/**时代Java - nowjava.com**/ import java.util.Scanner; /** * Engineered and developed by Jhonny Trejos Barrios. * Technology: Java. * Version: Java Development Kit 1.8.0_31, Standard Edition. * Development Environment: Sublime Text 3. * Additional Info. * * Source Code Target: * * BIDIMENSIONAL ARRAY, RIGHT TO LEFT PATTERN BUILD. * * Licenses: GNU GPL v3.0, Eclipse Public License 1.0, personal not for commercial purposes. * Developer Contact: jtrejosb@live.com || jtrejosb@gmail.com || jtrejosb@icloud.com * Mobile: (+57) 317 311 3223. */ public class Pattern { public static void main( String[] args ) { System.out.print( "Array size: " ); new Pattern().printPath( new Scanner( System.in ).nextInt() ); } public void printPath( int size ) { int[][] array = new int[ size ][ size ]; int x = 0, y = -1; boolean right = true, left = false; for( int k = 1; k <= size * size; k++ ) {/*from nowjava.com - 时代Java*/ if( right ) { y ++; } else { y --; } if( y == array.length ) { x ++; y --; right = false; left = true; } if( y == -1 ) { x ++; y ++; right = true; left = false; } array[ x ][ y ] = k; }