集册 Java实例教程 存储学生姓名和平均成绩的学生班级。


欢马劈雪     最近更新时间:2020-01-02 10:19:05

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public class Main
* NowJava.com 


   public static void main(String[] args)


      Student account1 = new Student("James Bond", 93.5);

      Student account2 = new Student("Michael Bates", 72.75); 

      System.out.printf("%s's letter grade is: %s%n", 

         account1.getName(), account1.getLetterGrade());      

      System.out.printf("%s's letter grade is: %s%n", 

         account2.getName(), account2.getLetterGrade());      



class Student 


   private String name; 

   private double average; // from N o w  J a v a  .   c o m

   // constructor initializes instance variables

   public Student(String name, double average)


      this.name = name;

      // validate that average is > 0.0 and <= 100.0; otherwise,

      // keep instance variable average's default value (0.0)

      if (average > 0.0) {

         if (average <= 100.0){

            this.average = average; // assign to instance variable




   // sets the Student's name

   public void setName(String name)


      this.name = name; 


   // retrieves the Student's name

   public String getName()


      return name;


   // sets the Student's average

   public void setAverage(double average)


      // validate that average is > 0.0 and <= 100.0; otherwise,

      // keep instance variable average's current value  

      if (average > 0.0) {

         if (average <= 100.0){

            this.average = average; // assign to instance variable




   // retrieves the Student's average

   public double getAverage()


      return average;


   // determines and returns the Student's letter grade

   public String getLetterGrade()


      String letterGrade = ""; // initialized to empty String

      if (average >= 90.0)

         letterGrade = 