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import java.util.ArrayList; public class Main {// 来自 nowjava public static void main(String[] args) { Integer[] integers = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; ArrayList<Integer> integerList = new ArrayList<>(); // insert elements in integerList for (Integer element : integers) integerList.add(element); System.out.printf("integerList contains: %s%n", integerList); System.out.printf("Total of the elements in integerList: %.0f%n%n", sum(integerList)); // create, initialize and output ArrayList of Doubles, then // display total of the elements Double[] doubles = {1.1, 3.3, 5.5};/** from 时代Java**/ ArrayList<Double> doubleList = new ArrayList<>(); // insert elements in doubleList for (Double element : doubles) doubleList.add(element); System.out.printf("doubleList contains: %s%n", doubleList); System.out.printf("Total of the elements in doubleList: %.1f%n%n", sum(doubleList)); // create, initialize and output ArrayList of Numbers containing // both Integers and Doubles, then display total of the elements Number[] numbers = {1, 2.4, 3, 4.1}; // Integers and Doubles ArrayList<Number> numberList = new ArrayList<>(); // insert elements in numberList for (Number element : numbers) numberList.add(element); System.out.printf("numberList contains: %s%n", numberList); System.out.printf("Total of the elements in numberList: %.1f%n", sum(numberList)); } // total the elements; using a wildcard in the ArrayList parameter public