeThreshold, 1,                   \
          "Percent of heap that needs to be free after recovery cycles, "   \
          "either Degenerated or Full GC. If this much space is not "       \
          "available, next recovery step would triggered.")                 \
          range(0, 100)                                                     \
  diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahDegeneratedGC, true,                           \
          "Use Degenerated GC as the graceful degradation step. Disabling " \
          "this leads to degradation to Full GC")                           \
  experimental(uintx, ShenandoahFullGCThreshold, 3,                         \
          "How many back-to-back Degenerated GCs to do before triggering "  \
          "a Full GC.")                                                     \
  experimental(bool, ShenandoahImplicitGCInvokesConcurrent, false,          \
          "Should internally-caused GCs invoke concurrent cycles, or go to" \
          "stop-the-world (degenerated/full)?")                             \
  diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahHumongousMoves, true,                          \
          "Allow moving humongous regions. This makes GC more resistant "   \
          "to external fragmentation that may otherwise fail other "        \
          "humongous allocations, at the expense of higher GC copying "     \
          "costs. Currently affects stop-the-world (full) cycle only.")     \
  diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahOOMDuringEvacALot, false,                      \
          "Simulate OOM during evacuation frequently.")                     \
  diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahAllocFailureALot, false,                       \
          "Make lots of artificial allocation failures.")                   \
  diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahTerminationTrace, false,                       \
          "Tracing task termination timings")                               \
  diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahAlwaysPreTouch, false,                         \
          "Pre-touch heap memory, overrides global AlwaysPreTouch")         \
  experimental(intx, ShenandoahMarkScanPrefetch, 32,                        \
          "How many objects to prefetch ahead when traversing mark bitmaps."\
          "Set to 0 to disable prefetching.")                               \
          range(0, 256)                                                     \
  experimental(uintx, ShenandoahMarkLoopStride, 1000,                       \
          "How many items are processed during one marking step")           \
  experimental(uintx, ShenandoahParallelRegionStride, 1024,                 \
          "How many regions are processed in one stride during parallel "   \
          "iteration.")                                                     \
  experimental(size_t, ShenandoahSATBBufferSize, 1 * K,                     \
          "Number of entries in an SATB log buffer.")                       \
          range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
  experimental(uintx, ShenandoahSATBBufferFlushInterval, 100,               \
          "Forcefully flush non-empty SATB buffers at this interval. "      \
          "Time is in milliseconds.")                                       \
  experimental(uint, ShenandoahParallelSafepointThreads, 4,                 \
          "Number of parallel threads used for safepoint prolog/epilog")    \
  experimental(bool, ShenandoahPreclean, true,                              \
          "Do concurrent preclean phase before final mark: process "        \
          "definitely alive references to avoid dealing with them during "  \
          "pause.")                                                         \
  experimental(bool, ShenandoahSuspendibleWorkers, false,                   \
          "Suspend concurrent GC worker threads at safepoints")             \
  diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahSATBBarrier, true,                             \
          "Turn on/off SATB barriers in Shenandoah")                        \
  diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahKeepAliveBarrier, true,                        \
          "Turn on/off keep alive barriers in Shenandoah")                  \

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