
JDK14/Java14源码在线阅读 / hotspot / share / gc / epsilon / epsilon_globals.hpp
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#include "runtime/globals_shared.hpp"

// Defines all globals flags used by the Epsilon GC.

#define GC_EPSILON_FLAGS(develop,                                           \
                    develop_pd,                                             \
                    product,                                                \
                    product_pd,                                             \
                    diagnostic,                                             \
                    diagnostic_pd,                                          \
                    experimental,                                           \
                    notproduct,                                             \
                    manageable,                                             \
                    product_rw,                                             \
                    lp64_product,                                           \
                    range,                                                  \
                    constraint,                                             \
                    writeable)                                              \
  experimental(size_t, EpsilonPrintHeapSteps, 20,                           \
          "Print heap occupancy stats with this number of steps. "          \
          "0 turns the printing off.")                                      \
          range(0, max_intx)                                                \
  experimental(size_t, EpsilonUpdateCountersStep, 1 * M,                    \
          "Update heap occupancy counters after allocating this much "      \
          "memory. Higher values would make allocations faster at "         \
          "the expense of lower resolution in heap counters.")              \
          range(1, max_intx)                                                \
  experimental(size_t, EpsilonMaxTLABSize, 4 * M,                           \
          "Max TLAB size to use with Epsilon GC. Larger value improves "    \
          "performance at the expense of per-thread memory waste. This "    \
          "asks TLAB machinery to cap TLAB sizes at this value.")           \
          range(1, max_intx)                                                \
  experimental(bool, EpsilonElasticTLAB, true,                              \
          "Use elastic policy to manage TLAB sizes. This conserves memory " \
          "for non-actively allocating threads, even when they request "    \
          "large TLABs for themselves. Active threads would experience "    \
          "smaller TLABs until policy catches up.")                         \
  experimental(bool, EpsilonElasticTLABDecay, true,                         \
          "Use timed decays to shrik TLAB sizes. This conserves memory "    \
          "for the threads that allocate in bursts of different sizes, "    \
          "for example the small/rare allocations coming after the initial "\
          "large burst.")                                                   \
  experimental(double, EpsilonTLABElasticity, 1.1,                          \
          "Multiplier to use when deciding on next TLAB size. Larger value "\
          "improves performance at the expense of per-thread memory waste. "\
          "Lower value improves memory footprint, but penalizes actively "  \
          "allocating threads.")                                            \
          range(1.0, DBL_MAX)                                               \
  experimental(size_t, EpsilonTLABDecayTime, 1000,                          \
          "TLAB sizing policy decays to initial size after thread had not " \
          "allocated for this long. Time is in milliseconds. Lower value "  \

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