
欢马劈雪     最近更新时间:2020-01-02 10:19:05


//package com.nowjava;

import java.util.LinkedHashMap;

import java.util.Map;//来自 时 代 J     a    v  a - nowjava.com

public class Main {


     * Null-safe merge of two maps. If both parameters are null it returns empty map.

     * If one of the maps is null, it returns the other one. If a key is present in two maps,

     * the value in the merged map will be taken from the overriding map.

     * @param overridingMap The map overriding values in the base map

     * @param baseMap The base map

     * @return merged map


    public static Map<Object, Object> mergeMaps(

            Map<Object, Object> overridingMap, Map<Object, Object> baseMap) {

        Map<Object, Object> mergedMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();

        if (baseMap == null && overridingMap != null) {


        } else if (overridingMap == null && baseMap != null) {

            mergedMap.putAll(baseMap);// 来自 n o w j a   v  a . c o m - 时  代  