集册 Java实例教程 CSV内容格式化程序。


欢马劈雪     最近更新时间:2020-01-02 10:19:05

N o w  J a v a  . c o m

//package com.nowjava;

import java.io.*;

import java.util.Iterator;

import java.util.List;

public class Main {

    private static final char DEFAULT_CSV_SEPARATOR = ';';

    private static final String DEFAULT_LINE_SEPARATOR = "\r\n";


     * CSV content formatter. Convert a two-dimensional List of Objects to a CSV in an InputStream.

     * The value of each Object will be obtained by its toString() method. The fields of each CSV

     * record will be separated by the default CSV field separator, a comma.


     * @param csvList A two-dimensional List of Objects representing the rows and columns of the

     *                CSV.

     * @return The InputStream containing the CSV contents (actually a ByteArrayInputStream).


    public static <T extends Object> InputStream formatCsv(

            List<List<T>> csvList) {

        return formatCsv(csvList, DEFAULT_CSV_SEPARATOR);



     * CSV content formatter. Convert a two-dimensional List of Objects to a CSV in an InputStream.

     * The value of each Object will be obtained by its toString() method. The fields of each CSV

     * record will be separated by the specified CSV field separator.


     * @param csvList      A two-dimensional List of Objects representing the rows and columns of the

     *                     CSV.

     * @param csvSeparator The CSV field separator to be used.

     * @return The InputStream containing the CSV contents (actually a ByteArrayInputStream).


    public static <T extends Object> InputStream formatCsv(// 来自 n o w  j a v a  . c o m

            List<List<T>> csvList, char csvSeparator) {

        // Prepare.

        StringBuilder csvContent = new StringBuilder();

        // Process records.

        for (List<T> csvRecord : csvList) {

            if (csvRecord != null) {

                csvContent.append(formatCsvRecord(csvRecord, csvSeparator));


            // Add default line separator.



        return new ByteArrayInputStream(csvContent.toString().getBytes());



     * CSV record formatter. Convert a List of Objects representing the fields of a CSV record to a

     * String representing the CSV record. The value of each Object will be obtained by its

     * toString() method. The fields of the CSV record will be separated by the specified CSV field

     * separator.


     * @param csvRecord    A List of Objects representing the fields of a CSV reecord.

     * @param csvSeparator The CSV field separator to be used.

     * @return A String representing a CSV record.


    private static <T extends Object> String formatCsvRecord(

            List<T> csvRecord, char csvSeparator) {

        // Prepare.

        StringBuilder fields = new StringBuilder();

        String separator = String.valueOf(csvSeparator);

        // Process fields.

        for (Iterator<T> iter = csvRecord.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {

            T object = iter.next();

            if (object