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import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.time.Month;/** from 时 代 J a v a**/ import java.time.ZoneId; import java.time.ZoneOffset; import java.time.ZonedDateTime; import java.time.zone.ZoneRules; public class Main { public static void report(LocalDateTime checkOut,ZoneId checkOutZone, LocalDateTime checkIn, ZoneId checkInZone) { ZonedDateTime beginTrip = ZonedDateTime.of(checkOut, checkOutZone); System.out.println("Trip Begins: " + beginTrip); // Get the rules of the check out time zone ZoneRules checkOutZoneRules = checkOutZone.getRules(); System.out.println("Checkout Time Zone Rules: " + checkOutZoneRules); // If the trip took 4 days ZonedDateTime beginPlus = beginTrip.plusDays(4); System.out.println("Four Days Later: " + beginPlus); /**N o w J a v a . c o m**/ // End of trip in starting time zone ZonedDateTime endTripOriginalZone = ZonedDateTime.of(checkIn, checkOutZone); ZonedDateTime endTrip = ZonedDateTime.of(checkIn, checkInZone); int diff = endTripOriginalZone.compareTo(endTrip); String diffStr = (diff >= 0) ? "NO" : "YES"; System.out.println("End trip date/time in original zone: "+ endTripOriginalZone); System.out.println("End trip date/time in check-in zone: " + endTrip); System.out.println("Original Zone Time is less than new zone time? " + diffStr); ZoneId checkOutZoneId = beginTrip.getZone(); ZoneOffset checkOutOffset = beginTrip.getOffset(); ZoneId checkInZoneId = endTrip.getZone(); ZoneOffset checkInOffset = endTrip.getOffset(); System.out.println("Check out zone and offset: " + checkOutZoneId + checkOutOffset); System.out.println("Check in zone and offset: " + checkInZoneId + checkInOffset); } public static