集册 Java实例教程 从HTML文件中提取URL


欢马劈雪     最近更新时间:2020-01-02 10:19:05


import java.util.Vector;

import java.util.StringTokenizer;

import java.util.ArrayList;/** from 时代Java - N o w  J a v a . c o m**/

import java.net.URL;

import java.net.MalformedURLException;

import java.io.InputStream;

import java.io.File;

import java.io.FileInputStream;

import java.io.IOException;

/** Written by Tim Macinta 1997                           <br>

 *  Distributed under the GNU Public License

 *       (a copy of which is enclosed with the source).   <br>

 *                                                        <br> 

 *  This LinkExtractor can extract URLs from HTML files.  <br>


 *  <p> 

 *  Revised or added comments to some sections of code.<br>


 *  Modified by Xiannong Meng to fix the finite state machine

 *  to recognize urls containing white spaces. <br>

 *  April 2005<p>


 *  Revised 2013-04-27<br>

 *  Change the use of Vector to ArrayList<p>


//public class HTMLLinkExtractor implements LinkExtractor {

public class HTMLLinkExtractor {

    ArrayList<URL> urls = new ArrayList<URL>(); // list of URLs

    int next_url = 0; // next URL to return

    int url_count = 0; // number of URLs/*from 时代Java公众号 - N o w J a  v a . c o m*/

    URL base = null; // base URL

    /** Creates a new HTMLLinkExtractor that will enumerate all the

     *  URLs in the give "cache_file".


    public HTMLLinkExtractor(File cache_file, URL base_url)

            throws IOException {

        this.base = base_url;

        //    System.err.println("in HTMLLinkExtractor: base " + base_url.getFile());

        InputStream in = new FileInputStream(cache_file);

        int state = 0;

        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

        int i = in.read();

        //    System.err.println("before extractor");

        while (i >= 0) {

            //      System.err.print((char)i);

            switch (state) {

            case 0:

                if (i == '<')

                    state = '<';


            case '<':

                if (i == '>') {

                    state = 0;


                    //    System.err.println("in extractor <" + sb.toString());


                } else if (i == 'a' || i == 'A') {

                    state = 'a';

                    sb.append((char) i);



            case 'a':

                if (Character.isWhitespace((char) i)) {

                    state = '+';

                    sb.append((char) i);



            case '+':

                if (!Character.isWhitespace((char) i)) {

                    state = '-';

                    sb.append((char) i);



            case '-':

                if (i == '>') {

                    state = 0;


                    //  System.err.println("in extractor -" + sb.toString());


                } else if (!Character.isWhitespace((char) i))

                    sb.append((char) i);



            //      System.err.println("state: " + (char)state);

            i = in.read();


        //    System.err.println("after extractor" + sb.toString());

        if (sb.length() > 0)





     *  Creates a new HTMLLinkExtractor that will enumerate all the

     *  URLs in the given string.<p>


     *  @param thisPage The web page being processed

     *  @param base_url The url base for this web page (i.e., relative base)


    public HTMLLinkExtractor(String thisPage, URL base_url)

            throws IOException {

        this.base = base_url;

        //    System.err.println("in HTMLLinkExtractor: base " + base_url.getFile());

        int state = 0;

        int pLength = thisPage.length();

        if (pLength == 0)


        char[] in = new char[pLength];

        in = thisPage.toCharArray();

        int c = 0;

        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

        int i = in[c++];

        //    System.err.println("before extractor");

        while (c < pLength) {

            //      System.err.print((char)i);

            switch (state) {

            case 0:

                if (i == '<')

                    state = '<';


            case '<':

                if (i == '>') {

                    state = 0;


                    //    System.err.println("in extractor <" + sb.toString());


                } else if (i == 'a' || i == 'A') {

                    state = 'a';

                    sb.append((char) i);



            case 'a':

                if (Character.isWhitespace((char) i)) {

                    state = '+';

                    sb.append((char) i);



            case '+':

                if (!Character.isWhitespace((char) i)) {

                    state = '-';

                    sb.append((char) i);



            case '-':

                if (i == '>') {

                    state = 0;


                    //  System.err.println("in extractor -" + sb.toString());


                } else if (!Character.isWhitespace((char) i))

                    sb.append((char) i);



            //      System.err.println("state: " + (char)state);

            i = in[c++];


        //    System.err.println("after extractor" + sb.toString());

        if (sb.length() > 0)




     *  Analyzes "param", which should be the contents between a '<' and a '>',

     *  and adds any URLs that are found to the list of URLs.<p>


     *  @param param The parameter section


    public void analyze(String param) {

        StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(param);

        //    System.err.println("in analyze " + param);

        if (st.countTokens() < 2)


        String first_word = st.nextToken().toLowerCase();

        //    System.err.println("in analyze(first_word) " + first_word);

        if (first_word.equals("a")) {


        } else if (first_word.equals("frame")) {


        } else if (first_word.equals("base")) {





     *  Analyzes the <a> tag.  <p>


     *  @param anchor  The anchor text to be analyzed.


    void analyzeAnchor(String anchor) {

        String href = extract(anchor, "href");

        //    if (href == null) System.err.println("href null anchor" + anchor);

        if (href == null)


        try {

            //  href = fixUrl(href);

            //  System.err.println("in analyzeAnchore: adding " + base + "|" + href);

            addURL(new URL(base, href));

        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {

            anchor = anchor.toLowerCase();

            // java doesn't understand mailto and will throw an exception

            //      if (!href.startsWith("mailto:")) {

            //    e.printStackTrace();

            //      }




     *  Analyzes the <frame> tag.  <p>


     *  @param frame The 'frame' tag being analyzed


    void analyzeFrame(String frame) {

        String src = extract(frame, "src");

        //    if (src == null) System.err.println("src null");

        if (src == null)


        try {

            //  System.err.println("in analyzeFrame: adding " + base + "|" +

            //  src);

            addURL(new URL(base, src));

        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {

            //      e.printStackTrace();




     *  Extracts the base URL from the <base> tag. <p>


     *  @param b  Base tag, currently only works for 'href'


    void extractBase(String b) {

        String b2 = extract(b, "href");

        if (b2 != null) {

            try {

                base = new URL(base, b2);

            } catch (MalformedURLException e) {

                //    e.printStackTrace();





     * Adds "url" to the list of URLs.  <p>


     * @param url  The url to be added


    public void addURL(URL url) {





     *  Check to see if there is more elements. <p>


     *   @return true if the list has more elements, false otherwise


    public boolean hasMoreElements() {

        return url_count != next_url;



     *  Return the next element in the list.<p>


     *  @return The next element in the list


    public Object nextElement() {

        Object ob = urls.get(next_url);


        return ob;



     *  Resets this enumeration.  


    public void reset() {

        next_url = 0;


    /** Returns the value in "line" associated with "key", or null if "key"

     *  is not found.  For instance, if line were "a href="blah blah blah"

     *  and "key" were "href" this method would return "blah blah blah".

     *  <p>

     *  Keys are case insensitive.<p>


     *  @param line  The source data to work with

     *  @param key   The pattern to look for


    String extract(String line, String key) {

        //  System.err.println("line in extract |" + line + "|");

        line = line.replace('\'', '\"'); // some sites use ' instead of "

        //  System.err.println("line in extract after replace |" + line + "|");

        try {

            key = key.toLowerCase();

            String lower_case = line.toLowerCase();

            int i = lower_case.indexOf(key);

            if (i < 0)

                return null;

            i += key.length();

            if (line.charAt(i) != '=')

                return null;


            int i2;

            if (line.charAt(i) == '"') {


                i2 = line.indexOf('"', i);

                if (i2 < 0) {

                    return line.substring(i);

                } else {

                    return line.substring(i, i2);


            } else {

                int targ = line.length();

                for (i2 = i; i < targ; i++) {

                    if (Character.isWhitespace(line.charAt(i)))



                return line.substring(i, i2);


        } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {


        return null;



     *  Add '/' to a url whose ending is not a file.

     *  Then remove the extra '/'s.

     *  This is an add-hoc fix, only works for "href".<p>


     *  @param inUrl  The url to examine

     *  @return The fixed url


    static public String fixUrl(String inUrl) {

        int docLoc = inUrl.lastIndexOf('.');

        int protLoc = inUrl.indexOf("://");

        int slashLoc = -1;

        if (protLoc > 0)

            slashLoc = inUrl.indexOf('/', protLoc + 3);


            slashLoc = inUrl.indexOf('/');

        if (slashLoc < 0 || (slashLoc > 0 && docLoc < slashLoc)) // none

            inUrl = inUrl + '/';

        inUrl = removeExtraSlash(inUrl);

        return inUrl;



     *  Remove extra '/'s in a url.<p>


     *  @param inUrl  The url to examine

     *  @return The fixed url


    static public String removeExtraSlash(String inStr) {

        int slashLoc = inStr.indexOf("://");

        int l = inStr.length();

        int hold = slashLoc + 3;

        slashLoc = inStr.indexOf("//", hold);

        while (slashLoc > 0 && slashLoc < l) {

            hold = slashLoc;

            while (hold < l && inStr.charAt(hold) == '/')


            if (hold >= l) {

                inStr = inStr.substring(0, slashLoc + 1);


            } else
