集册 Java实例教程 返回数组是否相等,方法是检查每个元素,即使它们本身是数组。


欢马劈雪     最近更新时间:2020-01-02 10:19:05

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//package com.nowjava;
/**来 自 nowjava.com**/

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] argv) {

        Object[] thisArray = new String[] { "1", "abc", "level", null,

                "nowjava.com", "asdf 123" };

        Object[] thatArray = new String[] { "1", "abc", "level", null,

                "nowjava.com", "asdf 123" };


                .println(valuesAreTransitivelyEqual(thisArray, thatArray));



     * Returns whether the arrays are equal by examining each of their elements, even if they are

     * arrays themselves.


     * @param thisArray Object[]

     * @param thatArray Object[]

     * @return boolean


    public static final boolean valuesAreTransitivelyEqual(
    来 自 
    nowjava - 时代Java

            Object[] thisArray, Object[] thatArray) {

        if (thisArray == thatArray)

            return true;

        if ((thisArray == null) || (thatArray == null))

            return false;

        if (thisArray.length != thatArray.length)

            return false;

        for (int i = 0; i < thisArray.length; i++) {

            if (!areEqual(thisArray[i], thatArray[i]))

                return false; // recurse if req'd


        return true;



     * A comprehensive isEqual method that handles nulls and arrays safely.


     * @param value Object

     * @param otherValue Object

     * @return boolean


    public static final boolean areEqual(Object value, Object otherValue) {

        if (value == otherValue)

            return true;

        if (value == null)

            return false;

        if (otherValue == null)

            return false;

        if (value.getClass().getComponentType() != null)

            return arraysAreEqual(value, otherValue);

        return value.equals(otherValue);



     * Returns true if the objects are array instances and each of their elements compares

     * via equals as well.


     * @param value Object

     * @param otherValue Object

     * @return boolean

