//package com.nowjava; import java.lang.reflect.Method;/* 来 自 时 代 Java - nowjava.com*/ public class Main { /** * Returns a Method object corresponding to a getter that retrieves an instance of componentClass from target. * * @param target class that the getter should exist on * @param componentClass component to get * @return Method object, or null of one does not exist */ public static Method getterMethod(Class<?> target, Class<?> componentClass) { try { return target.getMethod(getterName(componentClass)); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { /* NowJava.com - 时 代 Java */ //if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("Unable to find method " + getterName(componentClass) + " in class " + target); return null; } catch (NullPointerException e) { return null; } } /** * Returns a getter for a given class * * @param componentClass class to find getter for * @return name of getter method */ public static String getterName(Class<?> componentClass) {