集册 Java实例教程 提取子对象


欢马劈雪     最近更新时间:2020-01-02 10:19:05

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 from nowjava.com - 时代Java 

//package com.nowjava;

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] argv) throws Exception {

        int k0 = 2;

        int k1 = 2;

        double[] invect = new double[] { 34.45, 35.45, 36.67, 37.78,

                37.0000, 37.1234, 67.2344, 68.34534, 69.87700 };


                .toString(extract(k0, k1, invect)));



     * Extracts a sub-array (will invert the resulting array if k0 > k1).


     * @param k0 location of the first component

     * @param k1 location of the last component


    public static double[] extract(int k0, int k1, double[] invect) {

        if ((k0 < 0) || (k1 < 0) || (k0 > invect.length - 1)

                || (k1 > invect.length - 1)) {
                来 自 时代Java公众号 - nowjava.com

            throw new IllegalArgumentException(

                    "The parameters are incorrect : " + k0 + ", " + k1

                            + ", " + invect.length);


        if (k1 > k0) {

            double[] ans = new double[k1 - k0 + 1];

            System.arraycopy(invect, k0, ans, 0, k1 - k0 + 1);

            return (ans);


        double[] ans = new double[-k1 + k0 + 1];

        for (int k = k1; k <= k0; k++) {

            ans[k0 - k] = invect[k];


        return (ans);



     * Extracts a sub-array (will invert the

     * resulting array if k0 > k1).


     * @param k0 location of the first component.

     * @param k1 location of the last component.


    public static int[] extract(int k0, int k1, int[] invect) {

        if ((k0 < 0) || (k1 < 0) || (k0 > invect.length - 1)

                || (k1 > invect.length - 1)) {

            throw new IllegalArgumentException(

                    "The parameters are incorrect : " + k0 + ", " + k1

                            + ", " + invect.length);


        if (k1 > k0) {

            int[] ans = new int[k1 - k0 + 1];

            System.arraycopy(invect, k0, ans, 0, k1 - k0 + 1);

            return (ans);


        int[] ans = new int[-k1 + k0 + 1];

        for (int k = k1; k <= k0; k++) {

            ans[k0 - k] = invect[k];


        return (ans);



     * Returns a comma delimited string representing the value of the array.


    public static String toString(double[] array) {

        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(array.length);

        int i;

        for (i = 0; i < array.length - 1; i++) {





        return buf.toString();



     * Returns a comma delimited string representing the value of the array.


    public static String toString(double[][] array) {

        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();

        for (int k = 0; k < array.length; k++) {




        return buf.toString();



     * Returns a comma delimited string representing the value of the array.


    public static String toString(int[] array) {

        StringBuffer buf = new 