集册 Java实例教程 标准控制台读取工具


欢马劈雪     最近更新时间:2020-01-02 10:19:05



 *  Copyright 2002-2015, Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.


 *  This file is part of algs4.jar, which accompanies the textbook


 *      Algorithms, 4th edition by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne,

 *      Addison-Wesley Professional, 2011, ISBN 0-321-57351-X.

 *      http://algs4.cs.princeton.edu



 *  algs4.jar is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify

 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or

 *  (at your option) any later version.


 *  algs4.jar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


 *  GNU General Public License for more details.


 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

 *  along with algs4.jar.  If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses.


 //from N o w J a v a . c o m


 *  Compilation:  javac StdIn.java

 *  Execution:    java StdIn   (interactive test of basic functionality)

 *  Dependencies: none


 *  Reads in data of various types from standard input.



package edu.pucit.cs.algo;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.InputMismatchException;

import java.util.Locale;

import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

import java.util.Scanner;

import java.util.regex.Pattern;
/*时 代 J a v a 公 众 号 - nowjava.com 提供*/


 *  The <tt>StdIn</tt> class provides static methods for reading strings

 *  and numbers from standard input.

 *  These functions fall into one of four categories:

 *  <p>

 *  <ul>

 *  <li>those for reading individual tokens from standard input, one at a time,

 *      and converting each to a number, string, or boolean

 *  <li>those for reading characters from standard input, one at a time

 *  <li>those for reading lines from standard input, one at a time

 *  <li>those for reading a sequence of values of the same type from standard input,

 *      and returning the values in an array

 *  </ul>

 *  <p>

 *  Generally, it is best not to mix functions from the different

 *  categories in the same program. 

 *  <p>

 *  <b>Reading tokens from standard input one at a time,

 *  and converting to numbers and strings.</b>

 *  You can use the following methods to read numbers, strings, and booleans

 *  from standard input:

 *  <ul>

 *  <li> {@link #readInt()}

 *  <li> {@link #readDouble()}

 *  <li> {@link #readString()}

 *  <li> {@link #readBoolean()}

 *  <li> {@link #readShort()}

 *  <li> {@link #readLong()}

 *  <li> {@link #readFloat()}

 *  <li> {@link #readByte()}

 *  </ul>

 *  <p>

 *  Each method skips over any input that is whitespace. Then, it reads

 *  the next token and attempts to convert it into a value of the specified

 *  type. If it succeeds, it returns that value; otherwise, it

 *  throws a {@link InputMismatchException}.

 *  <p>

 *  <em>Whitespace</em> includes spaces, tabs, and newlines; the full definition

 *  is inherited from {@link Character#isWhitespace(char)}.

 *  A <em>token</em> is a maximal sequence of non-whitespace characters.

 *  The precise rules for describing which tokens can be converted to

 *  integers and floating-point numbers are inherited from

 *  <a href = "http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/Scanner.html#number-syntax">Scanner</a>,

 *  using the locale {@link Locale#US}; the rules

 *  for floating-point numbers are slightly different

 *  from those in {@link Double#valueOf(String)},

 *  but unlikely to be of concern to most programmers.

 *  <p>

 *  <b>Reading characters from standard input, one at a time.</b>

 *  You can use the following two methods to read characters from standard input:

 *  <ul>

 *  <li> {@link #hasNextChar()}

 *  <li> {@link #readChar()}

 *  </ul>

 *  <p>

 *  The first method returns true if standard input has more input (including whitespace).

 *  The second method reads and returns the next character of input on standard 

 *  input (possibly a whitespace character).

 *  <p>

 *  As an example, the following code fragment reads characters from standard input,

 *  one character at a time, and prints it to standard output.

 *  <pre>

 *  while (!StdIn.hasNextChar()) {

 *      char c = StdIn.readChar();

 *      StdOut.print(c);

 *  }

 *  </pre>

 *  <p>

 *  <b>Reading lines from standard input, one at a time.</b>

 *  You can use the following two methods to read lines from standard input:

 *  <ul>

 *  <li> {@link #hasNextLine()}

 *  <li> {@link #readLine()}

 *  </ul>

 *  <p>

 *  The first method returns true if standard input has more input (including whitespace).

 *  The second method reads and returns the remaining portion of 

 *  the next line of input on standard input (possibly whitespace),

 *  discarding the trailing line separator.

 *  <p>

 *  A <em>line separator</em> is defined to be one of the following strings:

 *  {@code \n} (Linux), {@code \r} (old Macintosh),

 *  {@code \r\n} (Windows),

 *  <code>&#92;u2028</code>, <code>&#92;u2029</code>, or <code>&#92;u0085</code>.

 *  <p>

 *  As an example, the following code fragment reads text from standard input,

 *  one line at a time, and prints it to standard output.

 *  <pre>

 *  while (!StdIn.hasNextLine()) {

 *      String line = StdIn.readLine();

 *      StdOut.println(line);

 *  }

 *  </pre>

 *  <p>

 *  <b>Reading a sequence of values of the same type from standard input.</b>

 *  You can use the following methods to read a sequence numbers, strings,

 *  or booleans (all of the same type) from standard input:

 *  <ul>

 *  <li> {@link #readAllDoubles()}

 *  <li> {@link #readAllInts()}

 *  <li> {@link #readAllStrings()}

 *  <li> {@link #readAllLines()}

 *  <li> {@link #readAll()}

 *  </ul>

 *  <p>

 *  The first three methods read of all of remaining token on standard input

 *  and dconverts the tokens to values of

 *  the specified type, as in the corresponding

 *  {@code readDouble}, {@code readInt}, and {@code readString()} methods.

 *  The {@code readAllLines()} method reads all remaining lines on standard

 *  input and returns them as an array of strings.

 *  The {@code readAll()} method reads all remaining input on standard

 *  input and returns it as a string.

 *  <p>

 *  As an example, the following code fragment reads all of the remaining

 *  tokens from standard input and returns them as an array of strings.

 *  <pre>

 *  String[] words = StdIn.readAllString();

 *  </pre>

 *  <p>

 *  <b>Differences with Scanner.</b>

 *  {@code StdIn} and {@link Scanner} are both designed to parse 

 *  tokens and convert them to primitive types and strings.

 *  Some of the main differences are summarized below:

 *  <ul>

 *  <li> {@code StdIn} is a set of static methods and reads 

 *       reads input from only standard input. It is suitable for use before

 *       a programmer knows about objects.

 *       See {@link In} for an object-oriented version that handles

 *       input from files, URLs,

 *       and sockets.

 *  <li> {@code StdIn} uses whitespace as the delimiter between tokens.

 *  <li> {@code StdIn} coerces the character-set encoding to UTF-8,

 *       which is a standard character encoding for Unicode.

 *  <li> {@code StdIn} coerces the locale to {@link Locale#US},

 *       for consistency with {@link StdOut}, {@link Double#parseDouble(String)},

 *       and floating-point literals.

 *  <li> {@code StdIn} has convenient methods for reading a single

 *       character; reading in sequences of integers, doubles, or strings;

 *       and reading in all of the remaining input.

 *  </ul>

 *  <p>

 *  Historical note: {@code StdIn} preceded {@code Scanner}; when

 *  {@code Scanner} was introduced, this class was reimplemented to use it.

 *  <p>

 *  <b>Using standard input.</b>

 *  Standard input is fundamental operating system abstraction, on Mac OS X,

 *  Windows, and Linux.

 *  The methods in {@code StdIn} are <em>blocking</em>, which means that they

 *  will wait until you enter input on standard input.

 *  If your program has a loop that repeats until standard input is empty,

 *  you must signal that the input is finished.

 *  To do so, depending on your operating system and IDE,

 *  use either {@code <Ctrl-d>} or {@code <Ctrl-z>}, on its own line.

 *  If you are redirecting standard input from a file, you will not need

 *  to do anything to signal that the input is finished.

 *  <p>

 *  <b>Known bugs.</b>

 *  Java's UTF-8 encoding does not recognize the optional 

 *  <a href = "http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=4508058">byte-order mask</a>.

 *  If the input begins with the optional byte-order mask, <tt>StdIn</tt>

 *  will have an extra character <code>&#92;uFEFF</code> at the beginning.

 *  <p>

 *  <b>Reference.</b> 

 *  For additional documentation,

 *  see <a href="http://introcs.cs.princeton.edu/15inout">Section 1.5</a> of   

 *  <em>Introduction to Programming in Java: An Interdisciplinary Approach</em>

 *  by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.


 *  @author David Pritchard

 *  @author Robert Sedgewick

 *  @author Kevin Wayne


public final class StdIn {

    /*** begin: section (1 of 2) of code duplicated from In to StdIn. */

    // assume Unicode UTF-8 encoding

    private static final String CHARSET_NAME = "UTF-8";

    // assume language = English, country = US for consistency with System.out.

    private static final Locale LOCALE = Locale.US;

    // the default token separator; we maintain the invariant that this value

    // is held by the scanner's delimiter between calls

    private static final Pattern WHITESPACE_PATTERN = Pattern


    // makes whitespace significant

    private static final Pattern EMPTY_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("");

    // used to read the entire input

    private static final Pattern EVERYTHING_PATTERN = Pattern


    /*** end: section (1 of 2) of code duplicated from In to StdIn. */

    private static Scanner scanner;

    // it doesn't make sense to instantiate this class

    private StdIn() {


    //// begin: section (2 of 2) of code duplicated from In to StdIn,

    //// with all methods changed from "public" to "public static"


     * Returns true if standard input is empty (except possibly for whitespace).

     * Use this method to know whether the next call to {@link #readString()}, 

     * {@link #readDouble()}, etc will succeed.


     * @return <tt>true</tt> if standard input is empty (except possibly

     *         for whitespace); <tt>false</tt> otherwise


    public static boolean isEmpty() {

        return !scanner.hasNext();



     * Returns true if standard input has a next line.

     * Use this method to know whether the

     * next call to {@link #readLine()} will succeed.

     * This method is functionally equivalent to {@link #hasNextChar()}.


     * @return <tt>true</tt> if standard input is empty;

     *         <tt>false</tt> otherwise


    public static boolean hasNextLine() {

        return scanner.hasNextLine();



     * Returns true if standard input has more inputy (including whitespace).

     * Use this method to know whether the next call to {@link #readChar()} will succeed.

     * This method is functionally equivalent to {@link #hasNextLine()}.


     * @return <tt>true</tt> if standard input has more input (including whitespace);

     *         <tt>false</tt> otherwise


    public static boolean hasNextChar() {


        boolean result = scanner.hasNext();


        return result;



     * Reads and returns the next line, excluding the line separator if present.

     * @return the next line, excluding the line separator if present


    public static String readLine() {

        String line;

        try {

            line = scanner.nextLine();

        } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {

            line = null;


        return line;



     * Reads and returns the next character.

     * @return the next character


    public static char readChar() {


        String ch = scanner.next();

        assert ch.length() == 1 : "Internal (Std)In.readChar() error!"

                + " Please contact the authors.";


        return ch.charAt(0);



     * Reads and returns the remainder of the input, as a string.

     * @return the remainder of the input, as a string


    public static String readAll() {

        if (!scanner.hasNextLine())

            return "";

        String result = scanner.useDelimiter(EVERYTHING_PATTERN).next();

        // not that important to reset delimeter, since now scanner is empty

        scanner.useDelimiter(WHITESPACE_PATTERN); // but let's do it anyway

        return result;



     * Reads the next token  and returns the <tt>String</tt>.

     * @return the next <tt>String</tt>


    public static String readString() {

        return scanner.next();



     * Reads the next token from standard input, parses it as an integer, and returns the integer.

     * @return the next integer on standard input

     * @throws InputMismatchException if the next token cannot be parsed as an <tt>int</tt>


    public static int readInt() {

        return scanner.nextInt();



     * Reads the next token from standard input, parses it as a double, and returns the double.

     * @return the next double on standard input

     * @throws InputMismatchException if the next token cannot be parsed as a <tt>double</tt>


    public static double readDouble() {

        return scanner.nextDouble();



     * Reads the next token from standard input, parses it as a float, and returns the float.

     * @return the next float on standard input

     * @throws InputMismatchException if the next token cannot be parsed as a <tt>float</tt>


    public static float readFloat() {

        return scanner.nextFloat();



     * Reads the next token from standard input, parses it as a long integer, and returns the long integer.

     * @return the next long integer on standard input

     * @throws InputMismatchException if the next token cannot be parsed as a <tt>long</tt>


    public static long readLong() {

        return scanner.nextLong();



     * Reads the next token from standard input, parses it as a short integer, and returns the short integer.

     * @return the next short integer on standard input

     * @throws InputMismatchException if the next token cannot be parsed as a <tt>short</tt>


    public static short readShort() {

        return scanner.nextShort();



     * Reads the next token from standard input, parses it as a byte, and returns the byte.

     * @return the next byte on standard input

     * @throws InputMismatchException if the next token cannot be parsed as a <tt>byte</tt>


    public static byte readByte() {

        return scanner.nextByte();



     * Reads the next token from standard input, parses it as a boolean,

     * and returns the boolean.

     * @return the next boolean on standard input

     * @throws InputMismatchException if the next token cannot be parsed as a <tt>boolean</tt>:

     *    <tt>true</tt> or <tt>1</tt> for true, and <tt>false</tt> or <tt>0</tt> for false,

     *    ignoring case


    public static boolean readBoolean() {

        String s = readString();

        if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("true"))

            return true;

        if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("false"))

            return false;

        if (s.equals("1"))

            return true;

        if (s.equals("0"))

            return false;

        throw new InputMismatchException();



     * Reads all remaining tokens from standard input and returns them as an array of strings.

     * @return all remaining tokens on standard input, as an array of strings


    public static String[] readAllStrings() {

        // we could use readAll.trim().split(), but that's not consistent

        // because trim() uses characters 0x00..0x20 as whitespace

        String[] tokens = WHITESPACE_PATTERN.split(readAll());

        if (tokens.length == 0 || tokens[0].length() > 0)

            return tokens;

        // don't include first token if it is leading whitespace

        String[] decapitokens = new String[tokens.length - 1];

        for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length - 1; i++)

            decapitokens[i] = tokens[i + 1];

        return decapitokens;



     * Reads all remaining lines from standard input and returns them as an array of strings.

     * @return all remaining lines on standard input, as an array of strings


    public static String[] readAllLines() {

        ArrayList<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>();

        while (hasNextLine()) {



        return lines.toArray(new String[0]);



     * Reads all remaining tokens from standard input, parses them as integers, and returns

     * them as an array of integers.

     * @return all remaining integers on standard input, as an array

     * @throws InputMismatchException if any token cannot be parsed as an <tt>int</tt>


    public static int[] readAllInts() {

        String[] fields = readAllStrings();

        int[] vals = new int[fields.length];

        for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++)

            vals[i] = Integer.parseInt(fields[i]);

        return vals;

