POM文件内容: |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
| This POM builds hamcrest core. | | There are some key informations
to know about the generated classes: | Upon building a class named
"BaseMatchers" will be generated. This will take place after compiling
all classes. | So be sure to class "mvn package", not only "mvn
compile". | Do not use clean target with other targets. "mvn clean
package" will result in a package without the generated class. |
Instead call "mvn clean" and "mvn package" seperately. | | Some notes
for installing, releasing, deploying: | Be sure to generate source and
javadoc jars AFTER packaging to contain the generated class. | Call
"mvn clean" and "mvn package source:jar javadoc:jar". | To generate a
bundle for uploading to the central maven repository you have to split
the packaging. This prevents the | generation of the class after
signing the jar what would break the integrity of the signed archive:
| Call "mvn clean", "mvn package source:jar javadoc:jar" and "mvn
package source:jar javadoc:jar gpg:sign repository:bundle-create"
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<name>Hamcrest library</name>
<description>Hamcrest library of matcher implementations.</description>
<name>New BSD License</name>
<mkdir dir="target/generated-sources" />
<property name="maven_classpath" refid="maven.compile.classpath" />
<javac srcdir="target/generated-sources" destdir="target/classes">
<pathelement path="${maven_classpath}" />